Trouble With The Cursed ARC giveaway

***** UPDATE 5/27/22 ***** Chris and Lynn have won the two ARC giveaways. Come back Friday for a new question to answer to enter the next giveaway! Congratulations, Chris and Lynn! And thank you everyone who played along.

Carrie and Kell won the first two ARCs. But you have another chance to win it before it’s available!

Here’s how you enter:

Using an email you have access to for the next five days, email Tim at <>  Put “Favorite UF flick” in the subject line so we know you’re entering the contest. In the email, tell me your favorite Urban fantasy TV series or movie. (Tell me here as well for bonus points–which get you nothing except the chance to brag about your fav.) One entry per household please. (Unfortunately, I can no longer support making these available out of the U.S. due to sky rocking postal fees. Seriously, it is totally out of control. I’m a little ticked off about it, and it sucks.)

I will cut off entries at midnight, PST on Monday, May 23. I will announce the winner on Tuesday morning, AND email them for the address they want me to mail the bound manuscript ARC to as well as find out if and how they want me to sign it.  Winners will have until the coming Thursday midnight to get back to me to claim the ARC and tell me their mailing address. If I don’t hear from you by Thursday midnight, the ARC goes back in the pool and I will give it away with the other two next week.

ARCs have no cash value, and books will go out UPS or USPS, whatever is faster. Chance of winning depends upon how many enter. Winners will be chosen by a random number generator, and I can’t be responsible for mail that goes astray.

That’s it. But do come back next Friday to enter again with a new question. I’ve got a bunch of these to give away until release day on June 14th!

Don’t want to try your luck? Nicola’s is offering signed-to-you books. (order here) Purchased books will be shipped before the live event at Nicola’s on the 17th.

Yes, in addition to two virtual events, I have snagged ONE IN STORE SIGNING this year!!! Come out and see me June 17th. Due to long Covid policies, it won’t be a typical event with Q&A and pictures, but you can ask me questions at the signing desk. Nicolas is asking that everyone register with evenbright (link here) so they can call small batches up at a time to prevent a crowd and give you more time to shop. It will be outside in good weather, inside if not.

I can’t wait to see you!


Filed under Drama Box

11 responses to “Trouble With The Cursed ARC giveaway

  1. Ashley Sitzman

    Which one to choose I love true blood and I’m a big star wars fan and Stargate as well.

  2. I love Carnival Row and the Shannara Chronicles. Dominion was also so good. But I can’t wait for some Hollows on TV. 🙂

  3. Vanessa Davis

    My favorite tv show is Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Angel. Also my all time favorite movie is The Crow.

  4. Wendy Hamm

    I have lots of favorites but I guess it would be True Blood. The Originals and X-Files in second. My Birthday is on the 13th and my hubs always gets me your latest book. Thanks for the chance.

  5. There are so many to pick from and for different reasons.

    But I think for this I will pick Carnival Row

    It mirrors so much of what has been our history with a mix of fantasy. But I actually believe the being we think are just fairytales once walked with us, and if still around hiding among us. because something close to this happened to them. Mayans believed that we repeat history. My Ancestors (Aztecs) showed on their calendar that every 5,000 years we repeat history, and we are at the end of a repeat history.

    In Carnival Row – the main character (the officer) loves the fairytale beings but does not know why until he learns that he is one that had been surgically altered to fit in. Like so many skin colors in our modern history has done things to fit into the group of skin colors that would allow them the most advantages in life have been doing and still do. We think that the USA is hateful to dark skins but go to Mexico where most are dark-skinned and you will see real hate for the dark skins, just look at their TV and movies.

    He then is faced with staying with the humans that he can pass with or his true bloodline when shit hits the fan and once again they are ripped from a homeland.

    TV shows and movies like these are made to make you see the hate in our own world without actually pointing the figure at people. We know this and we all think it is wrong, and yet it keeps happening. Because most do not teach people how to stand up and be both the backbone of the group and the microphone of the group. And where I normally disagree with the person/group that screams the loudest is the right one. In events like this is usually the wrong side that is the loudest and making others get scared and become followers or by standards in fear of this happening to them. When in reality will happen to them whether they speak up or not. Because after they ride the world of one group, it gives them or the next group the go-ahead to ride another group that they do not like.

    It is an internal human ay of self population control. We know it is wrong, but we keep doing it ever so often. and it mostly happens when the population outgrows the resources to survive.

    In Carnival Row – he picks to calm his true bloodline at the end of the season. They can take this in many directions (if they ever bring it back)

    All the Best,
    LuvLeighAn Clark

  6. Jory Stiffarm

    Super fan of the True Blood series although the books were better. The books are ALWAYS better

  7. Mark Dossetor

    So why not outside us? Give us a chance
    To pay the difference in postage- I still have ideas you could turn into a book – let me

  8. Carrie

    I’m going to show my age and say Buffy the vampire slayer.

  9. AmberK

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer was my 1st UF love my my long time fave is X-Files

  10. “Lost Girl” and “Vampire Diaries” are pretty much tied for my favorite urban fantasy series 🙂 Lost Girl is for more mature audiences imo. The comedy, the brilliant writing, the action! the love, the intrique! I thought for sure it was based on a book… though I haven’t discovered if it was yet.. Canadians really went all out on producing that show and I am grateful. I would buy it on DVD someday. Although I was dissappointed with the last few episodes of each. I later learned that they fired the author (how can they even do that–I didn’t know until she was able to write a blog post about it) and that’s what changed the entire last season of Vampire Diaries. They thought the storyline was enough.. I think folks in tv don’t quite understand how stories are written or the creative process… Which leads me to wonder about The Hollows. I haven’t seen a post about that in awhile? I wonder if I missed news about talks about the tv series?

  11. Carey

    The X-Files was my first UF show and is still my favorite.

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