NYCC madness!

Comic Con is over, and I’m trying to recoup!  Wow, it was just as fun as I remembered, and even better because it feels like coming home now, not all brand new. The three panels went great, and the signings were too. I’m going to drop a few pictures here for you so you can get an idea of my three days there, but seriously, this is the tip of the iceburge. What you’re not seeing is all the cool people I shared space with, especially in the green room.  🙂

Me at the beginning. Note the bright eyes and smile, relaxed and ready. This changes by the end of the weekend.  But for now, I’m been hyped up on caffeine  and ready to go. First day was fairly easy with a panel on how police procedure/PI is different when you add in the supernatural. And though the names aren’t in order, here’s who was there: Myke Cole, Thomas E. Sniegoski, Jacqueline Carey, Christopher Bennet, G.T. Almasi, Amber Benson, Kim Harrison.

Day two started at the Del Rey booth where I signed the early release copies of BLOOD CRIME, the second Hollows graphic novel. Here I’m with Elvis, yes, he was really there, and he likes the Hollows. SUVUDO works out of the Del Rey booth, and I did an impromptu video interview with them when the line ebbed for a moment. You can still see here. SUVUDO-KIM-NYCC2012.

From there it was off to the autographing area downstairs where I panicked when I saw the stage they had set up for the individual author chats–right out in the middle of the floor. Seriously?  Us authors are mostly introverts, dudes! Give us a room next year please. We are not performers, and shouting into arenas makes us nervous. But with my editor standing by and helping with the questions, I got through my private panel where I eased up on the teasing and actually gave out some nice tidbits about what might be coming next after the Hollows and how INTO THE WOODS figures in to that with three novellas I might be developing into a series.

Most of the people in this picture are really lined up for Adam West, I think, but all the chairs were full, and you all had some great questions for me. Also, here’s a nice shot of me and the crew chilling in the green room. Now, the reason I’m putting this in here is to show you the reality of what’s going on. Long bursts of smiles and excitement, tempered with brief boughs of collapse and regroup. Yep, those Don’t Panic button came in handy.

My favorite day was Saturday, when Jocelynn Drake and Richard Kadery came in and we had a panel together: Hocus Pocus. I don’t really have a good picture of the panel in action, but I’ve got a great one of Jocelynn and me with our editor, Diana Gill, that we took afterward.  I’ve got my Don’t Panic button on in this one, which seemed to be the theme of the weekend. After the panel, all that was left was a group signing at the Harper booth.
When you’re at a conference, your publisher’s booth becomes your home where you can leave your coat when you want to wander the floor, where you go when you need a place to sit, or sometimes a cookie when the line at Starbucks is 40 minutes long–so signing there is a pleasure. What made it even better is that three of my favorite authors were there, too, with Bram signing his latest, KRAMPUS, Richard Kadrey signing DEVIL SAID BANG, and Jocelynn Drake signing some early release copies of ANGELS INK. (It’s out tomorrow!) I think this is my favorite photograph of the weekend.


Filed under Drama Box

11 responses to “NYCC madness!

  1. Kim, if its still available to you could you email me ( what was written on the back of the t-shirt you got saturday. I was in a late night/early morning blitz and between the puff paints (not the smartest idea as the Tee clung to itself!) i never wrote down what I put on the tee it was all spur of the moment thoughts that I thought might be funny but may not be at all but at the least I would like the memory of what i actually wrote on there. I can only remember the brimstone referendum. Unfortunately I have a very bad memory problem. Yeeesh. and of course i tend to leap before I look some times. I hope you found it amusing and thats all it was meant to be.
    Saturday was a wild day and the book booths hummed along and trying to track down Kim Harrison was quite a feat and trying to be at all the publishing booths to get a look at new releases and freebies was a daunting task, My feet complained bitterly for the following two days but my heart was happy and content. I had a great time seeing all the craziness that makes comic con fun. Now I have all of Kim’s reads and some signed, thanks so much for doing that on Saturday! I will have plenty of reading to keep me busy during my upcoming surgery on nov 20 and then 8 weeks on bed rest, So I am deliriously happy for the books I got Saturday and I am ecspecially savoring Kim’s books so the fantasy world she has brought to life will last until I can walk out of the house again in better health. Happy reading to All!
    thanks from here in NJ and the everafter – Kat

  2. jkh

    I think recuperating from a wild and wonderful weekend at ComiCon has got to be more fun than having a molar extracted, which is what I did today. However, recuperation for you will result in clean laundry, a good night’s sleep in your own bed, and a lovey session with your puppies. And my recuperation will proceed to improved health, so I’ll be in even better shape to read Into The Woods, when I can get my hands on it!
    So glad you had a good time!

  3. I wish I could have gone to NYC and Comic con. It looks like a blast. The pictures are great! BTW you still have that bright eye relaxed look in the last picture with your fellow writers. Just got my copy of Into the Woods today-YEAH! 😀

  4. Wilford Tibbetts

    Looks like you had a blast at NYCC!

    I was wondering, will you be writing more of the Madison Avery series? If so, when can we expect a new one? =D

  5. Jessie

    It was an amazing Chaotic Weekend! I didn’t make it to any of your signings this year, but I did make your solo panel which was great!!! (And I made the picture….YAY!) I agree that “Unbound Stage” in the middle of the Autograph room was a horrible place for them to have speaking panels. there was so much crowd noise, distractions etc, but you manged with “Grace” as usual! So sad I didn’t get to say hello in person this year. It felt like this year was more insane than last year. I dressed up on Saturday and I swear half my day at least was taken up by random people stopping me and asking for pictures. It was such fun though, I couldn’t turn anyone down who asked! I felt like my own little celebrity for the day! Then got to make a fool of myself being a silly little fan girl saying all the wrong and stupid things to others I had the honor of meeting. Next time, I may just stick with meeting my favorite authors!!!

  6. Your report helped fill in the imagined details for my virtual trip to Comic Con. I love those “Don’t Panic” buttons everyone is wearing. I’m ordering “Into The Woods” this week and can’t wait to begin reading it unless my hubby grabs it first.

  7. Frank R. Rodriguez

    Thank You Thank You Thank you. It was a pleasure talking to you on Friday when you signed both my books and made me feel like the greatest fan. Deep into reading both of them on the way home. Keep up the great work, love the characters. Especially AL!! See you at the next Comicon NY!!

  8. Welcome back ma’am,

    What an adventure you had. I’m glad you were able to handle it so well. Your interview with SYVUDU was one of the best ever.

    A Hollows movie would be great. I said it before, I’d like to see Clint Eastwood direct it. Morgan Freeman would be a great Keasly. Have you ever thought of writing and submitting a script?


  9. I just wanted to say you kept your cool in a room without walls and a lot of stuff going on. You were gracious and smiling even at the end of the signing line. I wish I’d tucked ITW in my luggage. I’m trapped in St. Louis. Newark, St. Louis, Milwaukee. With a 7 hour layover. 0.o

  10. It looks like you had a wonderful time, I wish I had been there! I received my copy of Into the Woods last week (it was supposed to be signed, but wasn’t. I must have missed something in the instructions somehow), and am busy devouring it. I have to admit to skipping straight to the story about Grace.

    You’ve written so much about her, that I just couldn’t wait to meet her. I have to admit I’m going to miss Rachel deeply when The Hollows comes to a close, but I really like Grace. 🙂

    Anyway, you’re probably still recovering by the time you read this, and I don’t want to take up too much of your personal time. Have a great week.

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