Week 4, ARC Giveaway: Trent, Al, Kisten, Ivy

***** UPDATE 5/6/21 ***** We have a winner for the fourth of ten ARC giveaways. Amy H. was lucky number 204 out of nearly 1000 entries, and she has already e-mailed me back to claim her ARC and freebie! Come back Friday for a new question to answer to enter the next giveaway! Congratulations, Amy! And thank you everyone who played along.

Relationships in the Hollows hold no guarantee. Waxing and waining, they often end abruptly leaving a great gaping holes that I get letters over. Today, I want to know who your first Hollows crush is/was. Steadfast Ivy? Frenemey turned lover Trent? All powerful Big Al? Or a loving memory of Kisten, cut down as he became who he wanted to be? (or someone completely different?)


And because I like giving things away, if you email Tim your answer, you will be in the flash-giveaway for the next  ARC of Million Dollar Demon.  Want to enter? Here’s how this week!

AmericanDemon_FBImages_v2_CopyUsing an email you have access to for the next five days, email Tim at <coldtoastwritingsllc@comcast.net>  Put “Hollows crush” in the subject line so we know you’re entering the contest. In the email, tell me who your Hollows crush is/was. (Tell me why here as well to help boost shares and get you some bonus points–which get you nothing except the chance to wax about your book beau or girl.) One entry per household please.

I will cut off entries at midnight, PST on Monday, May 3. I will announce the winner on Tuesday morning, AND email them for the address they want me to mail the ARC to as well as find out if and how they want me to sign it.  Winners will have until the coming Thursday midnight to get back to me to claim the ARC and tell me their mailing address. If I don’t hear from you by Thursday midnight, the ARC goes back in the pool and I will give away two next week.

Out of the U.S? You can still enter. ARCs have no cash value, though they may get held up in customs forever. Books will go out UPS or USPS, whatever is faster. Chance of winning depends upon how many enter. Winners will be chosen by a random number generator, and I can’t be responsible for mail that goes astray.

That’s it. But do come back next Friday to enter again with a new question. I’ve got a bunch of these to give away until release day on June 15th. Even better, I finally got the ARCS from the publishers, and they are real, bound galleys that we’re used to. This is an extremely limited print run due to covid, and I’m so thankful to have them to give out to you

Good luck!

If you want to skip the chaos and pre-order a signed, personalized copy, I have a list of my favorite stores. If you like your local store where they are, please consider ordering from them. Not just my book, but any book. If you want a signed-to-you copy, Nicola’s is our only outlet this year. (They also have signed mass markets of American Demon, which just came out!) You can find them at the same link. I will also have beautiful, signed book plates at Mysterious Galaxy, Murder by the Book, and the University Bookstore.

Kim’s Favorite Stores



Filed under Drama Box

39 responses to “Week 4, ARC Giveaway: Trent, Al, Kisten, Ivy

  1. Dy

    Quen. Strong when needed but so gentle with Ceri and Ray. Loyal to a fault and willing to get his hands dirty for a cause he believes in. Trent’s Jiminy Cricket with a solid moral compass.

    Or, if I was tiny, Jenks. I drooled over people-sized Jenks…

  2. Trent for sure I love him with Rachel

  3. Jen Tanner

    Trent is my crush. I loved watching Rachel slowly wear him down and see his change of heart.

  4. I always liked Ivy, even though I’ve never liked Vampires (and didn’t trust her in the beginning, ha). She is the very example of a true “life partner” accepting all the complications, struggles, and ups and downs in life with Love, even though she often didn’t define it, or understand it as such.

  5. Trent! Who doesn’t love a bad boy that might not be quite as bad as we think…

  6. Lorie

    Kim- was so sad when Kisten passed. Ya wrote it well I believed in him and wanted him to win so much. He believed in his true path and was walking it. I was rooting for he and Rachel when he was cut down. Ugh. I was so not ready to give him up!

  7. Megan

    It’s always been Trent even when he was a jerk! I guess I have a thing for powerful men with a soft side. I always knew that soft side was in there somewhere!

  8. S. Spears

    Trent is by far my favorite. Although the others are fantastic and they all love Rachel, he just has this connection to her. He is smitten without even realizing it. True star crossed lovers. Its not really something I expected in the beginning. But it was a welcome surprise. The best part is they are startlingly opposite in so many ways. It makes them the perfect compliment to each other. I truly can not wait to hear more stories about Rachel and her amazing friends.

  9. Tonja Jackson

    I love David. He is sexy, loyal, smart and just yummy. I wish there was more David. I like the guys and part of me says Al, but hearing him described in his true form would terrify me just a bit. He would be like fire and ice. He is fierce and ever so broken…he only needs the love of a good solid woman.

  10. Amanda

    It was always Trent! Even when he seemed like the villain! I always had a feeling about him and couldn’t wait for moments with them together! However Kist’s death was heartbreaking for me.

  11. Tim Peyton

    I will ALWAYS have a place in my heart for Jenks!!! So much wiser and much more intelligent than he ever let on. His loyalty has always been an inspiration. Love Jenks with all my heart!!!

  12. Drooling over Kisten. I played the book in my head like a movie

  13. Lane Michelle Wood

    Ivy and the Pierce or Marshall that exists in my head.

  14. Jennifer cummings

    Kisten for me all the way. Rachel taught him the man he could be and that he was worthy of love. Rachel was taught the love she could have.

  15. Amy Phillips

    I think for me, it’s always been Kisten. Although I really do love AL, too!

  16. Vickie Wendt

    Kisten. Always Kisten.

  17. You said 1st crush, so Kisten! Sexy bad boy was tempting, but when he got a room full of vamps line dancing, I was a goner.

    Ps. When the houseboat’s a rocking, don’t bother knocking.

  18. Jessica Jonas

    The more I got to know Trent, the more I liked/loved him. He always does what He thinks is best for the people He loves, sorta like Rachel

  19. calikat1

    Trent always. Not sure why. There was just something about him. I still remember his unhappy face when he thought Rachel might have been killed in the rat fight.

  20. Jim Woltman

    Jrixibell. I like short women and her name is pretty hot!

  21. Betty Smith

    Thank you for continuing the series. I have been literarily lost without it. It was Kist, but Hodin sounds very mysterious and brooding.

  22. Kristine Teets

    Ceri. I may have done the same stupid thing when I was young, you know talking to Al. I probably would think there’s more to them and I could learn stuff from them yada yada.
    I’d love to have conversations with her. Even though she’s been Al’s slave for a thousand years, she’s still wise but she’s open to other ideas. Love her.

  23. It would have to be Kisten. Please bring him back!

  24. Tina Vernagell

    Oh so Kisten! He was definitely my first crush, but agree Trent has grown on me a ton

  25. Amy

    Kist started it all. I was so sad what happened to kist. Trent has definitely shown up for rachel though

  26. Katrina Coe

    I actually liked Trent even though he was a jerk wad to start

  27. Diane G

    Over the course of several books, he’s the character that I’ve grown to love the most, and who I’d definitely want as a close friend and beau. Since it’s a fantasy… size does not matter, now does it?

  28. Andrew Hanes

    I always have to favor Kisten. Not in the crush manner, but because I desire to be like him. He did everything within his power to become the person he wanted and not what others around him wanted him to be. It is tragic that he was cut down before reaching his true potential. However, the path he took has inspired me to start my journey to becoming the person I desire to be.

  29. Melissa M

    I’ve actually always crushed on Rachel Mariana Morgan herself… She is so strong but unsure at the same time; she always worked to make things better for her friends and family; and she’s daring and bold. Love her.

    If I’m picking one for Rachel, though, Kisten was always my favorite. I like Trent but Kisten was some kind of ideal in my head when I first read his part of the story.

  30. Tiffany Willeford

    It has been and will always be Kist. He was the best for Rachel. He got her to be more confident and embrace who she was. Everytime I read his death I sob (I re read the series from the beginning with each new book that comes out.) and end up depressed for a few days after reading. His death was the hardest to swallow, that’s why Kim is my favorite author.

  31. bellavaruka

    I found the 5th book in the Hollows on a work computer years ago and listened to it in rapt attention not knowing it was a series. Because I skipped ahead past poor Kristen’s death, I knew not to get attached to him. I’ve been TEAM TRENT from the beginning due to my chronological mishap.

  32. Carrie Enstrom

    Like a previous comment, it would have totally been Kisten. But but with the dynamics of all the characters I choose Al. He is fiercely wicked, but can be a gentleman, in his demon style, when he wants/needs to be. And we can’t forget about Jenks with his loyalty to his friends and family…he’s pretty fly for a short guy! (Couldn’t help myself!)

  33. Amber W.


    If I was a pixy, I’d want to marry Jenks! I know he loved Matalina and she was wonderful but he needs a second love! He has so much love for Rachel and Ivy and his kids, he deserves love too!

  34. Sascha

    Stil kisten. Ifdreams could come true, but I keepdreaming,

  35. David has always had my heart with his quiet strength 🥰

  36. marvolosriddle

    David Hue, no question. He’s brave, strong, and he looks like Hugh Jackman as Van Helsing in my head. Yes, please!! ❤️❤️❤️

  37. Audry messersmith

    A few years ago it would have been Kist. Cool confident sexy Kist, but now it’s Trent. The more we get to know Trent, you see the inner workings of his mind. He isn’t ruthless to be cruel, it has a purpose. He takes care of his loved ones at all costs even to himself.

  38. Sarah

    I don’t do the book bf but I liked Trent from the get go!!

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