January 22, 2013

I’m moving!  But not my house.  I’ve got some great news for all of you who have read A PERFECT BLOOD and are chomping for the next installment.  After a long time with my publishing date being the last Tuesday in February, we are shifting it up in the schedule to January!  Whoo-hoo!  Look for EVER-AFTER the fourth Tuesday in January.  🙂   That January 22, 2013.   I’m hoping that we get a few more southerly stops this year.

If you’re used to getting your tour T for Valentine’s day, you need to re-think your plans as we will be offering them starting Halloween, and ending before Christmas.


Filed under Drama Box

58 responses to “January 22, 2013

  1. I see you started your countdown clock already. Please remember to keep us east coast fans on your tour schedule again. You know we love you!
    Yay for you!!

  2. Jan V

    Hey Kim. You know anyone with a pack of Husky dogs and a sled?
    Cause if you do a Michigan signing in January? I’m gonna need that number…lol

  3. The Hollows out a month early?! That’s just too much for my fangirl brain! Love it love it!

  4. Victoria Eskey

    I love it! *^_^* that’s one less month to wait!!
    I have hit my wall in my writing, a really big intimidating wall. I’m trying not to get discouraged, but I just can’t put any words on the screen. Oh well. I’m going to start some artwork for my concept. Hopefully the change of medium will spark something.
    Happy New-Publication Date day!

  5. jkh

    This is most excellent news! I will probably have Christmas money earmarked for your January release!

  6. A new bright star in my skyful – now, to plug in the date on my calendar.

  7. Anna

    Wow!! Thats great! 🙂

  8. Gail S

    Hi Kim, Awesome news! All us ‘Morganites’ are now psyched! 😀 I imagine this move may be a bit more stressful for you with the holidays so close to release, but I think this is a great gift for all of us. 🙂 Thank you!

    Any news on the CW moving forward with the TV series? Imquiring minds want to know.

    Have a great week!

  9. The earlier the better. This is the first Alternative World series that has ever really captured my attention. I love the series and characters.

  10. robinconnelly

    Jan. 22, 2013 is my 25th birthday! squee

  11. Vampyre

    Howdy ma’am,

    More southern cities is a good thing too. My car is getting too old for those longer trips. 😉

    While the news about the move is very cool, the news I am chomping at the bit to hear about is the CW deal. With only 3 or 4 months to go before the new fall schedule starts, we should be hearing something soon. Right? I hope they don’t mess it up too much.

    Re-reading the Hollows is almost as good as the first time. (especially considering how much I don’t remember.) It’s fun seeing all the clues you planted about Rachel’s true nature in the earlier books.


    • Thanks, Vampy, I appreciate that. I like expanding on the little things a book or two down the way.
      I should be hearing about the CW deal in June.

  12. Kay

    I am SO glad!!!!

  13. ~Lynn from Haverhill

    Wicked! 🙂

  14. Antonio

    😎 I wonder what the dealio is on the 4th week of the month release? As someone who worked on the distribution side for awhile and supervised book merchandisers, a hardcover that is released so late in the month is probably never going to make it into a hardcover bestseller display. The first week, or the second at the latest, is where you want to be, especially for a month-long display.(shrug) Very few books debut at the bottom of the month and make it into next week’s best-seller display. Just wondering.

    • Antonio, I’m sure there is a logical reason, because as you say, they put me there quite often. I do believe it is the sweet spot. Nora wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t.

  15. Carra

    **WOOHOO** that is ONE day after my birthday, guess we know what Carra want’s for her birthday…. 🙂

  16. Yay! The next book almost for Christmas! Something to look forward to!!! Thank you!

  17. Good news for us! Does the new publication date make your deadline(s) tougher to reach, or are you writing far enough ahead that it won’t make much difference?

    I spent a long weekend on a whirlwind mini-trip to visit family, which was hectic and fun but exhausting, so I’m spending this rainy Monday resting up from that short trip and planning a longer one!

    • I’m writing far enough ahead that it gets absorbed pretty quickly, SiSi, but the freebies and tour T’s just got put on the front burner.

  18. Diva

    Awesome! That’s one less month to wait. I think this news is worthy of a little spoiler tidbit. No? Well, I had to try. -wink-

  19. Lesley


  20. This is so exciting Kim! Thanks for sharing 🙂 Hoping maybe you could reach NC?? Yay!

  21. twiser

    Woohoo indeed! A month earlier is a month closer =D
    Ooo oooo ooo does that mean sooner tidbit? Now that makes for a good start to the day and week.

  22. Kelly

    That is GREAT news to hear on a Monday Morning!!!

  23. Martin

    This is so cool. Do you know yet when it will be available for pre-order?

  24. James R. Fox

    Hi Ms. Kim-its jim from Warren plus Smudge(she’s standing on my lap supervising this,you know how bossy elderly cats get) Glad your weekend was good,mine was great. Do re-read Left Hand of Darkness, and try to get in Always Coming Home as a break from whatever.Tao Te Ching is fab in her rescention (not a translation,according to her). Had a greatStevie Ray Vaughn session,smudge was twitching her tail to the music. Have a great one!

    • jkh

      “Rescention.” I had to go get out the BIG dictionary. You provoked thinking here!

    • James R. Fox

      Hi JKH- I did too. She called it a rescention because her Chinese wasn’t good, she studied it using various english translations, and turned it back to prose poetry. She claims some unknown person showed her efforts to America’s greatest expert on the Tao Te Ching and he published them.(Rem her father and husband were both famous anthropologists) so she was obligated to finish her studies. Many of Ms. Le Guin’s books are founded on Taosim (although she never says so outright,) and she had it read at her memorial service.

    • I’ll do that, Jim. 🙂 Have a great week.

  25. Ron Dunbar

    Hello Ms. Kim, yet again, its Ron (The Army Guy). That title makes me raise an eyebrow everytime I write it, though im pretty sure you sort of know who your more ardent followers are.

    Now, I wanted to share something with you about your writing. I do a little writing myself (nothing serious), and I read an incredible amount, but your writing style is, in my opinion, one of the most refreshing ive ever read. Im a huge follower of Robert Jordan, Orson Scott Card, and Anne McCaffrey, but I really think I enjoy your writing more. Not only is it more real, in the sense that the emotions are really felt, but it maintains a subtle humor despite the seriousness of whatever situation. The ‘family love’ between Rachel, Ivy, and Jenks is incredible.

    All in all, its not just the story you tell that I enjoy, but the manner in which you write it. You have found a most ardent follower in me =P

    SPC Dunbar

    • Thanks, Ron. I really appreciate that! Anne McCaffery is one of my favorite writers, so that means a lot to me.
      And as I always say, if you can’t laugh when you’re at work, then you’re doing it wrong.
      You take care.

  26. surfin4disney

    Dude. **squee**