Hollows on TV? I want your input.

As most of you know, the amazingly talented Dan Angel has picked up the rights, and between all the stuff going on in the background that I have no control in or a part of, (and there is a lot) there is still something you and I can do to help push this forward as we try to find a good home for the Hollows. If we can nail down talent, the chance to nail down a home increases dramatically.

So, over the next few weeks, I am asking your opinion on what TV actor you think will play the best character, and so we don’t lose your good ideas and to make it easier for you to discuss with each other in a threaded format, I’d like to ask you to drop them here at the blog instead of FB or twitter. (Though if you drop them there as well, they will be seen twice as often!)

To help reduce the confusion, we’re going to take it one character at a time. Save your ideas for Kisten or Trent! Today, we’re going to talk about Rachel. Everyone’s idea is valid, so no poo-pooing other reader’s ideas. Me, I usually focus on how a character reacts more than their physical characteristics, so my ideas are usually way off from everyone else’s. I really want to know who you see.

With that in mind, a short summation of Rachel.

Pale skin, freckles that come and go with her charmed pinky ring. Wild red hair that is usually tamed to a sleek silkiness under a charm. Athletic build, expressive features. Every thought she has shows on her face. Able to take a fall and give a solid hit. Able to laugh at herself, and take it as well as dish it out. Dry sense of humor. Painfully strong moral compass, but has been known to steal a candy bar or two if she can rationalize it. Unique, often inappropriate dresser unless working, and then its leather–sometimes inappropriate as well. Takes things to heart, gives too much but has been taken advantage of too many times to be hoodwinked easily. Like dangerous men, and maybe dangerous women. More empathy than is probably prudent due to troubled past. Will go out of her way to down bullies. Accepts everyone as having something to offer because she’s been sidelined too many times. Smart, but too erratic to get the formal degree. Good with both schools of magic. She’s the girl next door with pixy dust in her hair, a wand in her hand, and butt-kicking boots on her feet.

So, your picks? I’m looking at Kate McNamara…


Filed under Drama Box

889 responses to “Hollows on TV? I want your input.

  1. Mer


  2. Simone

    Sophie Turner or Madeleine Petsh.

  3. Tammy Collins

    Rose Leslie would be perfect! Please make a series out of these books. I have read every single one of them twice!

  4. Megatron

    I think either Amy Adam’s or Jessica Chastain for Rachel Morgan would be a perfect fit for this Character to be played if by anybody

  5. Kristin Vogelsang

    Karen Gillian or Zendaya would do Rachel justice

  6. Karen Fossland

    No, no, no, no, no, no, NO!!!!!!! I do not want to share the world of Rachel, Ivy, Jenks, Kisten, Trent, the FIB, the IS and every other character and detail of the world of the Hollows with someone who was so lazy that they had to wait for the movie. I don’t want to see how a casting director and makeup artist believes Matalina or Jax should look. I don’t want to know someone else else has shared that moment when Jih cries over the loss of her mother when she brings Rachel clothes with anyone else. I don’t want to share the same visuals with a stranger. I want all of them to stay exactly as I have always pictured them. I don’t want the characters and the story line to become something I do not recognize because of the inevitable plot deviations and possible scandalous activities of the actors who are playing the character but never doing anything more than reminding me the characters I see, that I have cried with, that I have watch grow and mature while I joined them on that journey are nothing but a figment of my imagination and will be forever tarnished because the potential sins of someone who was hired to pretend to be them. Please don’t. I love the world of the Hollows. I don’t want to see it destroyed out of a insistence for better TV ratings.

  7. Sallie

    Rose Leslie or Karen Gillian would both be amazing choices.

    I feel like Kate McNamara looks too young for the part.

    No matter who is chosen though I AM SO EXCITED. I’ve read every book atleast twice and most of them three times. I can’t wait to see this series brought to life.

  8. Jeremy Broennimann

    Honestly hope something comes from this I love these books and repeatedly listen to them frequently

  9. Kathi Albuschat

    Deborah Ann Woll or Rachelle Lafever

    I’ve read all of the available Hallows books. Looking forward to # 16 and REALLY looking forward to a possible TV series. Thanks for letting us input
    Sometimes I just have to shake my head at actors who are picked for a story I have read. They appear to be nothing like what I picture them to be even though they have been well described in the book.

    Best Regards,

  10. CharlieVoid

    I’m re-reading the Hollows, I thought of Melanie Scrofano as another idea for Rachel ! She has played a similar role as a sassy gunwoman handling supernatural things in “Wynonna Earp” and she has the right attitude, looks/silhouette, age, and humor. She’d be perfect !

  11. Cary Brace

    I think Emma Stone would make a great Rachel Morgan.

  12. Cary C Brace

    I think Emma Stone would make a great Rachel Morgan.

  13. Brad

    Felicia Day or Ellie Kemper

    • CharlieVoid

      I love the idea of Felicia Day as Rachel! She’s got that friendly-face-but-will-kick-your-butt-if-you-move-wrong and she has a sense of humor, I think she’d be perfect for Rachel and all around being a witch/demon with her looks, temperament and acting abilities.

      Ellie Kemper is…a redhead okay but she’s not harsh enough, she’s too goofy to be Rachel imo.

  14. Mariana Alves

    Would love to see Jessica Chastain as Rachel

  15. Juliane

    I know you’re not there yet, and I hate to be that person, but I think I would forget it otherwise (as I can’t see a thread for Trent yet). However my suggestion for Trent is Ben Barnes, he has a different hair colour I know, but after seeing him in Shadow and Bone I just know he would be PERFECT for Trent. (And as you said that physical appearance is not as important, I hope you’d agree. ^^)
    PS.: I’m so excited to eventually be able to watch this series in TV!! 🎉 (It’s a wish of mine for a long time now.)

  16. Tawsha Harmon

    Holland roden hands down. I came across her picture looking up something teen wold related and was like it’s her. Also, Trent…..Alex skarsgard. The entire time we watched true blood that was all I could see the last season was him as Trent.

  17. Ann

    Rose Leslie From GoT

  18. Dayna Smith

    Suzy Nakamura from Avenue 5 would be a great Ivy.

  19. Dani

    Ruby rose for ivy

    • Nicole Gaston

      I think Rachel Lefevre would have the tough attutide, facial expressions, and able to laugh at herself, qualities you were looking for. Plus she looks old enough to live on her own and have sketchy relationships.

  20. Sarah

    How does one audition to be a part of this? I would love to audition.

  21. Sarah

    Honestly I’d like to see someone unknown. Fresh new face.

  22. Hope

    Fan casting is always horrible! I think there’s definitely an undiscovered or not-famous-yet actress who can embody our favorite red-headed runner. 🙂

  23. Blue Hour Tarot

    Abigail Cowen

  24. Duane Lachney

    What about Anya Taylor-Joy? She has to be one of the most phenomenally-talented actresses I have ever watched – her performance as Beth Harmon in “The Queen’s Gambit” was second-to-none!

  25. Danielle

    Erin Kellyman- she’s a badass in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, she’s almost exactly what I imagine Rachel to be!

  26. Barbara

    I’m a little late but I like Rebecca Mader, Rachelle Lefevre, or Holland Roden

    • Karri Berkowitz

      Holland Roden is how I have always pictured her! She also seems like she would nail the character progression and be able to do the awkward, sexy, underestimated Rachel.

  27. Bonnie Foster

    Alexandra Daddario would be a good fit for Rachel!!!

  28. Francesca

    Abigail Cowen

  29. Scott Price

    Poppy Montgomery as Rachael Morgan.

  30. Robert Cox

    Karen Gillan for Rachel.
    Chloe Bennett for Ivy.

  31. Mckenzie Stark

    I LOVE LOVE Kate McNamara, she is my favorite!

  32. Lisa Stivers

    Rose Leslie wod make a perfect Rachel. She already has practice being a witch in The Last Witch Hunter.

  33. Angela


  34. Brandy L Jones

    Yes!! Netflix, CW, DC, Hulu….anything would be great to have this as a series to watch!! I pray they stay true to your characters, scenes in the books, and do most of the books too! Please keep yourself involved with everything, the shows that the author doesn’t haven’t gone as long as the ones where authors were ❤️💜👏🏻👏🏻🍾🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

  35. Rosa Flores

    Chloe Moretz, Freya Tingley, Zoey Deutch or even Sophie Turner?

  36. Fabienne Erni of Eluveitie https://www.instagram.com/fabienneerni/ would make a great Rachel even though she is in music not acting.

    I put in another vote for felica day even though she in not buff enough definitely want a skinny face but with upper body strength the daughter from castle might work.

  37. Ramona Driggers

    Molly C. Quinn

  38. Holly Hepler

    I think bella thorn would be a good too. But katherine McNamara with shadow hunters already has the bad ass down.

  39. laila kudzin

    Karen Gillian

  40. April S.

    I was thinking Kat McNamara for Rachel.. she did good at playing a badass as Clary Fray on the Mortal Instruments

  41. Samantha Lynn Colon

    Lily Collins for Rachel

  42. Laura Morgan

    Rose McIver

  43. Diane Aitken

    I could see Holland Roden as Rachel

  44. Krystin Davis

    Please utilize Rachelle Leferve!! Her attitude matches so well!

  45. A good pick for Rachael I think would be Rachelle Lefevre

  46. Drumbum66

    Kate Mara from house of cards

  47. I think Jane Levy would be great. I struggled thinking about a well known actress to play Rachel or Ivy. It’s tough, especially two actresses that could portray their relationship together… I think Jane Levy has the acting capability to create those relationships with the characters such as Ivy, Kisten, and Jenks. She’s 5’1 though…

    Evan Rachel Wood is a great choice as well. I think her acting is phenomenal!

  48. Marchelle Bobbs

    My pick for Ivy is Arden Cho

  49. reidrc979

    Danneel Ackles

  50. Red Jimmy

    Everyone I could picture for Rachel are older now. I had to search out names for younger actresses. Someone who could grow into the role for the very much hoped for 7+ seasons :-). That said, Sadie Sink or Madeline Petsch might be good matches.

  51. As for Ivy, I suggest either Nesta Cooper or
    Ashley Nicole Williams.

  52. Anneli

    OMG, Abigail Cowen looked just like Rachel on Netflix’ new series The Winx Saga!

  53. 2timelord

    Maybe Natasha Lyonne?

  54. Michelle J Lees

    Karen Gillan or Deborah Ann Woll. Have truely been waiting for this show since the beginning of the series 🙂

    • Marybeth Rodriguez

      Karen Gillian would be amazing or the part, she has already delved into fantasy roles by being on Doctor Who.

  55. Cheryl

    Oh please let this be true!!! It would be the best thing on TV!!!!

  56. Velissa

    Perry Mattfield!

    Someone suggested her and I couldn’t believe that I didn’t think of her instantly! She is a dead ringer for Rachel! She has the perfect sarcastic attitude, she has the super tall height, she has the pale skin and hair! And not just that but her acting abilities are so good.

    • Delana

      That is definitely NOT pale skin, that is a heavy tan and certainly doesn’t fit the pale skin, red head with freckles look of a Irish/Scottish Colleen although freckles will be hidden for the greater part, but other than that she needs skin pale enough to show them when they do appear.
      My step brother had freckles when his skin was pale, but the instant he started to get a tan they disappeared. So no tanned beauties!

  57. EllaHaven

    I think Amber Skye Noyes (Quantico) would make a near perfect Rachel. She has the right look, athleticism, intensity, age, and sassiness to me. She’s also a redhead already though she has blue eyes instead of green, and she’s 5’8” tall as is Rachel.

    I would not go with McNamara – just can’t see her in the part at all. Perhaps Sophie Skelton or Rachelle Lefevre, could pull off both attitude and looks, though IDK if the latter is the right age for the character now.

  58. Perry Mattfeld, she’s 5’10, 26 years old, slim/athletic build, curly-ish hair (not red but dye duh). I think she could totally pull of Rachel as she was great in “In the Dark” which gave me similar vibes to Rachel.

  59. Felicia day. Please, please, please Felucia Day. She is strictly a scifi/fantasy actress with a seriously broard range of talents.

  60. Alexi

    Zoey Deutch would be smart choice! Her attitude, sarcasm, and fighting sequences in Vampire Academy were great. Reminded me of Rachel Morgan when she was a teenager. She is a good actress, looks her age (26), and she pulls off being a redhead like her mother Lea Thompson. Even though she’s been in movies and not a tv series, I think she would bring a different kind of audience.

  61. Judy Hettena Wright

    Deborah Ann Woll is a great choice, and this one may be out of the box, but what about Kelly Reilly?

    • Tal Sahan

      I second Deborah Ann Will. She has pale skin, tall and totally could embody Rachel’s attitude.

    • Birgit

      Oohh Deborah Ann Woll would be great. She has the looks and attitude/acting skills and I could totally see her in badass working leather as well as in Rachels questionable outfit choices

  62. socarmela

    I think Felicia Day would make a great Rachel!

  63. Lavinna Kuberski

    Sophia Lillis

  64. Chelci

    Rose Leslie i think would be awesome for Rachel

  65. CIndi G

    Bella Thorne

  66. Tess La Coil

    Abigail Cowen, she is Dorcas on The Chilling Adventure of Sabrina an is a great witch. She is also a natural redhead. As a natural redhead myself I hope you cast a real redhead!

  67. Mahina

    Rachelle Lefevre or Rose Leslie come to mind for me. Rachelle look the part to me – especially the hair!

  68. Pamela Gramlisch

    Kate McNamara looks great as a redhead and she got that athletic body too.
    Rose Leslie is a great redhead with a slim build.
    Karen Gillian another redhead that has a woman’s body but can be very athletic.

  69. Kelsey Myers

    I think Daneel Ackles would fit the part of Rachel.

  70. Alisha Sunderland

    Jessica Rothe! She’s tough and she’s got that sarcastic wit! I love her

  71. Amber Mcdowell

    Lara Jean Chorostecki played Freddie Pounds on Hannibal. Her “take no prisoners” and “do what I want’ attitude reminded me of Rachel.

  72. Kate McNamara would be so good! That’s really how I imagined Rachel to be

  73. Tristan

    I hope this is made into a series ahhhhhhhhh. I have thought about this for so long. Gimmie gimmie gimmie gimmie Please! ❤

  74. Tiffany

    I’d be ok with Kate McNamara too 😊

  75. Tiffany King

    Rachel – Jane Levy / Haley Ramm / annasophia robb

    Ivy – nicki reed / natalie emmanuel / Sophie turner / Ireland baldwin

    Kisten – nathan mcleod

    Trent – finn jones / alexander ludwig / Daniel sharman

    Siri – willow shields / mackenzie foy

    Al – iwan rheon

    Jinx – grant gustin

    Quin – Daniel Gillies

    Glen – Jesse Williams

    Newt – Tilda Swinton/ Amandla stenberg

  76. Brady hopkins

    How about Madelaine Petsch??

  77. Markus

    Kat McNamara has too big breasts 😉 if I recall Rachel’s self description correct, her’s are barely worth mentioning … Rachelle Lefevre seems perfect to me

  78. Jody Morgan

    I can Emma Stone as Rachel, but since you asked for tv actresses I think Jane Levy would be great.

  79. Athena M Myers

    Mary Elizabeth Winstead. Or Rose Leslie.

  80. Jordan land

    I love your choice big fan I choose Emma stone. And for Glenn I choose myself… just saying lol

  81. Nicki Osborn

    I always picture Melanie Scrofano as Rachel. She’s great in Wynona Earp.

  82. Lori

    Madelaine Petsch

  83. Maria

    As soon as i saw someone suggest Karen Gillian i tought: she is the one for the role!

  84. Desi Rae Stone

    I personally fantasize about this as an animation with more freedom to play with the magic and supernaturals in the Hollows, however, I’ll support this endeavor. So far I’m seeing support for Karen Gillian and I do think she’d be a fun Rachel.

  85. JLMink

    Karen Gillian is an excellent choice. She’s diverse and expressive. She’s fun and serious. I think all in all she could fill the bill both in personality and looks. She’s even the height I pictured Rachel!!

  86. Jenny

    Poppy montgomery

  87. Muertosama

    Rose Leslie

  88. Kim Georg

    When I read the books, I always envisioned Laura Prepon. But, Emily Hampshire now comes to mind.
    Or Deborah Woll

  89. Chouchouna H

    I like Kate McNamara. I would also suggest Rachelle Lefèvre.

  90. Shawn

    Ugh! Im really hoping the show is done justice and a little gritty, not too pretty. If it is done like Kate Mcnamara’s previous show, Shadowhunters, it will be a miss in my opinion. She has the look, although maybe too perfectly pretty.
    I am hoping for something like Supernatural, mature, varies between gritty, comedic and deeply moving, not YA genre, pleeeeeeease…😬 Any actress who can play the range that Rachel goes through in your books, tough, gritty, loyal, vulnerable, quirky, comedic will work 😊

  91. John W

    Ohh another would be Emma Roberts.

  92. John W

    I thought of Isla Fisher as Rachel.

  93. Karen Gillian would be great as Rachel – Jumanji shows off many reasons why, but if you need more check her out as Amy Pond in Doctor Who, and also check out Guardians of the Galaxy. She is very versatile.

  94. Krista

    Can’t help it, but I love Jennifer Lawrence. She is gorgeous as a red head and I think fits the build and qualities needed for Rachel. She would rock it.

  95. Denise Bigelow

    She may be a bit old–depends when the series picks up. But I like Jessica Chastain.

  96. Marla Ramsey

    Katee Sachoff from Another Life and Battlestar Galactica.

  97. Harlie Kreiger

    Linda Cardellini

  98. Kristin Ritter (from Jessica Jones TV series) always made me think of this character, although she’d probably need a dye job or wig to pull off Rachel. Freckles can be added by makeup artist. She’s got the pale down. The actress is very expressive and I can see her in this role easily as a take no b.s. kind of gal.

  99. Kathy Mercon

    Elanor Tomlinson, from Poldark

  100. Melanie

    I actually think that Christina Apple gate would have mad SUCH a great Rachel!

  101. Charlotte Jobson

    I liked Kate as Clary, but I see Rachel’s character to be a little more ‘built’ – I think Kate is too slight, and I always envisioned Ivy to be that classic ‘beauty’.

    When ready the books I never really pictured an actress – I usually tended toward a sports figure: but I think originally I really created my own character in my imagination.

    If I had to choose a current actress right this second I think I would say Rachelle Lefevre, but my favourite is Chloe Moretz – I’m just not sure if she’s quite old enough for Rachel yet, but I think her facial structure has its own unique beauty and she delivers a great range of emotions in different films, so can deal with all situations. I think either would be fantastic though.

  102. Angela Yohe

    Ashley Fitzgerald

  103. Dawn

    I really like the idea of Karen Gillan!

  104. adrienneellen

    Pick 1: Larsen Thompson physically could be a very good fit, she’s still quite a fresh face too. It’s super important I feel to have a natural redhead who is tall and strong like Rachael and Larsen has it all.

    Pick 2: Although she’s a bit short physically, Jane Levy definetly has the spunk for the role. She has a strong personality on camera with tomboy vibes and has started coming into her own as an actress.

  105. Julia

    How about Cintia Dicker.

  106. Laura Schuberg

    Rose Leslie from Game of Thrones and The Last Witch Hunter. Tough and vulnerable at the same time, Athletic and awkward, and beautiful in a natural kind of way. She is who I envision when I see Rachel.

  107. Angel B.

    Christina Hendricks

  108. David Childs

    I’ve been waiting for your movies, but a TV series would be great. Zach Levi should be Jenks. David

    Sent from Mail for Windows 10

  109. Claudia

    I vote Allison Scagliotti. She has played multiple roles that require a good balance of sass and vulnerability, plus I really can imagine her kicking ass. Check out her work in Warehouse 13.

  110. Amy

    Rachelle Lefevre for Rachel

  111. Without looking at other’s comments first. As a fellow redhead and HUGE fan of the book series, I could see the following actresses play Rachel:
    Emma Stone, Lauren Ambrose, Christina Hendricks, or Rose Leslie. In no particular order!

  112. Chloe

    I like Kate McNamara or Karen Gillan

  113. Oooo Karen Gillan is a great suggestion!!

    Mackenzie Davis kicked some major butt in Terminator too… she’s not a natural redhead, but I could see it.

  114. Kim Keyes


  115. Arielle Chilcote-Barnard

    Eliza Jane Morley who played Clark in the 100! She can clearly play a strong fierce fighter. She had red hair for a bit and I totally saw Rachel in her!!

  116. Valerie

    Wow! The entire time I was reading this I was thinking of Kate McNamara and then got to the end and was so excited. I think she not only looks the part, but she could act the part as well. Definitely my first pick 💕

  117. Michelle Mead

    I think Rose Leslie would be good…or Jane Levy maybe.

  118. Michelle Mead

    I this Rose Leslie would be good.

  119. Ryan Stock

    I always thought of her as a less confident, dorky Sigourney Weaver type. Freckles and red hair can be easily added to any actress. Sophie Turner or Elle Fanning might be worth auditioning as well but Katherine McNamara or Karen Gillian are solid choices. 🙂

  120. Melody Zitter

    KATHERINE MCNAMARA from the series Shadowhunters. She has experience in action scenes, using a sword, writing runes. I think she would handle the physical aspects quite well.

  121. Lara

    Rachelle Lefevre. First person that came to mind.

  122. Charlene Leader

    Kate McNamara is a good choice, I was thinking of the two women who played Victoria in the Twilight saga too could work.

  123. Good choice. What about Claire Foy?

  124. Lori Martell

    Bryce Dallas Howard

  125. Niki B

    I would have to go with Karen Gillan

  126. Rachel

    Katherine McNamara or Rahelle LeFevre

  127. LeAnn

    Karen Gillan !! I think she would be an amazing Rachel!

  128. Sara

    I was thinking Rachel Leferve, but she is probably the wrong age. Camren Bicondova Would be great. She’s athletic and has a great acting range.

  129. Heather Geoffries

    Sophie Skelton from Outlander

  130. Rebecca

    I love the ideas of Felicia Day or Karen Gillan! I’m a big fan of both.

  131. Alysse Kelly

    Deborah Ann Will, Marie Avengerpoulos, Eliza Taylor, Like Reinhart

  132. Amanda

    What about Rachelle Lefevre?

  133. Sherri Hubbard Ellegaard

    Rose Leslie all the way!

  134. Anngela

    Rose Leslie! She had Rachel’s look and attitude 🥰🥰🥰

  135. I keep thinking Rachel needs to be a bit harder than some of the actresses listed…Needs to look like she “would punch you in the face”…and could…Rose Leslie has that look…( it is hard to tell because so many photos of the actresses are smiling )…..

  136. Christin Przyborowski

    That’s funny, Kim. Me and my boyfriend had Katherine McNamara in mind since watching “Shadowhunters” for the first time. I can totally see her as Rachel with red hair, witty answers, showing any thought on her face and being selfless and willing to help those she can.

  137. Emma Stone! I have an entire cast list in my head already. 😂

  138. traelynn9

    Erin Chambers would be great!

    • Charlene Leader

      Kate McNamara is a good choice, I was thinking of the two women who played Victoria in the Twilight saga too could work.

  139. I envisioned Aubrey Plaza or Haley Webb as Rachel.

  140. Jacqueline Susanne Marie Blackburn

    Karen Gillan seems more appropriate and appealing. Kat McNamara acting is not believable and too weak for this role. Rachel is more than a pretty face. She is fierce, loyal to a fault, headstrong, rushes feet first into any situations and gives everyone the benefit of the doubt in her unfailing resolve to right the wrongs life throws her way.

  141. BadWolf2319

    I skimmed a lot of the comments and only one really stood out to me Allison Scagliotti. I’ve never really able to fan-cast Rachel before because I always pictured me. Or who I want to be anyways. However, Allison has the right combination of butt kicking and silly carefree I don’t care what you think I’m dancing attitude. She was amazing in WH13. She shows a lot of depth. She is my choice for Rachel.

  142. Amanda

    Madelaine Petsch (Cheryl from Riverdale)

  143. Lois

    Katie Cassidy from Supernatural, Gossip Girl & Arrow would be a fun.

    • Valerie

      Ooohh! I love this actress. I think she would play Rachel very well. Her history with the CW has shown she can handle playing all types of characters

  144. Lisa

    I think Kate McNamara would be good too. Also agree with some others about possibly Rose Leslie

  145. Lorie

    I believe Jennifer Garner would be great to play as Rachel.

  146. michelle wismer

    Im thinking Anna Kendricks

  147. Branden Hemmert

    Katherine McNamara who played in Shadow Hunters would be amazing as Rachel!!!

  148. Maryanne Burkitt

    The last time I read the series (when American Demon came out), I was casting the characters with my husband…lol…for Rachel, I decided on either Emily Blunt or Amy Adams.

  149. Clint Berry

    I think Rose Leslie would be great. Young, energetic and tough. Rachel Hurd-Wood would be a great choice for the same reasons. Also, both have the right complexion and look.

  150. Val Lovell

    Kate McNamera was the first person I thought of too

  151. Shannon M

    Sarah Paulson is such a talented actor, and after listening to an interview with her, I feel she can “get into” any role. She acts on her sleeves with no in between, if her character is upset, real Sarah is upset to convey that emotion!

  152. Deanna

    I like Kate McNamara as a younger Rachel. But I feel that Rachelle Legevre, could do both younger as well as a more experienced Rachel.

    That being said, I am over the moon at the possibility to get a Hollows series!!

  153. navinagenie

    Rachel Boston! 🥰

  154. Lurker Kate

    Love the ideas of Felicia Day or Karen Gillan! Rose Leslie, who is mentioned further down, is also a great suggestion. My off-the-wall suggestion is Riley Keough.

    The Rachel who lives in my head now has matured a lot and is a grown woman, but when I went back to re-read the series last summer, I realized that the energy and attitude of the Rachel in the first books is very young, almost teenager-like, before she goes through all of the experiences that help her grow. Some people whom I imagined as playing Rachel back when the books were published and I was first reading them are, like me, a lot older now, so I left those suggestions off my list above.

  155. Jess Cook

    I have always thought that Rachelle Marie Lafevre would make a perfect Rachel. She’s very close to what I imagine in my head as I’m reading. I know she’s getting a little older and may not fit as well anymore, but hey, anything is possible right?

    Also, Eleanor Tomlinson is a good choice. I don’t like her as much as Rachelle, but still could be a good fit.

    Lastly Deborah Ann Woll would be a great choice because she is striking and powerful in her roles.

    I’m honestly not a fan of Kate McNamara for the role. I didn’t love her in Mortal Instruments. Her face is too soft for how I imagine Rachel.

    • I agree, plus her acting on ShadowHunters…let’s just say my first impulse was to punch her in the face, and that never changed. A lot of the acting in that series made it hard to watch, except for some of the older actors. Maybe with some seasoning, she’d improve, but there are many more appropriate choices.

  156. Andrea

    Rose Leslie

    To be honest, Kat will always have clary following in her shadow. Plus her acting errs on the side of soap opera sometimes. She’s lovely, but she’s not Rachel.

  157. Tina Moos

    I loved Kathryn Felicia Day in Supernatural & think she could do justice to Rachel. I also like the suggestions of Karen Gillan or Rachelle Lefevre. Can’t wait to see the Hollows brought to life!

  158. Sharon Meehan

    I definitely thought of rachelle lefevre when I read the books as I loved her character in under the dome but as she’s in her early 40’s is she too old???

  159. Michelle Ruskanen

    Rose Leslie, Evan Rachel Wood. ❤️ Deborah Ann Wohl

    I am loving American Demon! Well done as always!

  160. My first thought was Emma Watson, but the accent sort of gets in the way. Alyson Hannigan would be my second choice. Rachel McAdams came to mind as well

  161. Anne Marie

    A lot of great suggestions already here! I agree with Karen Gillan, Aya Cash, Allison Scagliotti, or Deborah Ann Woll. I’d definitely watch any of them as Rachel and they all have supernatural roles already on their resume.

  162. Kate Gentry

    I agree on Karen Gillan. Her physique and butt kicking in Jumanji match my imagination for Rachel… as does the silliness of her dance fighting and awkwardness with flirtation!

  163. Georgie Waters

    Though her hair may be somewhat tamed under a charm, I have to believe that it can be frizzy, and not just an actress with sleek hair that can be curled. It is a different look. I also have to believe that pale skin could really have freckles and not just see makeup that should look like freckles. I’d rather see an unknown who fits the part than a famous actor who is made up to look a bit like Rachel. I posted this in another thread, but I like Michelle Wolf.

  164. Stefanie

    I would recommend the german actress Marleen Lohse.

    • Shawn

      Oooh! She has the look, pretty, not too pretty, and a little quirky looking. Dont know if I have ever seen her in anything or if she has the ability to oull off Rachels personality or not.

  165. Hondo

    Alicia Witt, she could pull it off!

  166. Anna

    I would like to throw in:
    Sharon Belle, Jane Levy, Deborah Ann Woll, Rose Leslie, Sophie Turner

  167. Kirsi

    I think it should be someone in her late twenties (or thirties), because that’s Rachel’s age at the beginning of the books.
    Although there are many good actresses listed before, there are other actresses that should be considered too.
    Jane Levy
    Alicia Vikander
    Cara Delevigne
    Mia Wasikowska
    Brie Larson
    Elizabeth Olsen
    Chloe Grace Moretz
    Elle Fanning
    Saoirse Ronan
    Scarlett Johansson
    Carey Mulligan
    Margot Robbie
    Ivana Baquero
    Poppy Drayton
    Bella Heathcote
    Alexandra Daddario
    Leven Rambin

  168. Sophia Lillis is 18, but would absolutely work for a younger crowd. She’s got the spunk, humor, strength and intensity.
    Alexandra Breckinridge also captures Rachel for me, if you’re looking for a Rachel in her thirties.

    Best of luck! I’ve been waiting for this amazing series to get its place on the screen! 👏🏼✨🙌🏼

  169. Marianne Haslam

    The way you described her, I thought about Kate McNamara straight away, even though I didn’t really like her as Clary. (She didn’t look like the Clary I imagined when reading the books and I was very dissapointed when I started watching shadowhunters). What I don’t like about most american tv shows, is that apart from nerds, etc. everybody looks too perfect. So I’d prefer Karen Gillian. She looks a lot more natural, not too perfect, and more like the Rachel I imagined. And I really liked her as Amy Pond in Doctor Who, where she showed that she could be the perfect actress to play Rachel. But I don’t know too many actresses otherwise. From the two I’d pick Karen.

  170. Krista Hoeksema

    Jane Levy or Karen Gillian both sprung to mind. Both happen to be redheads, but they’re both quirky, able to be tough but sarcastic.

  171. Kari Cureton

    Rose Leslie is interesting as she’s got a sort of tough, plain beauty. That’s how I envisioned Rachel –

  172. Leanne Cowley

    Rachel: Allison Scagliotti

  173. Celia

    I definitely agree Kate McNamara would be a perfect Rachel. Shes got the characteristics and I think she could act the hell out of that part for sure

  174. Jennifer

    The only person I saw as Rachel when I was reading is Rachelle Lefevre.

  175. Karina

    Rose Leslie was amazing on game of thrones. I can see her as Rachel and feel she has the grit that Rachel needs

  176. Becky

    How about Jane Levy from Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist?

  177. For Rachel I could imagine either Bridget Regan or Rachelle Lefevre being a great fit. Both have incredible range and have had very snarky, quick-witted as well as very physical roles. Both don’t shy away from book-to-TV or graphic-novel-to-TV adaptations and both have a strong fan base they bring with them.

  178. Roshel

    Zoey Deutch, I think would make a great Rachel.

  179. Donna Caldwell

    I love Rachelle Legevre for the part of Rachel! She almost the spitting image of what I’ve always held in my mind with the very first Hollows book.

  180. sara

    Deborah Ann Woll, aka BABY VAMP

  181. Candy Sims

    Kelly Reilly, from Yellowstone would be awesome I think

  182. Diane Belford

    My pick is Rose Leslie.

  183. Abbrz

    Karen Gillian or Emma Stone if you could get her. Amy Adams, Sophie Turner. Ooooh Alyson Hannigan. She’s been bad ass Willow in Buffy so if you could talk her into it she’s already been in fantasy realm too. OMG Rachelle Lefevre! She’s got the hair and bad ass attitude!

  184. jason

    How far off in future? My suggestion would be Millie Bobby Brown (have you seen the new Enola Holmes movie?) I mean if you started filming today, she’d probably be too young but hey maybe this doesn’t actually film for a year or so and maybe some makeup and maybe people of Rachel’s genetics age slower,

  185. Leticia Valero

    Rachelle Lefevre is how I see Rachel physically

  186. frenchie1017

    Holland Roden (Teen Wolf)
    Ksenia Solo (Lost Girl)
    Zoey Deutch
    Skyler Samuels

  187. Tonja

    If only Alex Kinston was available.

  188. Twila Cotter

    What about Christina Hendricks? (Saffron in Firefly)

  189. Shana

    I would recommend Zoey Deutch, Rachelle LeFevre, or Molly Quinn.

  190. Hannah

    Rachelle Lefevre !!! Perfect lookalike and good actor I think.

  191. Skye

    I love Kat McNamara! She’s one of my favorite actresses. I think she’d be a great Rachel!

  192. ramhaynes

    Kate McNamara would be Awesome!!!!

  193. Jacquline Hartman

    Being a good actor is as important as the build, so I definitely recommend Karen Gillian. Depending on the network I bet that could happen too!

    Whoever you get to play Rachel can’t be a waif. Rachel is tough and strong!

  194. Elizabeth Scott

    Sarah Power, Natalya Rudakova, Brigid Brannagh, Amy Davidson, Shirley Manson, Marian Tomas Griffin, Bitsie Tulloch

  195. Kate Mcnamara for sure ❤

  196. Jenn Rock

    I’ve always seen Rachel McAdams as Rachel. 🤷‍♀️

  197. Becky Cummins

    Ooh Kate McNamara is a good pick, what about Kiernan Shipka? Love her in Sabrina!

  198. Kimberly Schwarz

    Scarlett Pomers

  199. Heather Garcia

    Karen Gillian is a very versatile actress, she isn’t waif tiny, but does fit most of Rachel’s characteristics! Have always wanted a show, but too afraid it would be messed up!

  200. Lynn Gonser

    Sophie Turner
    Bella Thorne
    Annie Thurman
    Karen Gillan

  201. April Nedeau

    Rachelle Lefevre or Saoirse Ronan!

  202. Rachel

    I’m just coming off of Supernatural, so mainly actresses from that show are coming to mind. Felicia Day, Alona Tal, Danneel Ackles… they’re all probably too “mature” for the part, but I still think there’s some potential there.

    I honestly would love to see fresh talent. This role has the potential to launch a career, and I think someone newer to the industry could really bring some enthusiasm to the show.

  203. Amanda

    I just thought of this, Molly Quinn played Castle’s daughter and she would be perfect!

  204. Amber

    Rachelle Lefevre

  205. Jaime Lam

    Karen Gillian!! She has red hair, has experience playing someone quirky/funny but also serious, sci fi/fantasy, and feels more like Rachel to me. Karen also feels more real than Kate.

    Please! This is my favorite book series ever and I hope it all goes perfectly!

    • Jacqueline Susanne Marie Blackburn

      She seems more appropriate and appealing. Kat McNamara acting is not believable and too weak for this role. Rachel is more than a pretty face. She is fierce, loyal to a fault, headstrong, rushes feet first into any situations and gives everyone the benefit of the doubt in her unfailing resolve to right the wrongs life throws her way.

  206. Tammy Riddle

    Emma Dumont from The Gifted
    Skylar Samuels
    Aly Michalka

  207. Penny Morris

    Eleanor Tomlinson would be my choice.

  208. Amanda Shank

    When I think of Rachel, I think grown woman. So while Kate did well in the Shadowhunters series, I feel she’s too young to be Rachel. I envision Rachelle Lefevre.

  209. Kelly Rice

    My two quick picks are Odessa Young and Madeline Pesch.

  210. Ammi

    I think Karen Gillan would be amazingly personally, but I know that it’s not a common switch from movies to TV so that might not be an easy sell to the actress.

    I think you should consider Melissa Benoist from Supergirl. I know she’s currently blonde, but could potentially be a good fit.

  211. Heather

    What about Emily Rose? She’s no stranger to adventure and extremely tough. Or Tatiana Maslany, she can do anything.

  212. Anne Bailey

    Hair color can always be modified… but I am drawn to 2 actresses that I believe can do Rachel justice. From prior work and interviews,

    Kate Mara
    Rose Leslie

    Looking forward to watching you bring to life the world we love.


  213. Lisa Reynolds

    Karen Gillan she might be to tall and a bit famous for TV, Brittany Snow from pitch perfect! Naturally blond fantastic as a red head!

  214. Maryann Sparks

    Kat would be amazing. I have wanted this series made into a show or even a movie since I read the first book what seems like ions ago. You’re story telling is amazing. The way you make us love and hate characters is beyond awesome. They twists the turns keeps me wanting more and more! If it’s a vote, I vote YES to The Hollows coming to TV!

  215. Alicia Witt. Has the sense of humour, the attitude, and her ability to fall, but get back up

  216. Chris Lucard

    I think Karen Gillan has both the dramatic and comedic chops for Rachel. She proved that in my opinion on Dr. Who then on to The Marvel movies.she would make a great Rachel.

  217. Marisela

    Danielle Panabaker or Daniel Ackles!

  218. Ashli

    I love the idea of Kate McNamara or for a more adult version if it’s picked up by something like HBO Deborah Ann Woll.

    • Shawndale Bishop

      Jade Tailor from the Magicians. She just needs the red hair. She is already a bad ass and snarky with a good build

  219. Angie

    I think Deborah Ann Woll would be a fantabulous Rachel. She was so very good in True Blood as she went from naive to ass kicking.

  220. Rose

    I’ve always pictured Emma Stone as Rachel.

  221. Claire Parker

    Deborah Ann Will
    Lucy Hale
    Alexis Bledel
    Heather Pasternak
    Zoey Deutch
    Skyler Samuels
    Emma Roberts
    Rachelle Lefevre

  222. Jamie Smith

    Ooohh!!! Even the mention of this has me fangirling all over the place! I feel like I’m 15 again! I’ve thought about this for years but now, ofc, I’m drawing a blank on the people I’ve picked. But the names I’ve seen above that I will agree on are:
    Kate McNamara
    Rachelle Lefevre
    Rose Leslie
    The above names are really just based on looks alone, as I’m not THAT familiar with the shows they played on.

    Madelaine Petsch is someone I’ve thought about. I’ve only seen her in shows and movies where she played the snobby rich girl/cheerleader but I can only assume she can do more than just that type of acting. I try really hard not to type cast people into the roles I’ve seen them in.
    (I can’t wait for the others to mentioned, I’ve got some ideas for Kisten and Trent…. They HAVE to include Kisten, right!?!?)

  223. Nicolette Salazar

    I think with the right hair and makeup, I could see Tatiana Maslany or Samara Weaving as Rachel. I like their ability to show vulnerability, not know what the heck they’re doing and just winging it, their penchant for sarcasm and then, of course, them kicking the badass up several notches and doling out smack-downs as needed.

  224. Kristine Patten

    Karen Gillan! She’s perfect….intense, athletic, but with a sarcastic comedic bent!

  225. Patty Sandekian

    I think Scarlett Johansson would be a good fit. Great actress and very athletic.

  226. Kelso

    Rose Leslie from Game of Thrones!

  227. MJ

    Excited!! Have you thought about Aya Cash. I loved her in FX’s You’re the Worst and she just played on Prime’s The Boys.

  228. Indigo Flaxweed

    Allison Scagliotti (Warehouse 13, Claudia)
    Karen Gillian (Dr Who, Amy Pond)
    Ksenia Solo (Lost Girl, Kenzie) – why have I not seen her mentioned yet??

    All 3 great in characters with troubled pasts, inner strength vs vulnerability, super-skills and inappropriate daywear (including leather), etc.

  229. Kim Messer

    Bryce Dallas Howard would make a great Rachel

  230. Jenny

    Sophie Skelton!!! She’d be great

  231. Sophie Skelton would be a great option. She’s from Outlander but not the main character, so she is not so well-known that she would be unattainable.

  232. Melanie Southard

    Rachelle Lefevre

  233. Mike owens

    Ok, here we go.
    Karen Gillan as Rach.
    Gillian Anderson as her mom
    For Ivy toss up Lyrics O Kana, Claudia Kim or Arden Chi
    For Jenna either Ryan Reynolds or Chris Pratt
    For Trent I have to go with Thomas John Ellis ( Lucifer Morningstar )

  234. Jo Shew

    Jennifer lawrence!


    Lily collins!

  236. Rey

    Rachelle Lefevre
    Christina Hendricks
    Sophie Turner

  237. Arien

    Laura Vandervoort (Bitten) would be fabulous, she would look great as a redhead too.

  238. Deanna Chappell

    Rachelle Lefevre is a strong, tough, sassy redhead who fits this role perfectly. She is a great actress that plays roles/personalities well no matter the character.

  239. What about ( maybe) Rose leslie She also played in GOT and the last witch hunter. And for ivy- Devon Aoki she has skills

  240. I definitely think Deborah Ann Woll for Rachel!! She was awesome in True Blood. Dominic Anthony Sherwood for Kisten! Alex Pettyfer for Trent.

  241. Kerry

    i like kat McNamara but can she pull off the harder shell of Rachel compared to clery frey in shadowhunters? Will too many people compare her to that as it is of similar genre?

    I like other people’s suggestions of karen gillan, i think she would do well with the tough girl, soft heart personality of Rachel.

  242. lizard girl

    Has Maika Monroe been mentioned yet? I think getting Rachel’s ‘age’ – that delicate balance between vulnerable and fierce – right is super important.

  243. naturallydotty

    Rachael Harris fits my mental image of Rachel. While she might be a bit shorter, she is a great actor and has a lot of spunk.

  244. Bridget Murphy

    Karen Gillian was my first thought

  245. Jo

    Rose Leslie. She proved in Game of Thrones she can kick butt! She is beautiful and fits the description.

  246. Erin Kellyman has a beautiful unique look that would work for Rachel.

    Your choice is awesome also!

  247. Leftyleo22

    Deborah Ann Woll
    Isla Fisher

  248. Haley

    I totally agree with your pick of Kate McNamara! I think she would be awesome as Rachel!

  249. Christine

    Kate McNamara is a good choice! I also like Emma Roberts . I know she doesn’t have the red hair but is there a mix of the two out there? Lol

  250. Randy Madison

    Ksenia Solo

  251. Rod Davenport

    Krysten Ritter

  252. Sabrina Carpenter (Maya Hart on Girl Meets World) would be a good fit and even the right age for Rachel, although perhaps a bit on the short side.

  253. Sonya Lewis

    I 100% agree with you! As soon I I read this Kate McNamara’s face popped into my head. I loved her in Shadowhunters and Arrow. She would make a great Rachel!

  254. Katie Morley

    What about Kennedy McCann?? She’s currently starring in Nancy Drew on the CW.

  255. HectorM

    I’d love to see Rose Leslie as Rachel!!

  256. Traci

    Jennifer Garner

  257. Kimberly

    Karen Gillan

  258. Georgia

    Holland Roden, Madelaine Petsch, Perry Matfield, but also Nichole Beharie or Dominique Tipper could totally do Rachel’s attitude justice.

    • Kerry Goodall

      Kate McNamara or Sophie Turner

    • Desi Rae Stone

      Perry is a great suggestion!!! I really enjoyed Perry as a tough “cookie” on In The Dark. We share a birthday which I found fascinating! Lucy Lawless aka Xena Warrior Princess shares this birth day as well!

      I also love Karen Gillian and her physical acting, facial expressions, etc could easily carry Rachel

  259. C

    Karen Gillan or Deborah Ann Woll.

  260. Abby Kieser

    😬 Darby Stanchfield. She has the look described above and I think she would be PERFECT!!

  261. Carol

    Rachelle Lefevre , is she too old ? I think she meets all the criteria.

  262. Danielle

    Deborah Ann Wholl
    I’ve ALWAYS been a fan of hers and could see her as a perfect Rachel!!

  263. Rose Leslie or Sophie Turner would be great.

  264. Dawn

    I believe that Ashleigh Cummings from NOS4A2 would do Rachel justice.



    Deborah Ann Woll

  266. Melissa

    Megan Sooner
    Lizzy Caplan
    Alison Scagliotti

  267. Jenn

    Also, hard NO on Kate McNamara. I was never able to take her seriously in Shadowhunters because she just doesn’t come across as strong, more flimsy and delicate. Rachel can kick @ss ten ways to Sunday, Kate looks like she would struggle to eat a sandwich. She’s just too waif-like. An actress who would be able to depict Rachel needs to have bearing. She needs to have enough muscle and heft to her that you would actually take her seriously as a threat (think Katee Sackoff as Starbuck in BSG). Rachel is a woman, and Kate is a girl.

  268. Amanda Kimbrell

    Hey Kim,
    I don’t know if you want a “known” actor or an unknown. But giving this a try. I do know an actress by the name of Casey Wallace (VII). She is smart, sassy, a little on the brassy side. She is blonde but will dye her hair. I *think* her number on IMDb is 11252445.
    I know she has been in several films and tv shows including “Stargirl” and “Watchmen”. Hope you will take a look!!

  269. M4

    Emily Beecham. She can totally kick butt in high heeled boots as evidenced by her time on Into the Badlands!

  270. Kara Gordon

    Camren Bicondova, who has the advantage of youth, athleticism, great acting chops, and the training to follow choreography. Bonus: she’s only 5’2″.

  271. Stephen Cloutier

    I’m thinking Holland Roden or Renee Olstead. Maybe even Madalaine Petsch

  272. Jerry H

    not bad. I could see Karen Gillan too. although she might be too tall

  273. Cassandra

    Karen Gillan

  274. Hannah

    Kate McNamara is such a good choice! She’d be a perfect Rachel.

  275. Aimee

    Lauren Ambrose.

  276. Jamie

    Debra Ann will would definitely be a candidate for me

  277. Laura Spencer (Bones and The Big Bang Theory)
    Allison Scagliotti (Warehouse 13)
    Tatiana Maslany (Orphan Black)

  278. Jennifer W.

    Kate McNamara would be a wonderful Rachel. She is young, beautiful, and feisty! Great choice!

  279. Sarah

    Deborah Ann Woll for sure. Tall thin red haired gives good snark.

  280. Yes! Holland Roland is a red head with a very expressive face.

  281. Michele

    Margot Robbie. She is amazing in suicide squad. She was also great in Tarzan.

  282. Pam Williams

    I like Kate McNamara but I think Rachael Taylor would make a great Rachel as well

  283. Alfie

    Deborah Ann Woll. Because everyone needs a second chance.

  284. Tracy Koepke

    Madelaine Petsch for Rachel

  285. Kara

    Jane Levy or Deborah Ann Woll

  286. Alitza Leventhal

    My husband and I just binged Queens Gambit, and I was very impressed with Anya Taylor-Joy! Before seeing this, however, I would have suggested Karen Gillan. I loved her in Doctor Who, and was surprised when I found out she was Nebula in Guardians of the Galaxy! And she showed her spunk in Jumanji!!

  287. Rachel Morgan

    Rachelle Lefevre is always the Rachel in my head. But I was just watching Chicago PD and thought Tracy Spiridakos has a good Rachel look. Think she is averagish height (5ft6). I do love Kat too though.

    • Becky Kempf

      I too, always see Rachel Lafevre in my head when I read the books.

    • Jenn

      OMG, YES! Rachel Lefevre is the best suggestion I’ve seen here. She can definitely tick all the boxes for Rachel’s character – nutty, good heart, fierce, sensual, clever, and a little grungy.

  288. Kimber

    Rachelle Lefevre would be PERFECT if she were a little younger. Lily Collins would be great too or Isabel Lucas.

  289. Roberta Cutler

    when I think of red hair, the first one I think of is Catherine Tate, but she may be too old, also Patsy Palmer, and a younger one Maisie Smith, all British stars. Maisie Smith would be great!

  290. Vance Bowers

    I think that there are some good ideas here. As someone who’s been around the movie business (not TV) in one way or another for a few decades, I would ask folks to keep in mind that Kim noted “TV actor/actress”. While some do both TV and movies, they are the exception, not the rule.

    This (The Hollows) is a storyline I have enjoyed from its early days and am excited and nervous about seeing it come to life. Best wishes, Kim, enjoy the ride!

    • Janeen Anyon

      Eliza Taylor (from the 100) would be great if she can pull off the redhead look. Think she would give an awesome Rachel delivery. Agree with previous comments about Sophie Skelton from Outlander as well, she would also be great.

  291. Ashley Marie

    Brittany Snow, Anna Camp, Sasha Alexander

    I tried to keep acting ability, age and build in mind.

  292. Deborah

    Bryce Dallas Howard or Sophie Turner

  293. Sydney

    Rose Leslie for Rachel

  294. Carmen

    Anna Silk! She played a strong bad ass Bi woman in Lost Girl and would do Rachel justice 😍

  295. Rich Slabbekoorn

    Just binge-watched Fringe. Anna Torv has an amazingly expressive face. Tatiana Maslany has also demonstrated an amazing ability to portray pretty much any character you give her.

    • Shanice

      Robert Sheehan as Kisten
      Cole Sprouse as Trenton
      Hugh Jackman as Al

    • Laura Gray

      Daisy Ridley. I know, she’s a brunette. But before realising I couldn’t attach photos to this I made her a redhead on the Redken app and it was delightful. She’s an experienced action star with good range and the right approximate age.

  296. Shanice

    Shes a little tall and european for Rachel but.i think Karen Gillian would be perfect. Han Chae Young would be perfect for Ivy.

  297. Joanne Lepore

    Wild red hair can come from a bottle, Freckles can be air brushed or painted on with make up so again that is fluid. Nicole Maines I think would be a good canidate.

  298. Chenay

    Kate macnamara would be a perfect rachael

  299. Velissa

    Someone mentioned an actress that I wouldn’t have considered before. Maya Hawk. She looks like someone who can ACTUALLY kick ass, not like these other suggestions where they want these supermodel women who look like they’ve never lifted a nail before. True fans don’t care about “beauty”, we care about acting skills and believability. She was great in Stranger Things and I think she would make a great, sarcastic, Rachel Morgan.

  300. Samantha reid

    I don’t know if she is to old but I think Jewel Staite.

  301. Chelsea

    I think Kat McNamara,Karen Gillian, Deborah Ann Woll, or Rose Leslie would be great. However some one suggested Allison Scagliotti and I can totally see it

  302. Velissa

    I know Rachel is in her mid/late 20’s but I can really see SOPHIA LILLIS play Rachel. She is only 18 but that girl has the most expressive face and can act on a dime. Maybe the story can start out when Rachel was younger? Sophia Lillis just has this allure to her. Everyone is choosing these “sexy” actresses just for their looks or these high profile movie stars who would never go to tv. Sophia has been in both movies and tv shows so she’s experienced in both. But again, it’s more important to have someone ACT amazing rather than look the part.
    So please consider her!

  303. Jennifer

    Sticking with actresses who generally do TV, I’d say Karen Gillan or Kristen Bell. Karen Gillan definitely has the look and I could definitely see her playing Rachel if a slightly softer Rachel. Kristen Bell being the woman who played Veronica Mars could definitely pull off Rachel Morgan.

  304. Megan

    Abigail Cowen I think would be a great pick. She is a natural redhead, five foot seven, a little on the young side at 22 but that means she can play the part longer.

  305. Jason Hansen

    I was just thinking about this the other day and I thought Annie Murphy from Schitt’s Creek. Just the right amount of sass and ditz.

  306. Jon Daedalus Govoni

    How about Felicia Day? She can be awkward yet really pretty, and she’s a redhead!

  307. Cheryl Cossu-Kerschus

    Amy Adams

  308. Tyree

    Rachelle Lefevre
    Karen Gillan
    Rose Leslie

  309. Norma

    What about Jennifer Lawrence? Her facial expressions are awesome.

  310. Valerie

    I would love to see Abbey Cowen as Rachel 😍🥰 but Kate would be awesome as well ❤️

  311. Jennifer

    Bonnie Wright, Sophia Lillis, Karen Gillian

  312. Nell Tiger Free (she’d need to dye her hair)
    Karen Gillian

  313. Jo Jones

    Molly Quinn, Emma Watson, Emma Stone, or Kate McNamara.

  314. Minnie

    Great choice! What about Abigail Cowan?

  315. KristenD

    I’m loving Billie Piper (Doctor Who) or Anna Kendrick. But I’m IN LOVE with the idea of Deborah Ann Woll (True Blood) as Rachel!

  316. Feli M

    Kate McNamara

  317. Gfa

    AnnaSophia Robb…very talented actress that I personally never seen in a role she couldn’t do amazing

  318. Margaret

    I see her the same way.

  319. Lillie

    I like Kat McNamara I think she definitely grew from Shadowhunters to her time on Arrow. It would also be great to see Molly Quinn. I instantly go to Karen Gillan, but I do wonder if she is too old. Melissa Benoist is just finishing her run on Supergirl..

  320. Jill Jennings

    Kelly Reilly would be awesome for Rachel i think!

  321. Anna C

    Rose Leslie
    Sophie Turner
    Emma Stone
    Rachel Lafavre

  322. Tiffany

    Sophie Turner. She is gorgeous and totally made me think of Rachel. Athletic, fair skin. Amazing actress!

  323. Based on looks. Stephanie Lynn, Karen strassman, izabella scorupco, Laura prepon, Rebecca creskoff, Marian tomas griffin,

  324. Teresa

    My first thought was Kate McNamara.

  325. Liz Runyan

    Kennedy McCann – formerly of Nancy Drew

  326. I saw someone else put down my pick. Tatiana Maslany! She is incredible! If you haven’t seen Orphan Black please do and you will see what I mean!
    Rose Leslie is another awesome choice as well!

  327. Cynthia R Singleton

    Emma Watson, or. Kiernan Shipka(Chilling adventures of Sabrina on Netflix) . Before ruling 5hem out for playing popular witch/wizard characters before remember the Hollows is a completely different world.
    Also for consideration The lead actress from the lying game Alexander Chandro.

  328. Jaime Andring

    For Rachel I think Deborah Ann Woll or Rose Leslie would be great in this role.

  329. JK

    Madelaine Petsch or Rose Leslie (agreed)

  330. Arma Hasanaj

    Rachelle Lefèvre, I know
    she is a bit older but I think she is perfect for the role

  331. Debi Stewart

    While I appreciate Kate McNamara, I think Rose Leslie would be a good fit or Deborah Ann Woll she is a great actress. I think she really needs to be consider for the part of Rachel.

  332. Steve Robertson

    My suggestions would be Laura Spencer, Maria Thayer, Kate Mara, or Rose Leslie. Rachel needs to be playful and hopeful, but also determined and focused, spunky with both whimsy and steel in her veins.

  333. For Rachel, please consider Deborah Ann Woll or Emma Watson. Amy Adams would be perfection if going with a little more mature actress. She is expressive, spunky, and a phenomenal actress that could do Rachel authentically as well. I’m less sure about Kate McNamara pulling her off. 🙂

  334. Tish Lanigan

    Kate McNamara or Rose Leslie would NAIL IT!!

  335. Diana Regolizio

    I went to school for tv writing, and the second I read the series I felt like it would make an AMAZING TV series with its world and pacing and, of course, story, so I’m glad this is in the works!

    I think Emma Stone would work for Rachel, if it’s okay that’s she’s slightly older now than Rachel is at the start of the series.

  336. Genevieve Common

    I also like Felicia Day, Karen Gillian, Deborah Ann Woll and I’ll add Camren Bicondova from Gotham.

  337. Emily Elizabeth Armantrout

    Eleanor Tomlinson, Florence Pugh, Maya Hawke, Daisy Head, Charlotte Hope

  338. Chantal de Medeiros

    I don’t think Kate McNamara would be a good Rachel, in my opinion. The actress is too tiny and perky. She doesn’t scream athletic, kickass, sarcastic to me. I think Maya Hawke and Karen Gillan would be wonderful choices. Their look, facial expressions, and whit are perfect. I saw someone mention Felicia Day – she would be an interesting choice too.

  339. Theresa Palmer from I Am Number Four

  340. Ace Kierna

    Emma Stone or Karen Gillian.

  341. Reis

    Rose Leslie
    Rachel Bilson

  342. Meghan Peacock

    Zooey Deschanel- going red LOL

  343. Leisa

    Rachel Boston
    Is another one for the hollows

  344. CRYS

    Tatiana Maslany

  345. Katie Leclerc, Emma Stone, Lily Collins

  346. Katie Leclerc, Emma Stone, Lily Collins

  347. Temarra

    Emma Stone or Anna Kendrick!
    Sassy attitudes these women play well!! Both seem a little intense, and I think both of them could look very much like Rachel!!

  348. Jamie Bailey-Rittall

    This is so exciting!

    I’m thinking Rachelle Marie Lefevre.

  349. I really, really like this suggestion!

  350. Jennifer Wessling

    Hi Kim,

    Ever since I started reading this series, I thought how great it would be to move to television/movies. So exciting.

    I agree with you on Kate McNamara for sure, but I have one other actress that I think would be great. Alexandra Daddario. Her eyes for one are amazing, and she can fight, she also has a very dry sense of humor that comes through very well on screen. (Percy Jackson Movies).

    Thanks so much for letting us give you some ideas. So much fun.

  351. Micki Bank

    Emma Stone for sure. She has had all colors hair, but she is most memorable as a red head. She always plays feisty characters as well.

  352. Mercedes Alvarez

    Jennifer Lawrence would be a great Rachel.

  353. Shawna

    Sophie Turner might be a good option. She is a good height too. 5’7″~

  354. Vampiric Ginger

    Rache: Isla Fisher. Canucks Rachelle Lefevre, Lindy Booth.

  355. Ha! Our podcast just did Dead Witch Walking (not live yet) and there was a whole casting section. I will have to dig them up

  356. Lacy Chaney

    Honestly, I think Sophie Turner would rock it. She’s a perfect age and she has a dry sense of humor. She’s a great actress and a good person. I’d love to see her do something unique like this.

  357. Carla Hollar

    Mary Wiseman. Star Trek: Discovery
    She’s quirky, forthright, solidly built, masses of curly red hair and freckles. Studied at Juliard.

  358. Tammy

    Isla Fischer is the epitome of Rachel

  359. Catherine Breckinridge

    Karen Gillian or Rose Leslie would be great!

  360. Neil

    I think Gemma Arterton would make s gray Rachel natural pale skin. Amazing actress.

  361. Patricia Barker

    Rachel Hurd-Wood

  362. Ash

    Amber Skye Noyes, although perhaps she may be too old now. Molly Quinn also sprung to mind for me.

    Although the regular ass-kicking aspect of Kat Mcnamara’s acting makes her an appealing choice, there’s something that just doesn’t quite fit for me when trying to imagine her as Rachel.

  363. Lupe Saldivar

    I’ve seen a lot of good suggestions on here, but I agree with those who are suggesting Karen Gillian. She can do those socializing awkward situations Rachel gets herself into as well as be a total bad ass with a soft heart. She was an awkward red head in The new Jumanji movies, and a bad ass with a soft heart as Nebula in the Guardians of the Galaxy.

  364. Jessica Overton

    Here are some of the thoughts I had for hollows characters…..
    Al – Jeffrey Dean Morgan
    Newt – Lindy Booth or Elizabeth Banks or Ruth Connell
    Ku’Sox – Misha Collins
    Dali – Tom Hiddleson or Benedict Cumberbatch
    Minias – Benedict Cumberbatch or Tom Hiddleson
    Quen – Tahmoh Penikett
    Alice Morgan – Kim Rhodes or Elizabeth Banks or Ruth Connell
    Takata – Christian Kane or
    Rynn Cormel – Liam Neeson
    Nick – Dave Franco (He could prob pull off Jenks too)
    Rachel – Isla Fisher or Amy Acker or Kristen Bell or Alona Tal
    Ivy – Awkwafina or Summer Glau or Maggie Q
    Jenks – Tom Holland
    Trent – Charlie Hunnam or Jamie Dornan
    Nick – Daniel Radcliffe

  365. Soraya

    Madelaine Petsch, Danielle Campbell, Deborah Ann Will

  366. Susan

    Emma Watson would be a solid choice for Rachel.

  367. Another video of Racheal Kathryn Bell being interviewed https://youtu.be/NrNwy5qShrM

    • I tried to post this earlier, looks like it didn’t take:

      Red hair, freckles…can be achieved with makeup. Athletics (as long as the potential build is there) can be achieved through working out. Instead of suggesting someone who is already mainstream successful, I’m going to spotlight someone who has acting experience under her belt, who is still active in acting and singing. If the “girl next door” with an expressive face vibe is truly what you’re looking for, someone who is the right age in her mid-20s, I’m going to put Racheal Kathryn Bell up here. Or “Little Luna” as she also goes by, her singing persona. Racheal got her start ten years ago on the Disney Channel’s The Suite Life on Deck. She played a badass hacker on CSI: Cyber. Most recently she wrote the song lyrics and performed/sang in the music video: Shift & Go, released back in October.

      I’ll post the link to the “Shift & Go” YouTube video, if it will let me:

      So yes, Racheal Kathryn Bell for Rachel 🙂 Right age, girl next door, expressive face, hell of an actress. Right height, teaches yoga, so she’s got more strength, control and stamina than I’ll ever hope to have, haha. Give her red hair and occasional freckles and she’s good to go.

      Heck, the song she wrote has the lyrics: “I’m done, I’m done, I’m done dealin’ with vampire neck bites.”

    • Sorry, Kim, that this showed up a few times on the feed. WordPress was giving me problems, making it seem that it wasn’t posting. I swear I wasn’t trying to spam you *embarrassed face*. Sigh, gotta love technology.

    • Kenzie HC

      Bryce Dallas Howard, Jessica chastain, Rose Leslie, Karen Gillian, Saoirse Ronan, or Sophie Turner. Emma stone was another option, but I always pictured Rachel as someone with more severe features than Emma stone has.

      As for a network home for the series, Starz, HBO and Showtime are the only networks I’ve ever seen do a book series true justice when adapting for television.

  368. Amber


  369. Crystal Quiroz

    I like Rose Leslie as well.

  370. Tristan

    I think Billie Lourd would give some solid ass-kickery to this role.

  371. Kelly

    So far I have only read one comment suggesting Maya Hawke. I never thought of her before but now she is the only person I can picture as Rachel! I think she would be amazing!

  372. badwolfquincy

    Molly Quinn from CASTLE is the number one go-to for me (and others, it appears!). She has the range to play the shocked/startled/wide-eyed moments when needed, as well as the fierceness that comes with this kick-ass character. She is a tragically underrated and under-used actor, but that can be a positive, too, because that means there won’t be any of the baggage (real or imagined) that might come with other, more well-known actors.

  373. Autumn Grimsley

    I think Deborah Ann Woll would make a great Rachel!

    • GeekyEve

      I agree she’d be great, also her latest role have had a physicality to them that would lend to the role of Rachel.

  374. Chelsie Russell

    Rachelle Lefevre, I think she’d be amazing as Rachel. She’s an amazing actress.

  375. Jim

    Karen Gillian. I don’t think there’s another option. She can act, can do awkward and self doubt as well as confident. Physically capable and she fits the character.

  376. Caroline Rigden

    Mary Wiseman who plays Tilly in Star Trek: Discovery.
    She is brilliant and when her hair is sleek it is glorious!

  377. I would say either Jessica Chastain or Madelaine Petsch they’d play a really good Rachel.

  378. Cammy

    Have you considered Emma Watson?

  379. Jessica

    Saoirse Ronan! She was in LadyBird. She’s young, fierce, but has a soft side too. And I think she could look great with red hair!

  380. Excuse me if this ends up being a duplicate comment. I had a password issue with WordPress.

    IDK that anyone but a natural red could pull it off, but there’s always makeup and hair dye. IDK that anyone over 35 could “young down” enough to convincingly play someone younger over the course of a series of it goes the long run. IDK that any of my gut choices are young enough or affordable enough.

    Lily Luahana Cole might be a stretch at 32 but I think her impish face could do younger quite well and she really rocks red hair.

  381. Misty Sullivan

    I was think Rachelle Lefevra. Perfect red hair, pale skin and amazing eyes.

  382. Tessa Von Ives

    I’d have to say Rose Leslie out of the more common choices. Not that I have a problem with Kate McNamara… I just don’t think she can pull off the sarcasm and quirkiness that is a large part of Rachel’s personality. Not to mention her over all look and bearing still screams teenage girl. Her small soft stature kind of takes away for the edges that are a part of Rachel’s look and personality.

  383. Tamara Alpuche

    Eleanor Tomlinson

  384. Liz Cirelli

    Jade Tailor was awesome on the Magicians. She would be amazing.

  385. Liz Cirelli

    Jade Tailor was awesome on the Magicians. She would be amazing.

  386. Carol

    Chloe Grace Moretz, Dove Cameron, Kiernan Shipka. Those are my suggestions.

  387. Tara Q

    Karen Gillan is amazing. Bella Thorne might be a good fit too.

  388. Bonnie

    Karen Gillian would be awesome, she’s stunning but tough and quirky too.

  389. IDK that anyone but a natural red could pull it off, but there’s always makeup and hair dye. IDK that anyone over 35 could “young down” enough to convincingly play someone younger over the course of a series of it goes the long run. IDK that any of my gut choices are young enough or affordable enough.

    Lily Luahana Cole might be a stretch at 32 but I think her impish face could do younger quite well and she really rocks red hair.

  390. Debbie

    No not McNamara she was good in the other series but u need someone not attached to previous character like that. Maybe Madeline Petsch or Rose Leslie – Rose has the fighting history from Game of Thrones.

  391. Kelly Lewis

    Scarlett Pomers
    Allison Scagliotti

  392. Noelle

    I agree with you! Kate McNamara would be perfect. She’s the right age range and I think she could nail Rachel’s personality.

  393. Mandi Venard

    Kate Mara and Bryce Dallas Howard

  394. Lizzy

    I’m thinking Emily Rose. Though I wonder if she is getting too old. Even if she is 2 years younger than me.

  395. Vikki

    I’d actually like to see Deborah Ann would be great.

  396. Diana Snow

    How about Bonnie Wright? Smart, pretty, and funny.

  397. Karen Saberzadeh

    I think Jennifer Lawrence would be great as Rachel.

  398. Clara Huff

    Sophia Skelton (Brianna McKenzie on Outlander) is who I see in my mind when I see Rachel. She is beautiful, in great shape, a fantastic actress and can rock red, curly hair.

  399. Anna

    I agree that Rachel should be undiscovered talent. A few of the mentioned actresses might work, but many look nothing like the drawings. Books leave it all up to imagination and I do not want to picture someone who has already been a character in something else while reading the books. Just my opinion. As for Al though I think it would fitting to see Tom Ellis play the part. He pretty much does already.

  400. Jesse

    Karen Gillian!!!

  401. Jennifer Hove

    I have to say that Emma Stone was who I immediately thought of. She is expressive, funny, sarcastic and can be a bad ass. However, I did look up the other suggestions as well. As Far as looks, I agree with Felicia Day and Rachel LeFevre, both seem to physically have the “look” that reminds me of Rachel. One name I only saw once was Madeline Petsch. Her character in Riverdale is also expressive, snarky and has no problem marching into danger and kicking ass when necessary. I think she could pull off Rachel Morgan pretty well with proper direction. I have to say though that some of my favorite book-to-movie adaptations feature previously unknown or not well known artists. It’s like they can capture the essence of the character better.

  402. Michelle Dellascio

    Karen Gillan from Jumanji. She plays awkward well, and has the ability to move.

  403. Emma Stone would be great at Rachel!

  404. Jessika Hegström

    Since Rachel is quite young at the start of the series and through most of it I´m not wanting a too mature actress playing her, Otherwise my choice would have been Rachelle lefevre Sure, its common for actors in their thirties to play teenagers in TV¨shows, but I´m hoping this will run forever and thus that is not a good idea. I like your choise, but since I also see her as Clary I´m a little devided. Let med ad, I´m salivating at the thought of this magical world of the Hollows on TV. I´m in love with your books and listen to the audiobooks over and over. I never tire of it even if I know the story by heart. Thank You for this wonderful wonderful read.

  405. Katrina

    Holland Roden, and amazing actress that can also kick butt.

  406. Michelle

    I’m going with Karen Gillian, though she’s older than I’d want. But man, she’s got the sass and kick ass attitude needed for Rachel.

  407. Jolene

    Just a thought… Emma Stone?🤔

  408. Tella

    I think Sophie Turner would be good, she is about the right age, and in X-men she had red hair, plus her emotions show I feel pretty well.

  409. Amanda Brianne

    Assuming the TV series starts with Rachel in her 20s, Eilidh Fisher would be one of my first thoughts. If starting with a Rachel in her 30s, then Karen Gillan, Rachelle Lefevre, or Rose Leslie.

  410. Red hair, freckles…can be achieved with makeup. Athletics (as long as the potential build is there) can be achieved through working out. Instead of suggesting someone who is already mainstream successful, I’m going to spotlight someone who has acting experience under her belt, who is still active in acting and singing. If the “girl next door” with an expressive face vibe is truly what you’re looking for, someone who is the right age in her mid-20s, I’m going to put Racheal Kathryn Bell up here. Or “Little Luna” as she also goes by, her singing persona. Racheal got her start ten years ago on the Disney Channel’s The Suite Life on Deck. She played a badass hacker on CSI: Cyber. Most recently she wrote the song lyrics and performed/sang in the music video: Shift & Go, released back in October.

    I’ll post the link to the “Shift & Go” YouTube video, if it will let me:

    So yes, Racheal Kathryn Bell for Rachel 🙂 Right age, girl next door, expressive face, hell of an actress. Right height, teaches yoga, so she’s got more strength, control and stamina than I’ll ever hope to have, haha. Give her red hair and occasional freckles and she’s good to go.

    Heck, the song she wrote has the lyrics: “I’m done, I’m done, I’m done dealin’ with vampire neck bites.”

  411. Leigh Chase

    I agree with your choice Kate McNamara.

  412. Teri

    Madeleine Petsch definiately!!

  413. Stephinie Mallon

    Scarlet Johansson’s Black Widow vibe and look are pretty Rachel-

  414. Jo

    Ksenia Solo
    It’s similar to her role in Lost Girl.

  415. Amanda

    Felicia Day from Supernatural. She’s the girl nextdoor, quarky and a little akward, can be a total badass when needed, and she knows a little something about angles and deamons!

  416. Viktoria Kramer

    Rachelle Lefevre?

  417. Jenny Simpson

    I like Chloë Grace Moretz. She’s beautiful, can be goofy, kick ass, and she is an amazing actor.

    Second and third choices would be Jennifer Lawrence and Shailene Woodley.

  418. Jiselle

    Liv Hewson from Santa Clarita diet. She’s ballsy

  419. Stephanie McCormack

    Caity Lotz

  420. Anna jacomet

    I agree! I think Kate McNamara is the perfect match for Rachel

  421. Debi Albright

    Too many people stuck on the hair color, that’s easily changed. Also the age of the characters need to be taken into account. If this is filmed over years you don’t want to have to switch actors in the middle because they start looking too old.

  422. Stevi C Hackney

    Kate McNamara would be amazing and so would Sophie Turner. Karen Gillian would be a great choice as well. (kat will probably not charge as much per episode as the others though). / Also, I do hope you are considering filming in Cincinnati. We really do have great teams here and the tax breaks for filming here are pretty sweet. Plus, you get the added bonus of filming in the city the books are set in. It’s a Win/Win!!

  423. Heather

    If only we could find a younger Julia Roberts… I always imagined Rachel to be Julia Roberts’s personality in My Best Friend’s Wedding as well as looks.

  424. I was thinking about McKenzie Westmore!!!

  425. Mary Lou

    I picture Anya Taylor Joy for Rachel.

  426. Carla Smith

    She’s from Canada. A little older. Definitely athletic. And mostly unknown. She was Grace in Terminator: Dark Fate

    Mackenzie Davis

  427. Jess

    Felicia Day or Jennifer Morrison.

  428. Mallory Mayers

    I have loved Rose Leslie for the part ever since game of thrones.

    • Andi Adams

      I love the idea of Rose Leslie! I think she would be perfect! She can fight and be badass and I think she has three perfect look for Rachel’s leather!

  429. Jana Knight

    My first pick would be Karen Gillian. Next Felicia Day.

  430. Jennifer Rich

    I think Jennifer Lawrence would be a great Rachel

  431. Phil Clifford

    Karen Gillan would make an awesome Rachel. Able to handle the tough (jumanji + nebula) and has the right attitude (Scottish morals)

  432. Marcia

    Many good actresses listed here. I always picture Rachel in her early-mid 20’s until at least Pale Demon. I hope the actress selected looks like a youthful early 20’s with so much to learn about life.

    That said I like Rachel Hurd Wood or Sophie Turner. Many of the other actresses mentioned are great! But seem to mature for the messes Rachel finds herself in especially books 1-2.

  433. Pauline Salmon

    How about Harriet Dyer? She can play tough and is expressive. I like some of the other suggestions too, like Kat McNamara and Rachelle Lafevre.

  434. Trish collins

    Oddly enough, I would prefer anime as I dont feel live actors will ever love up to my minds eye view of your Hallows story.

  435. Cherl Hearon

    There are so many options available for Rachel. I would love to see someone that hasn’t already saturated Netflix or network TV. Zoey Deutch would be a welcome Rachel,she can be funny and serious as needed. She is a very talented and underused actress. I do hope you stick with filling the roles how they are written, we fell in love with your characters and I would hate to see them changed.

  436. Rene Gray

    Anya Taylor-Joy ! She was just in Queens Gambit.

  437. Donna Wescott

    I love the idea of Karen Gillan! She is awesome in everything I’ve seen her in! She’s tall-ish and not too busty, and I think she could pull off those boots!

    • Lesley

      I second Karen Gillan. Loved her as Amy Pond! She could totally pull off Rachel’s alternating warmth and bad-assitude. She also has a terrific WTF face which is the expression Rachel will be wearing a lot, LOL!

    • Vikki

      I’d actually like to see Deborah Ann would be great.

  438. Charlena Silman

    I was trying to think of someone on the younger side so she has time to grow up with the show. On Facebook someone had once said Madeleine Petsch. She is currently on Riverdale playing Cheryl Blossom and has done a pretty awesome job.

  439. Mel

    Amy Adams or Emma Stone would be top pics for me.

  440. Kelly

    I hate to disagree with so many but I think Kate Macnamara wouldn’t be a great choice. I don’t think she’s that good and I think she kind of ruined the shadow hunters series. I love Rachel and I just couldn’t watch the show with Kate as Rachel. I like Rose Leslie though. I hadn’t thought of her originally but she would be amazing. So many good suggestions but please not KM.

    • Anneli

      Yeeaahhh, same here 😦
      She would have to be quite versatile actor to pull off Rachels little shenanigans. And not too teenagery. Rachel is an old soul. The readhead from True Blood could fit nicely though – someone like Deborah Ann Woll.

  441. I love the idea of Molly Quinn! She was so sassy on Castle and she’s so much fun.

  442. Shiznatz

    Seems like we can all agree that the actress should look early 30-ish? I can see some network exec. casting some actress who looks 18 to try and draw the “Hot Topic” crowd and that would ruin it!

  443. Mary Ann

    Karen Gillan would rock this roll. She’s very versatile and is great at action sequences.

  444. Stephanie Wynne

    Kate McNamara or Rachelle LeFevre

  445. Ashley

    Kate McNamara is a perfect choice.

    • Michelle

      I’m going with Karen Gillian, though she’s older than I’d want. But man, she’s got the sass and kick ass attitude needed for Rachel.

  446. Rebecca

    My 2 cents would be Angie Harmon. https://m.imdb.com/name/nm0004990/?ref_=m_tt_cl_i1
    She brought out the character of Rizzoli from the books quite well I think and I think she’d be a good fit for Rachel

  447. My friends, many of these picks are too old to play Rachel. The series starts when Rachel is in her early 20s, and the actress needs to grow with Rachel and look age appropriate. Emma Stone, Katie Sackhoff, and Felicia Day are far too old for Rachel. Kate McNamara would be appropriate, as would Madeline Petsch. I love Rachelle LeFevre as much as the next person but I feel like we are all visualizing her in the first Twilight movie, which isn’t her now.

  448. Heather

    Deborah Ann Woll
    Anya Taylor-Joy
    Karen Gillian
    Sarah Power

  449. Lavinna Kuberski

    I think Sophia Lillis would be a good fit for Rachel, and she’s young enough to learn to do the physical part of sparring with Ivy.

  450. Summer

    Madeleine Petsch would be a great Rachel. She is athletic and funny.

  451. Stephanie

    Rachelle Lefevre
    Molly Quinn
    Brittany Snow
    Emma Stone

  452. kyla

    I like Kate also, but Scarlett Pomers is who came to mind for me first.

  453. Anne Moyer

    I think am unknown or virtually unknown would be great.

    Kate is a good option, but if not going in know there are others too like Scarlett Pomers.

    I like Rachelle Lefevre, but as someone mentioned, Rachel is pretty young at the start of the series. Look and personality in think would fit though.

    Kim Whalen and Karen Gillan, both have a good look, but in their 30s not 20s. Karen is also more well known because of Jumanji.

    All decent options, but still hoping for an unknown.

  454. Tricia

    Tough. Attitude. Pretty. Semi-approachable. Nicola Peltz.

  455. Anna Bandy

    Kat McNamara is an awesome choice visually. I haven’t seen her in too many things but I think I should correct that!

  456. Alice

    Karen Gillan. She’s so versatile.

  457. Rae

    Hey Kim- I am so excited for you! What an interesting thing to watch unfold as an author. As an avid reader, I have followed along as many books I’ve read get turned into movies or TV shows. As I’m sure you’ve experienced yourself, many times, the attempt to visualize the novel on the big screen can often be disappointing. Unfortunately, that’s how I felt about Kate McNamara’s depiction in Shadowhunter, after loving the Mortal Instruments book series as a young adult. However, as we know (e.g. with the interviews of Twilight cast lol) it totally could have been the director (and/or producer) and not Ms. McNamara’s acting that determined how that one role was developed. So, looks-wise, I totally get your choice! Feelings-wise, she’d have to grow on me after I see her in, say, early screen tests, to imagine her as “Rachel Mariana Morgan” and the chemistry she has with the other chosen actors! I’m hopeful about your choice, and I’d be pleased to have Ms. McNamara demolish my preconceptions of her!

    Otherwise, as requested, here are a couple other actors with martial arts skills for your consideration:

    – Diana Lee Inosanto

    IMAGE of Ms. Inosanto with red hair:

    – She can totally pull off the red hair. And who cooler than the daughter of martial arts gurus who grew up soaking up all that talent? It would be really cool to see a Rachel who has fighting and stunt work skills. I also think she looks closer to the age I imagine Rachel, not just a baby-faced actor.

    – Katheryn Winnick

    IMAGE of Ms. Winnick with red hair:


    – She is an accomplished martial artist as well, and founded three schools! I love her badassery, but I’m unsure if she could pull off the red-head look. I do feel like some of the characters I’ve seen her play in the past (crime shows) are great practice for Rachel, especially the “takes things to heart”, “being taken advantage of”, and “out of her way to down bullies” aspects.

    I’m looking forward to seeing all the other ideas that get posted! I remember looking at dozens of DeviantArt and fan art pages devoted to just this (visualizing Rachel) back when the series came out and I started reading them in the 2010s. I can’t wait to see all those ideas brought forth and revamped here again 10 years later!

    Your Fan,
    Rae Fried

  458. Alicia

    Madelaine Petsch would be great!

  459. Janna Pyckevet

    I would love to see Aanya Taylor Joy. I really think she has the acting chops to pull it off. Her Illyana Rasputin was very good. And on the other hand you have the Queen’s Gambit.

    • Carol

      Danielle Rose Russell from Legacies would be perfect. I think Kate McNamara is way too tiny and her voice doesn’t make me think tough girl with attitude. I would never have pictured her as Rachel. I myself am a true redhead , so I am looking for more in this character.

  460. Charlina Vega

    Molly Quinn would be a great choice.

  461. Autumn

    Choosing just one is hard! Kate McNamara is a good choice. As is Sophie Skelton (from Outlander), Emma Stone, and Molly Quinn (though on the shorter side).

  462. ladondrac

    Alexandra Breckinridge

  463. Katja Wilmsen

    Kate McNamara ist perfect, what about Emma Watson or Kiernan Shipka?

  464. Shawna Rebertz

    My strongest recommendation is to be true to the Hollowsverse that we all love by focusing on talent and not what’s “young, hot and trendy” like so many series to screen make, which ends up cheapening the result and making the show a hollow version of the beloved series (pun intended).

    For this reason, I would prefer that you go with an unknown for Rachel – she is such an important piece to get right – and the “star power” could be built by the ensemble cast, which would give you the room to get Rachel exactly the way she should be presented.

    Ivy – Maggie Q (serious, sultry, professional, haunted)
    Kisten – Alexander Skarsgård (Eric Northman – what more do you want from Kisten!)
    Trent – Arnie Hammer (that voice! Just what we need for Trent!)
    Al – David Tennant (or someone equally able to be both menacing and kooky, without being campy)
    Newt – Tilda Swinton (nails androgyny perfectly!)
    Jenx – Nico Tortorella

    Etc., etc.

    Please, please, please don’t let them ruin your world with cheesy, “trendy” casting. This world needs serious weight (talent) to pull off your amazing stories!

  465. Melissa Hantz

    Isla Fisher

  466. Red hair, freckles…can be achieved with makeup. Athletics (as long as the potential build is there) can be achieved through working out. Instead of suggesting someone who is already mainstream successful, I’m going to spotlight someone who has acting experience under her belt, who is still active in acting and singing. If the “girl next door” with an expressive face vibe is truly what you’re looking for, someone who is the right age in her mid-20s, I’m going to put Racheal Kathryn Bell up here. Or “Little Luna” as she also goes by, her singing persona. Racheal got her start ten years ago on the Disney Channel’s The Suite Life on Deck. She played a badass hacker on CSI: Cyber. Most recently she wrote the song lyrics and performed/sang in the music video: Shift & Go, released back in October.

    I’ll post the link to the “Shift & Go” YouTube video, if it will let me:

    So yes, Racheal Kathryn Bell for Rachel 🙂 Right age, girl next door, expressive face, hell of an actress. Right height, teaches yoga, so she’s got more strength, control and stamina than I’ll ever hope to have, haha. Give her red hair and occasional freckles and she’s good to go.

    Heck, the song she wrote has the lyrics: “I’m done, I’m done, I’m done dealin’ with vampire neck bites.”

  467. Leslie Boeck

    Kate McNamara is a really good fit!!!! All I ask is you don’t let them mess up the story line! I was so mad how they did The Hunger Games movie and was yelling at the TV because they moved around the key parts and ended up being a totally different story. Drove me so nuts that I only watched the first one. If you’re going to take a book to TV/movie at least keep the details correct. Otherwise is not the same story and should be renamed. I’m extremely excited about this!!!!!

  468. Gayle Freeman

    Rose Leslie would be my first choice. Or Molly Quinn or Emma Stone.

  469. Laura Stratton

    Emma Stone. Thats who I see.

  470. Kendall Jarish

    I think Kate McNamara is perfect. I loved her in Arrow and Shadowhunters.

  471. Danielle Rose Russell would be fantastic!

  472. Jenna

    As odd as this sounds, I think Lady Gaga would be a good selection.

  473. Cas Hollingsworth

    Scarlett Pomers jumps to my mind.

  474. Wanda J. Lay-Hall

    Emma Stone

  475. Leisa

    Rachelle Lefevre
    Perfect for Rachel, when I read the books many, many, many times. I always pictured Rachelle Lafevre.
    She is perfect!

  476. Michelle K

    Felicity Day or Kate McNamara

  477. Red hair, freckles…can be achieved with makeup. Athletics (as long as the potential build is there) can be achieved through working out. Instead of suggesting someone who is already mainstream successful, I’m going to spotlight someone who has acting experience under her belt, who is still active in acting and singing. If the “girl next door” with an expressive face vibe is truly what you’re looking for, someone who is the right age in her mid-20s, I’m going to put Racheal Kathryn Bell up here. Or “Little Luna” as she also goes by, her singing persona. Racheal got her start ten years ago on the Disney Channel’s The Suite Life on Deck. She played a badass hacker on CSI: Cyber. Most recently she wrote the song lyrics and performed/sang in the music video: Shift & Go, released back in October.

    I’ll post the link to the “Shift & Go” YouTube video, if it will let me:

    So yes, Racheal Kathryn Bell for Rachel 🙂 Right age, girl next door, expressive face, hell of an actress. Right height, teaches yoga, so she’s got more strength, control and stamina than I’ll ever hope to have, haha. Give her red hair and occasional freckles and she’s good to go.

    Heck, the song she wrote has the lyrics: “I’m done, I’m done, I’m done dealin’ with vampire neck bites.”

  478. Molly C Quinn might be a good Rachel. I’ve always loved her on Castle (Alexis Castle).

  479. Tequilla Mason

    This is something I had hoped for since the first book.

  480. Karen Gillan would be my pick for sure.

  481. Frank

    Although she lacks freckles, Felicia Day all the way!

  482. Rachel R.

    Rachel is fairly young at the beginning of the series, we watch her grow up a lot. I’m thinking a young, fairly unknown actress could do well.

    Madeleine Petsch
    Téa McKay
    Taylor Richardson (perhaps a bit too young)

  483. Carissa

    Abigail Spencer portrays at least part of this attitude in her role as Megan on Grey’s Anatomy. She also has the red semi curly hair. I’m not sure she has the height but she played a military surgeon and they do show her defined stomach in the show. She first appears in season 13.

  484. Felicia Day is who I’ve always pictured.

  485. Melissa Olivo

    Sarah hyland- i know she has a bubbly personality but I can see she would be a totally bad ass like Rachel
    Saoirse Ronan – I feel like she would do such an awesome job at this.
    Jane levy – she has the hair and the body type!
    And Emily VonCamp.

  486. Wilda

    Oh my gosh, Kat McNamara was the first actress who popped into my mind. She did a kickass job as Clary in the Shadowhunters tv show and on Arrow that I truly think she could portray Rachel very well.

    I think Sophie Turner might also be a good choice. Would be interesting to see her take on Rachel.

  487. You’ve gotten alot of names and ideas from readers, KH. When I first started reading your books, I always envisioned Nicole Kidman as Rachel. I am not up on young stars these days, so I can’t tell you who I’d pick from that age group. All I know is that it’d have to be someone very similar to Nicole Kidman.

  488. Christina Warren-Barker

    I do like Kat Mcnamara. Also Melissa Benoist from Supergirl is a great actress. I’m just scared they are not going to get Rachel’s mannerisms down pat.

  489. Liliana Mumy
    Emma Roberts

  490. Rebekah Mills

    Rachelle Lefevre would be perfect.

  491. Candi Terrill

    May i suggest Perry Mattel’s from in the dark. Check out her other stuff too. She’s athletic, yet has curves. She’s pale enough to pull off the red hair has the attitude yet hold the vulnerability at the same time. Very Rachel as I pictured her over the years.

  492. JD

    Bitsie Tulloch
    Her acting in Grimm was impeccable, and she pulled off character development and cute but deadly incredibly well.

  493. Monica Ulich

    I don’t see Rachel as a red-headed waif. In fact, I see her more as a child of mix race. A straight-haired Rachel? Perms don’t look good on everyone. My two cents is Ashley Madekwe. She’s a wonderful actress, looks the part, has great hair, and experience in alternative roles. A deep blood red hair color and she’s golden. Let’s think outside the a-typical box. You have a chance to do and have them be anything.

  494. Kara B

    Deborah Ann Woll, I loved her in True Blood.

  495. 1. Molly Quinn,
    2. Bonnie Wright,
    3. Karen Gillian or,
    4.Rachel Hurd-Wood

  496. Toni Bolander

    Katheryn Winnick. She is amazing

  497. Stephanie Harlan

    Kat McNamara would be so perfect!

  498. Melissa Biondo

    My choice for Rachel is Amanda Righetti. She can be vulnerable and strong at the same time and is in the age range I imagine for Rachel. I can’t wait to see who you choose.

  499. Vicki Lees

    I love the idea of Sophie Turner but also Jodie Comer (with a red wig) from Killing Eve.

  500. Eleanor

    Bonnie Wright, Ginny from Harry Potter could be a possibility… she’s a bit on the shorter side for Rachel, but she can definitely play a kick ass Rachel!

  501. Tave

    Emily Hampshire or Emilia Clarke

  502. Charlene Anderson

    Katherine mcNamara

  503. Sarah

    Rachelle Lefevre #1 (her hair is perfect!) Kate McNamara #2

  504. Ginger Sanchez

    Karen Gillan

  505. Marissa

    Emma Roberts has the face for me

  506. Terri

    I think an unknown or even Katie Cassidy would work. I love Karen Gillian too and I think she has the grit, but I personally associate her with her Amy Pond character too much. Katie McNamara comes off as almost too sweet for my personal preference. Molly Quinn is a good candidate too. There just needs to be someone with a natural take no junk edge in their demeanor.

  507. Misti Herman

    I do like Kate McNamara.. other ones I think would be awesome are Sophie Turner, Debra Ann Woll, and Karen Gillan.

  508. Roxanne Montgomery

    Rose Leslie, Bridget Regan, Scarlett Johansson (unless she’s too old?), Rachelle Lefevre

  509. Cortney Honan

    Felicia Day would be awesome, she’s quirky but is good at playing bad ass characters!

  510. Donna

    I was unimpressed with the Shadow Hunters series. How about Rose Leslie, if she can do a midwestern accent or Emma Stone. Allison Scagliotti. Looks like everyone google “cute redhead actresses under 35” like I did!!!!

  511. Nicki

    Emma Stone hands down but since its tv I would say glenellen Anderson or Lauren ambrose would be good too

  512. Pam

    Willa Holland. She was Thea on Arrow (CW), so she’s got fighting choreography and background.

  513. Dani Ham

    Kate McNamara or Felicia Day both are great at playing badass women.

  514. Tiffany

    Felicia Day.
    Redhead with an athletic build. Expressive face, has a sci fi following from “”the guild” and “Supernatural”. She has a wide range of acting chops that can play the character along with a natural sense of wonder and leeriness of the world.

  515. JillianH

    **Holland Roden**
    Emily Browning
    Rachel LeFevre

  516. Christa Bevington

    I really like Kat McNamara! I also like Alexandra Daddario & Danielle Rose Russell!

  517. Jemma

    Oooh had to look up Kate Mac Namara but she looks perfect! I would also vote for Molly Quinn, maybe Kat Barrell, because her acting is wonderful.

  518. Jen

    Katherine Langford, she can see sassy, assertive but also can bring that young uncertain element that Rachel has as she grows and develops. I like Kat but her “seriousness” tends to play as whiny to me.

  519. Tina Closser

    Katee Sackhoff

  520. Nikki Blair

    My choices are
    Felicia Day
    Karen Gillan
    or, as much as I don’t particularly like her, Lily Cole

  521. Cassandra Chwekun

    Alexandra Breckenridge
    Karen Gillian

  522. Phil

    People…she lives with a vampire and a gnat…in an abandoned church…she tries to be normal, but she’s not. Everyone knows that. Let Lady GaGa be the one.

  523. Leslie Lane

    Hadn’t heard of Kate McNamara so I looked her up. Great choice!
    I thought of Karen Gillian first!

  524. Mary Wilson

    Laura Vandervoort (she was awesome in the Canadian show Bitten)
    Emma Watson (she’s a great actress)

  525. Tristan S Bourne-Nisson

    Felicia Day. She’s a geek and already was on Supernatural and The Magicians. Red head, the correct build. Hellz yis.

  526. Josie Sierra

    Emma Stone would be a great Rachel. Netflix or Prime would pick it up, everyone happy. Thank for asking Kim!

  527. Christina Johnson

    Jensen Ackles as Trent. He played Dean in Supernatural, which just ended.

  528. amberraeh

    I love your pick! MaNamara!

  529. Hi Kim,

    Hands down Jane Levy is Rachel in the flesh!! Jane has Rachel’s “srappy witch vibe” and can handle both funny and serious with a beautiful fire in her eyes.


  530. Sheena Alvarado

    Karen Gillan as Rachel would be so awesome but I do like Kate McNamara. She did a pretty good job as Clary in Shadowhunters. Also, Kate is more of the TV star type as Karen is seen more in movies.

  531. Mandi

    Rachelle Lefevre would be great!

  532. Barbara Michie Ryan

    Rose Leslie, feisty and attractive, not classically beautiful. Then maybe we could get Kit Harrington too!!!!

  533. Kate

    They really killed her with the wardrobe in Shadowhunters. If we could get her in some vamp made boots (I love Doc Martins) she would be wonderful

  534. Renee

    I was just re-watching ‘Warehouse 13’ and the entire time I kept thinking that the actress, Allison Scagliotti, who plays Claudia would make a great Rachel. She has that witty timing down great, can be a badass and is 5’5. Personally I like that she isn’t/doesn’t look like a teenager like so many of the actresses on tv now days. IMDB said she was in ‘Stitchers’ and an arch on ‘Vampire Diaries’ but I didn’t watch either of those series.

  535. Rebecca

    I concur that Karen Gillian would be awesome as would molly Quinn.

  536. Patience

    Rachelle Lefevre

  537. Erik Jacobson

    Deborah Ann Woll

  538. Jamie Olson

    I like Kate McNamara, but my other choices would be Rachelle Lefevre (but she’s already 41) or Scarlett Pomers, who’s still something like 32 so closer in age to the character of Rachel. You know that matters in film.

  539. Cady Whitehouse

    Anne Taylor-joy. In new mutants she was bad ass and could fight. In the witch you saw her drama chops and split showed her as a surviver. I really am looking forward to seeing her more and I think she’d make a kick ass Rachel

  540. Danny Price

    Katherine Mcnamara would be good physically (both her looks and her action physicality)and her acting is good. I don’t know how she would feel about the steamier side of the Hollows. Yes there’s no graphic sex scenes but there are some after scenes and build up (plus the whole frank discussion of the physical clenching that witches have) so that would remain to be seen.

  541. PAMELA

    I agree with Kate McNamara:) she kicked butt in Arrow. I also liked Karen Gillian.

    • Kati

      Definitely can see kate mcnamara & she has done a supernatural role so well. Other strong female red heads Sophia turner, rose leslie, madeline petsch. For networks it has to be netflix that way any truly adult content doesnt have to be edited for tv.

    • anderson

      Caitlin Blackwood

  542. Kate McNamara is a good choice. I also think AnnaSophia Robb would be a good contender too.

  543. Justin

    Deborah Ann Woll, Rose Leslie, or Karen Gillan

  544. M

    I think Kat is a good choice. With red hair she’s practically a spitting image of Rachel

  545. Michelle Land

    Kaitlyn Dever!

  546. Britt

    Rachel Hurd-Wood

    She’s English and I don’t know if she can fake an American accent or not, but I think aesthetically she could pull it off.

  547. Heather Stanley

    I’d definitely love to see Felicia Day as Rachel!!!

  548. Patricia

    Madelaine Petsch
    Felicia Day
    Deborah Ann Woll

    • Liakela

      omg yes, my daughter and I are totally on the Felicia Day train, but WOW Deborah Woll would be /fantastic/ just YES.

  549. Kate McNamara is a good choice. I also think AnnaSophia Robb would be a good contender as well.

  550. Jennifer Higdon

    I only want it, if it is done right. The TV folks have messed up so many books to TV. And I love this story and each and every character. Morgan, Al and Jinks have to be just right.
    Thx for everything, Jennifer Higdon

  551. Jeanne

    I literally have a whole Pinterest for this. Lol. I really like Rose Leslie for Rachel…. but I also like Felicia Day now that I’m reading the comments here.

  552. Tanja Murmele

    Sophie Skelton, Brienna Fraser from Outlander

  553. tlminty

    Have you seen the TV series Wynonna Earp? I can see Katherine Barrell, who plays Officer Haught, in that role.

  554. Chelsey

    I see Kate McNamara too. Or Emma Stone.

  555. Lauren de Ford

    Felicia Day or Karen Gillan!

  556. Kimberly

    Rachelle Lefevre
    Felicia Day
    Rose Leslie

  557. Amber Pratt

    If you’d possibly consider a no-name actress I’ll throw in myself for consideration, haha! I’ve been known to sport red hair, have a heart too big for the trouble that seems to follow me, and I can hold my own pretty damn well.

    I’m excited to see the series I’ve been immersed in since I was barely a teenager come to life!

  558. Vicky Becker

    I think for Rachel should be Katherine McNamara. She plays a badass very well. She looks well in red hair and freckles.

  559. Trudy Lanoux

    My vote is Rachelle Lefevre all the way!

  560. LParriott

    Another vote for Molly Quinn. I think she would fit Rachel well.

  561. Emily

    Either Kate or Sophie Turner.

  562. Emma

    Karen Gillan would be a my perfect Rachel.

  563. Rachel Morgan

    I’d like to see someone plucked from obscurity to play the role. Someone who reads for the part and just fits perfectly. There has to be an actress out there that has read the novels and relates to Rachel well enough to play her character with absolute certainty.

  564. Jackie

    I think Katherine MacNamera is a good choice. She was great in Shadow Hunters and really came into her own on ten show. They did a good job with that series (unlike the movie) and it embodies the essence of the books. Rachelle Lefever would also be a good choice.

    • Sherri N

      Kate McNamara is an amazing choice! Great in Shadow hunters! She can carry a scene! She could have been great in Arrow, but that show was horrible! She has the look of Rachel, her hair, freckles, smile, she has her body, her personality!! She is the right age!!!

  565. C Chockley

    Rose Leslie, would be amazing. Feisty, tough, but also capable of being very sweet. ( acting wise, I know nothing about personal life other than married to Kit Harrington)
    The natural red hair and freckles are also a perk.

  566. Kimberly Doughty

    I had to look up Kate McNamara, and she is a great choice. When reading the books, I’ve always, ALWAYS acted it out in my head with Emma Stone 🤷‍♀️

    • Renee

      I also think Emma would be a great choice. Ever since I saw her cracking up over Ryan Goslings’ abs on ‘Crazy, Stupid, Love’ i’ve pictures her as Rachel.

  567. Sara

    Karen Gillan! But I do love love love Kate McNamara for Rachel.

  568. David Dumanski

    Bridget Regan, Karen Gillan or Deborah Ann Woll are my picks

  569. Colleen Taylor

    Katherine McNamara was my first pick too. Deborah Ann Woll would make a kick ass Rachael, as well. Sophie Turner, maybe. Or Daneel Ackles.

  570. One person always comes to my mind when I think of Rachel. And that person is Felicia Day. She was amazing as Charlie in Supernatural.

  571. Carrie Hartley

    Rachelle Lefevre

  572. Kaytie

    I could see that working out very well. Rachelle Lefevre was always my Rachel but I’m not sure she’s obtainable or young enough anymore to pull it off

  573. Maria Avila

    Don’t do it!
    TV will ruin the story
    Not even HBO could do it right

  574. Kimberly

    Sophie turner is my pick

  575. Kandice

    Molly C Quinn, if she could pull of Rachel’s edge I can see it. I can also see Emma Stone. Somebody who can laugh at themselves seems important for Rachel.

  576. I think Kate McNamara would be a great fit. She looks the part and we know she can definitely play a kick butt character. Rachel starts out kinda whiny about things not being fair but it doesn’t take her long to take charge.

    I do think Sophie Turner should also being considered.

  577. Molly Quinn, who played Alexis on Castle. I think she did a great job on the show, and she’s 27 now which feels about in the right age bracket for Rachel. I haven’t seen her do a lot of action, but she had a lot of personality in Castle so I think could get the attitude really well.

  578. Debby McMullen

    My in a perfect world choice would be Rachelle Lefevre. She is soooo Rachel but I realize she is older than ideal for this. So my second choice (with her hair curled) is Katherine Flannery. I realise that many people are not going to have heard of her but if you look on her IMDb page at her demo reels, I think she’s a natural. I know of her outside of acting. She definitely has the steely determination. Also, in the books it says that no charms are strong enough to smooth Rachel’s hair. I also like Deborah Ann Woll.

  579. Steve

    How about Krysten Ritter of Marvels Jessica Jones fame?

  580. Jennifer

    Molly Quinn (totally my first pick)
    Anya Taylor-Joy
    Maya Hawke
    Elizabeth Olsen (in reaching…I know)

    Kat macnamara is good but I think she has to be written properly. Wasnt a huge fan of her in shadow hunters. Not sure if she has the depth needed to play Rachel.

  581. Tamara Webb

    I thought of Karen Gillan. She’s tall and athletic with a great smile – and a red head. This is so exciting!

  582. I went through everyone’s choices and I think Rachelle Lefevre has the look of Rachel. Some of the actresses look too vulnerable to me or too old. Sophie Turner would be good too. I sure hope this series happens and Hollywood does not mess it up and change too much.

  583. Gary

    Whenever I thought of her on screen, and I’ve written pilots based on your work; I’ve always written Rachael as played by Felicia Day. I think if she were to find a medium between her role as Charlie from Supernatural and Poppy in The Magicians she could very easily fit the role of Rachael. Plus she’s kind of queen of the geeks so I’d expect her to read up on Rachael if she hasn’t already devoured your novels.

  584. pippakeeves

    Karen Gillan
    1.8 m tall

    Comedy and action star, natural red head

    (Doctor Who, Jumanji, Guardians of the Galaxy, Selfie)

  585. I think Natalya Rudakova, would be a great Rachel as she has natural freckles she to me she would be a good choice

  586. I love the idea of Kate McNamara. She looks the part and did great in Mortal instruments. I also think Sophie Turner should be considered.

  587. Tami McMorris

    I think Amy Mason would do well. She played Merida in the TV show Once Upon A Time.

  588. Since Rachel kicks butt and wears leather, I’d go with Becky Lynch of WWE fame. I don’t think her face is just right, and she’d have to lose the accent, but goodness she’d be able to do all the action scenes! And she’s only 33, so she could at least pass for the right age, almost.

    • Kandice

      Problem might be the WWE contracts. They have some intense restrictions on their contract talent. But I agree whole heartedly Becky Lynch would be awesome!

    • Jessica Follis

      Rachelle Lefevre is who I would pick. She was great in Proven Innocent, White House Down, and Under the Dome.

    • Yeah, they absolutely do have those intense contracts. She’s currently “retired” though, since she’s about to have a baby. So who knows if she’ll even want to return to the ring. Seth being in the ring means at least one parent would always be on the road, once they actually do get back to touring.

    • elvencat

      I don’t have a specific person in mind, but I have always pictured her as a potential WWE superstar! 😁

  589. Kenneth Johnson

    Holland Roden

  590. Brenda Hamilton

    Rachel LeFevre without a doubt!

  591. Holly

    Rachelle Lafevre, she would fit the look and the attitude.

  592. Jane Loxton

    Karen Gillan

  593. Allan Forsyth

    Hannah John-Kamen

  594. Davina

    Deborah Ann Woll or Rose Leslie

  595. pippakeeves

    Karen Gillan
    1’8m tall

    (Doctor Who, Jumanji, Guardians of the Galaxy, Selfie)

  596. Karlin Bennett

    I think Kate McNamara would be a great pick for Rachel. As for the others, I’d have to really give it some thought. If this does go into production, I hope to all hell they do it justice.

  597. Jamie Mattox

    Molly Quinn! Shes young enough and has great facial expressions along with her beautiful hair.

  598. Chris

    Molly Quinn, or Jordan Danger (with a dye/wig as she is blond)

  599. Anya Taylor-Joy would be my pick for Rachel. She’s very versatile in her appearance.

  600. Monica

    Rachelle Lefevre is my pick.

  601. What about Anya Taylor-Joy? All of her performances have been stellar and I think she could pull off Rachel’s street-smart exterior and gooey interior very well.

  602. Jenn Smith

    My first thought was Bryce Dallas Howard but then I read your choice for Kate McNamara and I think Kate would be a good pick. Bryce would be my second pick. I would love to see this series on TV.

  603. Sam

    Scarlett Palmers ❤️

  604. Kristen Bell for her facial expressions, sass, and snark

  605. Stephanie

    Trent should be played by Alexander Skarsgard

  606. Katie Navarro

    Katherine Langford would be Awesome in this role!! She was amazing on Netflix Cursed!

  607. Carolyn

    Rachelle Lefevre or Deborah Anne Woll!

  608. Maryann

    Deborah Ann Woll or Molly C Quinn

  609. klred

    Felicia Day or Lily Cowles. Lily isn’t a redhead but hair dye will take care of that

  610. Josh

    Rachelle Lefevre

  611. christine girty

    Danneel Ackles

  612. Colleen

    I had to google who Kate McNamara was-and MAN!!! Ya’ll are dead ON!!!
    She gets my vote too!

  613. Hannah Switzer

    Mila Kunis

  614. D

    Sarah Power from the good witch

  615. I loved the energy of Yancy Butler(Witchblade) Rachel needs that kind of energy, I’ll check out Kate McNamera and post under this! Brillant idea!

  616. Sara

    Felicia Day( Charlie, Supernatural)
    Deborah Ann Woll (Jessica, True Blood)

  617. Ashleigh Jones

    Rose Leslie

  618. Jemie

    I agree with Rose Leslie, but I think Phoebe Tonkin would be a good choice.

  619. Jessica

    Allison Scagliotti would be my pick! I loved her in Warehouse 13.

  620. I like Rose Leslie, but wonder if she’s too slight. I’m not familiar with Kate McNamara, but looked her up and she looks the part for sure. My first thought was Isla Fisher. Hmmmm

  621. anita Robinson

    Sophia Turner would be a great Rachel

  622. Marsha Lowe

    Emma Stone. Can nail the mix of good, snark, physicality, and sexy.

  623. Eric Pascar

    I think Laura Prepon would bring a sassiness and sarcasticness that is needed for Rachel. She talks with her face as Rachel does.

  624. Charlotte Abbott

    I think Katherine McNamara would be a good Rachael.

  625. Bob Roberts

    Not sure why ages your looking for, but Karen Gillan would be a good choice, but she’s probably expensive. For unknowns just looking at “red headed actresses, Tegan Williams lookd the part, or maybe Rose Leslie.

  626. Jessi Vino

    I don’t see Kate Mcnamara as Rachel at all, she seems too sorority girl to me. I always pictured Emma Stone as Rachel when reading, with her expressive face and sense of humor.

  627. Teresa Milliken

    Karen Gillen has the athletic build and I think she’d be a great Rachel

  628. Katie Morley

    Madisen Beaty but also love Kate!

  629. Rachel Haley

    Karen Gillian for sure!

  630. Carolyn H

    I could see Maisie Williams. She would be awesome.

  631. Tracy Pedersen

    Elizabeth McClaughlin

  632. Jill Boger

    Oooh. Maybe Brittany Snow?

  633. J

    Rachel McAdams.
    The cosplayer Ashlynne dae Smith has the perfect hair for Rachael though.

  634. Amy

    I second the Karen Gillan nomination!

  635. Marlene

    Christa B. Allen (Charlotte from Revenge)

  636. Christopher Kaylor

    Bryce Dallas Howard, she, has the red hair and can probably do most of the stunts from the books, and she looks good too.

  637. I was picturing Kate as well but I think Karen Gillian would be good to but Kate is my first choice

  638. Becky Hinson

    Kat McNamara would be great, I loved her as Clary in Shadowhunters

  639. Andrew Torn

    Tatiana Maslany from Orphan Black would be awesome

  640. Kelly A Armstrong

    Deborah Ann Woll, After watching her in True Blood I could see her playing Rachel.

  641. Christina Zater

    Anya Taylor-Joy, she was the actress that played Beth Harmon on Queens Gambit. She would be so amazing. She’s a gorgeous red head that can deliver some hard core acting.

  642. Thomas Brennan

    I really think Felicia Day would play a good Rachel, she can be sweet and based on her role in supernatural she can kick ass.

  643. Stephanie J Young

    Milla Jovovich – that is a girl that can kick butt

  644. I think Emma Stone would be absolutely PERFECT! She has great facial reactions and is an amazing actress.

  645. Linda ReadOurLips

    Kate Mara for me =)

  646. Lupini Martini

    Deborah Ann Woll or Emma Mackey

  647. Sandy Dillon

    How about Sophie Turner?

  648. Scott Blakley

    Kate McNamara or Karen Gillan for Rachel, both kick butt and I can see pulling off the character.

  649. Jess

    Zoey Deutsch, Emma Stone or Brittany Snow

    • Gracie

      How funny as Kate McNamara came to mind immediately as far as most of the look. The only drawback is she’s a small girl and I always imagined Rachel to be tall and willowy. Plus Kate was good as Cary but I never could see her as a truly badass. Imo

  650. Jason

    Emma Stone embodies Rachel 100%

  651. Rikki Lynn

    Deborah Ann Woll or Rose Leslie as Rachel

  652. Elizabeth Yeager

    Molly Quinn (Alexis from Castle), Stana Katic (Kate Beckett from Castle) or possibly Emma Watson, Emma Stone

  653. Beth Dutrow

    Im thinking Bryce Dallas Howard would be wonderful. If you can get her to do tv.

  654. Robane Beroza

    Felicia Day !

    • Stephen

      Hi there! We are on the same page as far as choices. I’ve thought about this before and I totally agree with Kate McNamara! She was the first I thought about when I thought about who would do Rachel justice. Her recent roles show the strong, dominant, female protagonist persona, which does well with Rachel’s. I also like the comments about Karen Gillan! Thanks for offering this opportunity!

  655. Shana

    Felicia day or rose Leslie. Or even Bonnie Wright.

  656. Tracy W.

    I could see Eleanor Tomlinson (Poldark) or Deborah Ann Williams as Rachel. Both have that feistiness I picture Rachel having.

  657. Katrina Hernandez

    Rachel Lefevre for sure for me. I love not only her wild hair but her facial expressions the mix of innocence and devilry.

  658. Jon R

    Deborah Ann Woll for sure.

  659. Tara Keegan

    I kind of like Scarlett Johansson for Rachel. She’s funny, athletic and versatile- all of which screams Rachel to me

  660. Carrie Karlowicz

    Deborah Ann Woll. She played Jessica in True Blood and can do kick ass really well.

  661. Kati

    Natalya Rudakova or Alia Shawkat

  662. Jami

    Christina Hendricks

  663. ANDREW j TORN

    Molly Quinn from The TV show Castle

  664. Julie Coombs

    Rose Leslie!

  665. Ty

    For Rachel there are many good options. I personally like both of the actresses from the twilight series that played Victoria; Victoria Lefevre and Bryce Dallas Howard. Rose Leslie from game of thrones could probably pull off that spunky attitude well. Natascha Lyonne would be fun as well as she has that Jessica Jones type.

  666. Giselle Robertson

    Karen Gillan

  667. Tasha Doty

    Sophie Turner from GOT
    Emma Stone

  668. Emma Stone, she definitely will be able to pull off Rachel’s character.

  669. Deborah Will, Bruce Dallas Howard/, or Kate Mara. Maybe Jessica Chastain.

  670. Hannah Switzer

    Natasha Lyonne

  671. Kim Wynn

    I think the only way to do the Hollows justice would be through really good anime (like Castlevania) so you can get the magic without cgi. However, if live is the only option I would go with Rachelle Lefevre for Rachel Morgan. 🙂

  672. Joey Zilka

    My first thought is Felicia Day. She looks young enough, but has the experience I think to pull off anything Rachel does. Maybe too old in actual age to pull it off though. Especially all the ass kicking. Hard to say, but I would suggest giving her a shot if possible.

    • scrappymami

      I had thought of her too, but not sure if she can “ungeek” herself enough for Rachel… also I cannot imagine Felicia having sex with Trent or Nick… or anyone 😂

  673. Taylor Clabo

    Rachel Leferve or Amy Adams

  674. Brenda Mossbarger

    Allison Scagliotti comes to mind for me. I will have to give this more thought.

  675. Jay Garpetti

    I was thinking Kate McNamara was who I was thinking of before I finished reading the post.

  676. Elleke E Kremer

    I really like Morena Baccarin for Rachel

  677. Dre'

    The actress that played Esther Denham in Sanditon would be perfect for Rachel.

  678. Chere

    Kate McNamara would be a great pick.

  679. Suzanne Webster

    Rechelle lefevre

  680. Fiona

    – Sophie Turner
    – Deborah Ann Woll
    – Bonnie Wright

  681. Sam

    I would say Kate as well, but you’re gonna have to make her read Dead Witch Walking first…. shes been playing Clary, a girl who starts out a fish outta water and fairly innocent compare to her peers, while Rachel is very street smart and hard knock life in her beginnings. Gonna have to see if she can play “been thru several decades of trauma by the time im 20” when her previous character was Super Sixteen, but she is beautiful and talented and would be a sight to see!!!

  682. Dre'

    I want to be in it playing music!

  683. zieschlern

    Rachelle Lefevre!

  684. Edna M

    Karen gillan (Amelia Pond in doctor who) or Ruth Connell (Regina in Supernatural)

  685. Katie Castle

    Yes, Kate McNamara would be PERFECT!!

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