Cover of A Perfect Blood

It has been out for a while, but this is my official release of the U.S. cover for A PERFECT BLOOD.  Isn’t it beautiful?  I love it!

I’m not really sure who the mysterious man is in the background.  He could be any number of people from the book itself, but that is clearly Rachel in the front.  -grin-  So far, we are seeing her face clearly for the first time on a U.S. cover, and I kind of like it.  Now that I know the colors and feel of the cover for sure, I can start to think about Tour T’s . . .

Happy Friday.  Enjoy the weekend!  I’m thinking I’m going to make something crafty since I jumped the gun and got my curtain up over the week.


Filed under Drama Box

122 responses to “Cover of A Perfect Blood

  1. I love this book cover! The bookies and I have been writing and cross linking all night. We’ve been sitting on our Comic Con posts since Sept 13th going wait, wait, wait, wait for it – okay – this is the week we get to follow you like love struck blog puppies (LOL).

    Went to NYU Bookstore for the blog shot and the Javits Center for the NYCC electronic board shot. Now we’re sitting in Starbucks giggling like little kids because we all have to post our bookie Kim posts before lunch (we have another Google blog bet going – LOL).

    Can’t wait to see you at NYU and Comic Con. Happy Monday! May your writing day be gorgeous and fun. How long are you going to be in NYC? 😉

  2. NICE! another beautiful cover design, they just keep getting better. Hmmm. I know who I hope it is.

  3. StaceySuzanne

    What about Pierce. I still think he and Rachel belong together. He didn’t mean to betray her. And don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the books (I have all of them & the short stories) & Rachel; but Rachel brings on alot of the stuff she goes thru.

  4. Victoria Eskey

    I love the cover!! 🙂 And yes, I think that’s Al in the fog. ^_~ and Val-Oh has done her part in convincing everyone that’s Ally-Cakes…..
    on a side note, I picked up the Demons book you shared a link with us, and was able to indule in Al and Ceri’s short. I also have found quite a few shorts by other authors that rock. (But Algaliarept is always number one.)
    Hope you had a good weekend. I spent mine with family, friends and a beautiful bottle of champagne.

  5. maria

    I think its Trent, I think they should hook up the sexual tension between these two are killing me lol. Maybe they will finally admit that they have a thing for each other and kiss already.

  6. That Rachel is such a wild woman and knows where her strength comes from. Looking forward to the new release, Kim.

    Crafty weekend for me, too. I’m knitting little monsters, a felted cauldron, and some gnome homes for double-pointed needles.

  7. jkh

    Re the cover: Rachel is collecting a bit of rogue energy, split off from a line of power, exploring its unique qualities, considering whether to direct it back to a line.

  8. Jennifer Sparkes

    This cover is definitely amazing. One of my favorites and its dully because you CAN see her face finally. Very nice. Cannot wait for the book to come out, and for your next tour! Good luck with everything, Hope all is well Kim!!

    Jennifer. UK, LA, Now MI 🙂

  9. Mirja

    Can’t wait! Next spring, come soon, please!!!! This cover is my favorite one too, fellow commenters! 🙂

  10. Christina

    It’s totally Al, waiting to pounce. RUN RACHEL!! lol.

    Also, what is the white thing on the left? Is a rock or something else?

  11. Ana

    I can’t wait!!!!!

  12. Carolyn Peabody

    love the cover!

  13. maria

    I soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo love this cover out of all the rest can’t wait for the book release. I already have it on pre-order.

  14. Awesome cover!! My fave by far!!! Can’t wait to read this one!!!

  15. James R. Fox

    Hi Ms. Kim-its Jim from Warren.After looking at the cover more,is that Trent’s bracelet on her upper right arm,or is it a magic totem tattoo, or what? Young chicks are into tattoos these days which is why I wondered

    • Hi Jim. It could be an artistic representation of the bracelet, but I think it’s a tattoo, which Rachel doesn’t have.

      Covers have their own logic, and inconsistencies like that don’t blip on my radar unless they clash with the moral fiber of the character. As in, if Rachel were radically opposed to tattoos, then I would have asked them to change it. But as it is, one tattoo symbolizes a woman who takes risks and is not afraid to be an individual, which is what Rachel is, so it totally works for me.

  16. That is an amazing cover. I was pleased with the UK cover for Pale Demon. I only had a chance to read Pale Demon last weekend. Finished it in a day or so. Absolutely loved it! Needless to say, I can’t wait for A Perfect Blood. On a slightly random side note, I thought you might find it amusing that switching from your book to a Kathy Reichs book, I found myself reading ‘FIB’ rather than ‘FBI’ each and every time it appeared. 😉

  17. Funny… You say this is the first time we see Rachael’s face on the cover? Well hon, EVERY book I have from the hollows series has this amazingly sexy redhead on the cover- back cover or inside flap usually, but she is who i see when I think of Rachael, so yea- YOU ARE my Rachael! Keep up the awesome work and cant wait to dive into the new graphic!!!

  18. Courtney

    I love the cover. Am rereading Pale Demon again as we speak and still finding new little points I missed before.

    This would have been better on the Demon’s post but first here. Can’t see this pic without thinking of Al.

  19. I love the cover of the next book!! I’m glad we get to see Rachel’s face this time, the model is beautiful. I think the mystery man in the shadows is going to be the topic of a lot of conversations, hopefully his identity will be revealed in the book. The days seem to fly by quickly this time of year, but not quick enough when I’m waiting for a new Hollows book release. If I had my way there would be a new book every month *giggle* You are a fantastic author, I have gotten all my friends hooked on your books. Keep up the good work and have fun in NY : )

  20. Mari

    I love this cover. The dark tones, the read, the fact that we can see her face…
    As someone else mentioned, the braid makes me think of the pixies braiding her hair. That looks like the same model from BMS (hardcover) and the Hollows Insider.

    Have a nice weekend.

    • I think it’s the same woman, Mari. I think they do a lot of shots that they can use for multiple books/authors/etc.

      I hope you had a great weekend, too. 🙂

  21. We’re in for more great weather this weekend. I think I’ll do my Halloween decorating and get a new wreath ready for the door. Have a great weekend!

  22. Wow!!! The cover is beautiful!!! Am inpatient for the book even more now!! Have fun with your curtains!

  23. Diva

    Love the cover and all the shades of grey. Curious about the man in the background. He doesn’t appear to be blonde so I’m guessing it’s not Trent. *sigh*

    • Thanks, Diva. It could be a couple of men mentioned in the book. It looks the most like Quen to me, but Quen doesn’t mean a lot to Rachel, so . . . Who knows? -grin-

  24. The comments for the NYU signing are closed, so I have to squeal here 😀

    WoooHooo! I’ll sooo be there (you can tell how excited I am by the amount of Os). I’ll see you at Comic Con too.

    By the way, did NYU said anything about outside merchandise? I would like to get my copy of Blood Work signed.

  25. I love her braid. It makes me think of how the pixies braid her hair all the time : )

  26. Awesomely Great Cover!! Waiting is even harder now. 🙂

  27. Antonio

    It’s almost leaf-waxing weather, right?

    This might be my favorite cover interpretation of Rachel yet. Usually, putting a male in the background on a cover is kinda cheesy, but I don’t mind it here. Nice.

  28. Cristie

    That looks great!!! Do a tour t that includes anchorage Alaska!!!!

  29. Eeeeeh! I’m so glad it’s up on the blog!! I think this is my favorite cover after DWW. I love that one for it’s pure whimsy and of course… Jenks. This one is really great artistically and feels like it really fits in to the cover canon after Pale Demon.

    Ah… Tour T’s. One of my favorite parts of every year…

  30. Hello kim!!Thanks for sharing the new cover! It is absolutely AWESOME. I love the Rachel and the mysterious man tease? well I love that too!!!Not that we need anything to make us more eager! lol
    I hope you have a great weekend!! iam gonna try something crafty too and perhaps bake cookies! It haas been so nice here in the midsouth. The weather is in mid toupper 70 so i get to bring out the laptop and work in one of my outdoor offices!! lol (I have a rosegarde and a shade garden my laptop makes great for portable office!) Have great weekend!!!

  31. Femide Agic

    Love the cover…happy to see Rachel’s face for once!!!

  32. Cool! She looks like Darth Vader’s apprentice doing Force Lightning. Any foreboding to the Dark Side? And the bracelet? You said it wasn’t going to stay long.

    By the way, am i the only who thinks her right leg looks hovering since there is no matching shadow?

  33. The model is a little more busty then I have pictured Rachel… Since you said she shops in the training bra section. But I dig it!! And for me the guy in the background is Al. That’s my Ally Cakes back there and I don’t care what anybody else says. Val-OH

    PS~ Why is Rachel focusing her mojo in the dirt?…

    • James R. Fox

      Hi Val-its Jim from Warren-I think thats a lepracauns’wonderbra, since she was shopping in the Lepracaun’s outlets according to DWW.

    • James R. Fox

      Hi Val-I think she is looking for a buried clue to the location of a weirdly magical something or other Ms. Kim will not inform us of untill we buy and read the book.which I have pre-ordered.


    • Antonio

      If you think the model is a ‘little busty’ here you should check out Pedro Maia’s artistic interpretation in KH’s graphic novel, BLOOD WORK. Yowza! In fact, I can only conclude that Pedro thinks every woman in Cincinnati is a solid D-cup.(grin) Trust me, if that was the case, I would drive the 45 minutes south from Dayton every day just for the ‘scenery.’ 😎

    • I’ve collected comics since I was a kid… That’s how they all are. It’s the norm.

    • I really like how fluffy Pedro made Rachel’s hair. I don’t think any of the US covers do her hair justice,,,

    • Covers have their own special logic, Valerie. You should have seen option B.

  34. Maryellen

    Daaaayyy–yaaamm! That is NEAT!

    Re: dude in the background… Please, oh please let it be my Darling Al. 😉 LOLOL!!

    Have a lovely weekend, Miss Kim!

  35. Hey Kim, so I was right, it is the British cover! yeah!
    And the Insider will be glowing too, that’s so cool. My mom now wants an English version of the Insider and a German one, too! 🙂
    I was wondering, if you could maybe hide one of those shiny glowy posters in my winner package? *pretty please* 😉 It’s okay if you say no, since the book will be glowing, but I’d just love to have that poster. You know, fangirl squee and all 😉
    Okay, have a great weekend and fun with your curtains!

  36. Gail S

    LOVE ❤ the cover! The model is a perfect fit for Rachel. That's how I picture her 🙂

    Have a crafty weekend & enjoy 😀

  37. Ohh what a way to start the weekend!! thank you!!!
    just came home from work and this is the first thing I see! Yay! Can hardly wait. Now i’m even more excited about A Perfect Blood.

    As Vampy said the first one that came to mind is Big Al closely followed by Trent.

    Anyway thanks for this awesomeness! (don’t mind me if I invent words I’m just overexcited as a teenage girl).

    I have a question (or ten) for you.. Do you ever miss Kisten? I do though it seems weird since I also like Rachel’s relationship with Trent…

    as for the weekend, my hubby is not working so we’re planning on enjoying the weather since Finland it’s getting colder by the minute!

    Have a nice weekend! and enjoy!

  38. Wow, totally amazing cover. Why is February so far away??

    Enjoy the weather while you can Kim. maybe you should craft away on the patio or deck and enjoy the great weather (and your garden) while you can. We won’t have this awesomeness for long. 🙂

  39. Mendi in STL

    Wow! Is it already that time of year again? You’ve had so much going on this year, I’ve forgotten that a new Rachel is drawing closer! Cool cover without a doubt. 🙂

  40. Lesley

    Can’t wait can’t wait can’t wait! *dancedancedance*
    So are you doing ARC prizes for fun Halloween costumes again this year?

  41. Evie

    The cover is amazing. Easily my favorite so far. Is the model in this one the same who has been on all the US covers, so that we’re REALLY seeing her face for the first time?

    Hope you have a weekend full of craftiness and inspiration! I need to get going on knitting some hats and scarves for myself and my daughter. The weather has taken a turn for the cold recently and I have this huge sack of yarn staring at me.

  42. Thanks so much for giving us fantastical characters we can invest in; LOVE the series, and even got my uber-live-in-reality girlfriend addicted to the gang!

  43. SeattleRobin

    Nice umm…shirt on Rachel. Ahem.

    This is good timing. I just entered my pre-order for the Kindle ebook edition! Now comes the long countdown.

  44. Vampyre

    Howdy ma’am,

    The first person to pop into my mind is Al for the mysterious stranger. This is one of the best covers ever,


  45. Gorgeous cover! I can’t wait! Have a great fall weekend, the colors are great in Flint, MI!

  46. James R. Fox

    Hi Ms. Kim-Its Jim from Warren.Since we are now having sun,and no one is having medical emergencies,I am going to get to the housework,since Smudge says cats don’t do windows, and Quigley is still claiming disability. Have a very fun and crafty weekend.

    • James R. Fox

      Hi Again-Its Jim from Warren-I was admiring Rachel’s…shirt too.Doesn’t look like a lepracaun bra though,unless lepracauns have put out a Playfae mag in conjunction with Mr Hefner.

    • Hi james. I hope its not Nick!!1 so you posted that up there further. Al would be nice but anybody but that coward nick!!
      Glad quigly is better! My dog does windows but just seems to make them worse lol

    • Sounds like a good plan, Jim. I always get itchy to do the windows about this time of year.

  47. LOVE the cover!

    That commercial you’ve got there always creeps me out when I see it lol.

    Have a fabulous crafty weekend! I’ve got some beading projects I need to get started 🙂