Tag Archives: BookTalk Nation

Booktalk Nation tonight!

Jeaniene Frost and I will be having a live chat _tonight_ at 7:00 PM EST. (That’s 4:00 PM out on the West Coast.) You can listen in on your phone, just as if you were at a signing event. We’ll be taking questions from the audience and twitter. (ask at @booktalknation)

To get the call-in number and reserve your spot, head on over to Booktalk Nation. They will be offering a signed-book outlet during the chat as well, so if you know you won’t be able to get to a signing this year, this might be a good substitute. (If you’re international, hang in there. I’ll have an outlet for you on Monday.)

Booktalk Nation Jeaniene Frost and Kim Harrison chat.



Filed under Drama Box

Winners and live chat

TUPtprintingAlthough this is the last give-away I’m doing, we aren’t quite done with the read-along yet, just starting EVER AFTER this week. It’s been a great couple of months as some of you re-read the entire series in preparation for the publication of THE UNDEAD POOL, picking up a few readers along the way. This, though, will be the last give-away, as frankly I’ll be too swamped with last-minute preparations for the tour to be handling a give-away. Guy, too, is working hard getting those tour-T’s out. He’s picked up the last order (placed from late November to Feb 3rd) and about a third of them are in the mail right now, headed your way. I got to go out to the printer, so don’t be surprised if, in a few years, I use the setting in a book.


Click to get sign-in code

Just as a reminder, Jeaniene Frost and I are having a live chat Thursday night. (7:00 pm, EST) If I’ve got this right, you can listen in through your phone, and if everything goes well, ask Jeaniene and me a question right then and there. Signed books will be available, too, but it’s the chat I’m excited about. To get your call-in code to join in, follow the link and sign up. It helps them figure out how many people are going to participate so they can put in the right set of protocols.  Booktalk Nation.

A -a-a-a-and, the winners of the last prize pack including Rachel’s pack tattoo and two signed hard cover books are:
Amy K Delaney
Heather B.
Rebeca Klingsten

Congratulations! Check your in-box for an email from me. You have until Friday, noon, (2/14) to return my email with your mailing address to claim your prize pack. If I don’t hear from you, I’ll give it away to the next person on the list.


Filed under Drama Box

Starting to heat up

It’s starting to heat up! Unfortunately I’m not talking about my office, which still shows a dismal 2.9 degrees outside my window. I’m still wearing boots, two sweaters, and yep, long johns. (TMI?) No, I’m not talking about the weather, I’m talking about the Undead Pool tour! [ Am I coming near you? Here’s the list of cities. ]

Today I’ve got something really special to tell you about. It’s a joint, live conversation with me, Jeaniene Frost [Cat and Bones, anyone?] and our host, Gwen Reyes of Fresh Fiction. I’ve done a panel before with Jeaniene, and what struck me the most was our wildly different writing techniques–and yet we still get to the same place: a finished book, proving to me that there’s no wrong way to write a book other than to stop writing.

I’m looking forward to this already, and because we expect there to be a lot of interest, they’ve opened up the system already to get yourself registered and your machines talking. Just follow the link to sign up and get in on the conversation.



Filed under Drama Box