University Books in Seattle


The last time I’d been to University Books in Seattle was for the Ever After tour, so we had a great crowd upstairs with lots of backlist titles to sign!

Family photo! 
Here I am with my Seattle roadies! Click for a high resolution photo for yourself. It was great seeing you guys again, and some new faces, too.

You know I like my little furrys!

Duane and me, the guru of the fantasy and SF section.
He’s not short. I’m standing on a chair. 🙂

For the rest of the photos taken at University Books, go here


Also, if you are a member of Goodreads, they are having a contest from now to the 21st. to give away 30 copies of the book. U.S. only, please.



Filed under Drama Box

4 responses to “University Books in Seattle

  1. Lauren

    Just Finished the Turn. Loved it so much. I really can’t get enough Hollows. Any chance of more Turn time books?

  2. Pingback: The Turn – Kim Harrison – This girl's adventures in life

  3. Vampyre

    Whoa! That’s one big guy. I know you’re not a super short person so he is a biggin.

    I hope the tour is going well. The Turn is very good and I’m enjoying it at about a chapter a day. I’m trying to make it last.

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