As the little tiny bits begin to add up

I’m working with Peri/Overdraft today, as I have for all of March, rewriting a shift to third person from first to help simplify the plot. I’ve always said first person requires an exquisite subtlety in crafting to get the reader informed, but not the main character, and yet keep the main character from looking stupid for missing the obvious. But Overdraft’s story line needs a little de-cluttering, and so I’m working it in third person, adding a few chapters between secondary characters, and generally having a good time doing it.

But I’m almost done with it, being on the last couple of chapters and very happy with the results. The rewrite has also let me tighten up a few of the plot points that had never set well with me. (Bonus!) Changing the tension from the main character/reader finding things out, to the reader being anxious for the main character to figure it out is a big shift for me. I’m using tools I’ve ignored since the Truth books, so I have to think about what to do rather than just reaching for it.

I’m already thinking about what comes next, though. I’ve got an ambitious idea for some self promotion, but it will require a lot of my resources so I’m still mulling it around. Fortunately I’ve some time as the editorial rewrite for book 12 of the Hollows is on my desk for April. Believe it or not, my editor and I are already discussing the cover. (Dude!) At this very second, I have to work to remember what book 12 is about. (head hits desk) But that will change when I dig into the edit letter next week and I go back to Rachel refreshed and recharged. Book 12 is going to rock some socks.


Filed under Drama Box

23 responses to “As the little tiny bits begin to add up

  1. I cannot wait for Peri. It will be sad saying goodbye to Rachel and the gang, but I know whatever you dish out will be just as wonderful! (Im)Patiently waiting for book 12 by the way! 🙂 Have a great week!

  2. I side with the bed socks….please don’t let anything hurt Trent/Rachel !

  3. Lisa

    sounds intriguing, been hooked from day 1. thanks for creating the worlds of escape 🙂

  4. Kimberly I

    wow.. a draft almost done in a month… impressive! looking forward to that and feeling very teased about book 12 🙂

  5. Shannon

    AWESOME!! I can hardly wait.

  6. jkh

    This blog is a delight in my day. Ms Kim’s comments on her life and the writing, and the contributions from all of us. It lifts me every day.

  7. Diva

    Consider my socks ready to be rocked. 🙂 And I can’t wait to see the cover for book 12.

    Looking forward to finally meeting Peri once Rachel and her crew are all done with their (mis)adventures.

  8. Kat

    I am talking to the socks in every load of laundry trying to prepare them for book 12. The sport socks are being very macho about it, “We can take whatever she throws at us, we’re good.” they say. The dress socks are giving me their best blue-blood stare and stiff upper lip, “It will work out as we wish, how could it be otherwise?.” they state. The bed socks however have rolled their soft fuzzy selves up into fluff balls crying “Please, please don’t let this mean bad things for Trent & Rachel. After Kisten, we couldn’t take it!”

  9. Babs

    So, busy lady, does book 12 have a title listed somewhere I missed? And I grow excited to meet Peri!

  10. cindy

    I so must have missed when you told us who Peri was….. I can’t remember getting old I guess…lol can you tell us again? thanks Kim and you are THE author as far as I a concerned love you!

    • She’s the main character in a series that might be following the Hollows. And thank you!

    • Phil in Sydney

      Thanks cindy, I was going to ask the same question!

      BTW, thanks for Ever After, I think it’s one of my favourites so far. Definitely on an upwards curve.

  11. Howdy ma’am,

    You sound so joyful and happy with your work. It makes waiting for it even harder.

    This weekend, I saw Clint Eastwood.s, “Trouble With the Curve.” It was very good. I also thought it would be a great Rachel title if you still have room for one. “Trouble With the Curse”, sounds very Rachel. 🙂


  12. Kim, I wanted to thank you again for all of the valuable insight you’ve given over the years. It has been more than helpful as I finally feel prepared as a writer, sitting down with my plot and making it go. I’m so excited to see you embarking on a new project. You are one of the few authors in the genre that I adore not just as a reader but also as a writer.
    My goal in life is to be on a panel with you.

    Thank you again,

  13. cgc071

    Can’t wait for book 12!! Love reading your novels..very clever.

  14. Sounds like you are a busy woman.

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