Tag Archives: Jeaniene Frost

Starting to heat up

It’s starting to heat up! Unfortunately I’m not talking about my office, which still shows a dismal 2.9 degrees outside my window. I’m still wearing boots, two sweaters, and yep, long johns. (TMI?) No, I’m not talking about the weather, I’m talking about the Undead Pool tour! [ Am I coming near you? Here’s the list of cities. ]

Today I’ve got something really special to tell you about. It’s a joint, live conversation with me, Jeaniene Frost [Cat and Bones, anyone?] and our host, Gwen Reyes of Fresh Fiction. I’ve done a panel before with Jeaniene, and what struck me the most was our wildly different writing techniques–and yet we still get to the same place: a finished book, proving to me that there’s no wrong way to write a book other than to stop writing.

I’m looking forward to this already, and because we expect there to be a lot of interest, they’ve opened up the system already to get yourself registered and your machines talking. Just follow the link to sign up and get in on the conversation.



Filed under Drama Box

Unbound’s Upcoming Radio Show.

It was a masterpiece of juggling, but my editor, Diana Gill, managed to somehow find a spot of time that we would all be available, and we have a unique opportunity coming up in September.  All five of the contributors in the UNBOUND anthology will be together (by phone) to answer your questions about our stories or our experiences in the writing industry in general. 

Unbound Radio Show

If you have ever been to one of these live Internet radio broadcast’s before, you’ll know they are a lot of fun.  I usually have one or two familar names from my drama box call in, and I love hearing from them.  I’ll have more info as we get closer to the date, but if you want to take advantage of the live chat that goes along with it, you might want to drop in a day or so before the program to get your system and their system talking.  With all five of us there, it’s going to be FUN!



Filed under Drama Box, Urban Fantasy

Urban Fantasy “Unbound” Video

To help celebrate the upcoming anthology release, Harper has made available a video that we made at Comic Con NY, last year.  I have the one of Jocelynn Drake and myself here, but if I can snag it, I’ll put up the one that Vicki Pettersson and Jeaniene Frost made as well.  Melissa Marr couldn’t make it to the convention, or she’d be in here too!  Enjoy! 

(Kim doing the happy dance for figuring out how to embed the video here) 

Unbound is due out August 25th.  My novella is from Jenks’s point of view.  He was too much fun to work with!  –Kim


Filed under Drama Box

Unbound Anthology due in August

Monday!  And I’m back in the office.  Whoo-hoo!  (No, seriously, I’m excited.)  We pulled back into Rock Hill Saturday, giving us all day Sunday to recoup from vacation.  Somedays, I think Guy and I relax too hard.

UnboundI’ll be spending the next couple of weeks with Rachel brushing up the next full-length Hollows novel, titled Black Magic Sanction.  Guy is already putting together the tour Ts, and they look wicked.  (grin)  We’ll have them available closer to the year-end holidays.

But if you’re pining for some Hollows magic, I do have a Bis/Jenks novella coming out at the end of August in the Unbound anthology.  I’ve read all the novellas in this, and it is a fabulous line up of hand-picked authors in the urban fantasy genre.  Vicki Pettersson has a Signs of the Zodiac story you don’t want to miss.  Jocelynn Drake has fleshed out one of her characters from her Dark Day’s series.  Jeaniene Frost has a Bones novella for those who love the guy, and Melissa Marr introduces a new story line. 

I’ve got some very cool, long awaited news to tell you tomorrow.  (No, they aren’t making a Hollows move, so relax.)  😉  –Kim


Filed under Drama Box

UNBOUND due out in August

UnboundOkay, I made it to Tuesday.  And there is absolutely nothing going on in the Harrison household.  Guy took charge of the computer issue and got me a better machine with a “quiet” package and a few other perks for the same cost.  It’s shipping out when we get back from vacation.  He’s the man, I tell you.  We’ve been together over 20 years, and he has his skill set, and I have mine, and I’ve got no problem turning tasks that make me frustrated over to him.  And he shines!  (He’s a shiny guy)

My workload has shifted, too.  The ms I was waiting for still hasn’t arrived, meaning that it was shipped regular mail, not express.  There is no way I can do a line edit/light rewrite of an entire manuscript in three days, so it’s shelved until I get back.  Between now and my escape, I’m finishing up my personal edit of the third Madison book.  I should have it done by Friday, and then I can shelve it, knowing that it’s in pretty good shape, then turn my eyes to the Hollows, and hit the “go” button.

That’s going to be a good day, because the Hollows has a ton of ideas I want to get on paper.  More Al.  More Trent.  OMGosh, even Nick shows up, the slime.  And a new big-bad-ugly to take us to the end of the series.  (Not that it’s any time soon.)  Can’t wait.

Now that it’s July, it’s not too soon to start talking about the Bis and Jenks novella that is coming out August 25th through Eos.  UNBOUND.  This one is a handpicked collection of urban fantasy authors, and I had the chance to read them when the page proofs came in.  They are all fabulous!  The author lineup is me (Hollows novella), Vicki Pettersson (Signs of the Zodiac novella), Jocelynn Drake (Dark Day’s novella), Melissa Marr (new story line),  and Jeaniene Frost (Bones novella)  More as we get closer, but really, these are super stories, and that they are novellas means it’s a nice chunk of read.


Filed under Drama Box