tongue-in-cheek PSA

I know I’ve been sparse lately on the posting, and I promise I will try to return to my usual schedule next week with a fresh outlook that this weekend will hopefully provide.

Honest truth? I will admit that I’m having a hard time emotionally with this last rough draft. I’ve been through this before, but never this hard simply because Rachel and crew mean so much to me. It’s better if I keep a low profile until I get through the worst of it. People being massively creative become irrational and their actions a little off-kilter when they’re struggling with the imagined world they’re shaping and the real one demanding its own share of their attention–and every serious writer out there knows exactly what I’m talking about. I’ve got four more weeks of this, and I hope you stick with me until I can be nice again.

Guy is taking the brunt of it even as I recognize what’s going on and try to minimize it, so if you want to send him a sympathy card, it’s at the same address as the SASE. -laugh-


Filed under Drama Box

36 responses to “tongue-in-cheek PSA

  1. Sorry to hear you’re having trouble, but I thought you might find this amusing: a friend of mine, Vera Nazarian, just published “a comprehensive guide to attractive supernatural love”, which reminded me of the vampire dating guide in your books. It’s available on Kindle for free, if you’re interested:

    Should at least be worth a giggle or two. šŸ˜‰

  2. nicholasb

    Dear Ms Kim

    Don’t worry about it too much. This is not the first time I imagine that a marriage partner has taken one for the team – as Guy is doing for all us avidly waiting readers out here.

    When my better half goes through such a spell, I pretend to be all wounded and emotionally maimed – much more than I am of course. I can then use this to guilt her with later…

    Always works, but because women are very perceptive about these things it is important for us guys not to come on too strongly afterwards.

    Keep your head high!!

    Kind regards

    Nicholas Badenhorst

  3. I am hoping to be a author and with one novel done and # 2 in works, I understand and I love your characters so much that I will hang with you until the end and beyond. I even like Pet Shop Boys. I simply love your writing voice/style. It is a blessing that I found it and I will hang around until the end.

  4. Dear Kim,
    of course I will stick with you!^^ You are an amazing writer!
    You can do it! *motivation dance*
    Lots of love

  5. alexis

    Thank you, faithlowery, for answering my question about the end? of the Rachel Morgan/The Hollows books for Kim. i am sorry that the series will come to an end soon!!! withdrawl symptoms starting already!!! Kim is such a great writer!! The Hollows is such an awesome world!! will miss all the characters!!

  6. jkh

    I picked up Into the Woods on Friday 11/30 and I. Gulped. It. I’ll be picking up my own copy when it goes to paperback format because I’ll want to read over several parts of the second section especially. Then I read Faith Hunter’s first Rogue Mage and pretty much did the same thing. Lots of alternate universe to learn about, and great story. Thank you for introducing me to her!

  7. megan warren

    Kim, i have never been much of a reader but my girlfriend of 4 years is a die hard fan. We live in Washington state and are fortunate enough to live close to Seattle to come see you in January. The reason why i’m writing is to humbly ask a favor. Amy has asked me for you 2 newest books a perfect blood and ever after. Obviously i can get one right now but the other isn’t available until after Christmas. I love her with all my heart and we have been working so hard to survive.. and i haven’t done anything special for her in a long time so i’m asking you to help. Can you sent us a signed copy of ever after for Christmas? If not i understand bit please let me know
    Thank you

    • jkh

      Megan, dear, I love that you love your sweetheart so much. “Ever After” won’t be available until January 22. You can purchase a signed copy of “A Perfect Blood” by mail-ordering from Nicola’s Books (see the first page of this site) to put under your tree, and buy a copy of “Ever After” for Kim to sign when she’s at University Bookstore. I know it’s 20-some bucks each, and I completely understand the livin’ lean scene. I’m there, myself. Hope I could help, if just a little.

    • jkh

      Here’s the number for Nicola’s Books: 743 662 0600.

    • Megan Warren

      Thank you so much. You have been a great help see you in January

  8. Hang in there, Kim. We will all be here waiting for you when you work through this and come out the other side with a story that satisfies you. This ‘temporary insanity’ is just you coming to terms with letting go of something that has been such a huge part of your life for a long time. This, too, shall pass. Meanwhile, take a deep breath and try to enjoy what time you have left with your Hollows ‘children’! šŸ˜‰

  9. Kim, the Hollows means the world to many of us, hell, I escape there every chance I get. But mostly, it’s your world, that you’ve finely crafted, and honed. Every syllable of every word and sentence that makes the hollows someplace we love, with the people we love, it’s all yours. So while we mourn the ending of the series, it’s a whole separate pain for you. It’s been a wild ride, and while I lament the end is near…. I have enjoyed it every step of the way. Thank you for giving us, The Hollows. We love you & of course we’ll stick it out while you go through this. It’s the least we can do. ALL the sympathies to Guy….

  10. Erica

    Hang in there! We know it will be great in the end. Oh and thanks for Jane Yellowrock. Just finished her series. Loved her/beast. Can’t wait for more šŸ™‚

  11. I wish you and Guy the best these last 4 weeks, but I am not that surprised that this is hard. I’d actually be more worried if this was easy. I’ve been a reader since 2005 and it’s hands down my favorite series EVER. I struggle with the idea of it ending because it’s like losing a best friend, but at the same time I’m looking forward to Rachel and the gang achieving happiness. They’ve earned it. I’m not even a crier when it comes to fiction, but I know that last book is going to do me in, and I’m probably going to mourn it for some time.

    So if me as fan struggles with it, I imagine that anything YOU are feeling as the creator will be multiplied at LEAST tenfold. All good things must come to an end one way or another, but at least you have the proverbial balls to let Rachel go out with a bang. I respect that immensely.

  12. The fact that you are struggling and suffering with the last draft proves how much The Hollows and the characters mean to you. How much you care shines through all the books and stories and the blog, so it’s not surprising that ending the series is hard for you. And when you add in starting out on an unknown path with a new series–well, there’s bound to be some rough patches! You and Guy hang in there, and know how much support you both have out here in the world!

    Maybe when you’re ending your next series in 10-12 years, it will be easier after having gone through it now šŸ™‚

  13. Thank you for sharing. As involved as we readers have become with Rachel and the crew, it only makes sense that you, their creator would be having a rough time. I think most if not all your fans will understand. I do.

    I get grumpy if I miss my lunch time. LOL

  14. jkh

    We are so blessed by your willingness to share your writing techniques and the process, as well a peeks into your “real” life and how you manage to meld them. And again, having seen you and Guy once in person, I rejoice in your shared love, mutual support, and the energy that flows between you. I should be so lucky!

  15. Martin

    Hello Ms. Harrison,

    Finishing a long term project, (you’ve been writing these for what? 13-14 years? longer, maybe?) even a successful project, can bring a sense of loss and grief. Losing a job, changing a residence, friends moving away, can all be traumatic. It’s facing the unknown, realizing the future is changing, It’s good you see what’s happening. Being aware can help everyone adjust. Your fans will support you!! We’ll support Guy too.

  16. Hey Lady! Take all the time you need as far as I’m concerned. As much as I’m ready to read the next book, I’m also dreading how much closer to the end that will be. Thank you so much for sharing these characters and their adventures (and misadventures) with us. You can do this!

  17. I echo Vampyre’s words, Kim. And thank you for taking time to fill us in on the not-so-nice times writers must face when writing their stories. I may take you up on the sympathy card to Guy. He could probably use a little fandom himself while you’re going through this.

  18. Aww. These characters have been with you for so long it must be difficult to finish their stories and move on. Almost like you’re moving away and leaving a piece of yourself behind. A very special and important piece. Although I’m not looking forward to the end of the Hollows, I’m eager to read what you are writing now that I know it’s affecting you so. Maybe a box of tissue with the sympathy card?

  19. Sherri

    To my understanding there will be 13 books so its not the end yet. šŸ™‚

    • You’re right, there are 13 books. Kim likes to work way ahead of her dead lines. Even though the last book wont be released for nearly 3 years, she is working on it now.


  20. vampgirl1988

    sorry your have a hard time it must be hard to end such a damn good series !!!! as far as guy he’ll be ok i hope šŸ™‚ !!!!!!

  21. vampyre

    Hang in there ma’am,

    We’ll be here when your literary pohn-far is over. Guy has my sympathy but, he knew the job was dangerous when he took it. šŸ˜‰


  22. Robin Layton

    Is it really the end? OH NO, I didn’t know this. I haven’t read the back-log of blog posts.

  23. alexis

    Sorry u r struggling. but i wondered, from u’re post, are u hinting this the last RachelMorgan-Hollows book?

    • Hi Alexis.
      If I were you, I’d want an answer to my question; yes, The Hollows is coming to an end. I think she has signed up with her publisher to write 12-13 books in the series, (Ever After is book 11)…. I *think* there is to be one more past it, and that will be the last. If you want an exact answer, you can go back through the Drama Box and you will find it in prior entries this year, but that is as close to a solid answer as I could give you, personally. I figured I would, since Kim is in her 4 week window of .,,, emotions. Take care & I hope this helps.

    • Martin

      13 books, 3 more to be released.

  24. Amber Voyles

    I can not imagine what it must be like trying to get through finding a concluision to someone like Rachel Morgan story. Of course your true fans will stick by you as long as you need. Keep up the amazing work!! šŸ™‚

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