White Witch, Black Curse give-away winners!

Oh, my gosh, it’s so cold, I’m in my office still wearing boots. It’s so cold that I can feel the chill coming off the inside of my walls. It’s so cold, my dogs beat the previous pee/poo record by shaving two minutes off their previous time, managing everything and back in the house in less than 90 seconds. It’s almost zero at my thermometer, which is great. The birds are starting to stir, and the bird bath is steaming. As long as the tea holds out, I won’t have to go outside for another four hours. But quite honestly, it’s the knowledge that you can deal with these extremes that make the spring so sweet, and anyone who has ever had their knees in the warm earth knows what I’m talking about.

And now that I made you listen to me complain, I’ve got the winners of the White Witch, Black Curse flash give away. The winners have already been contacted by email and have until Friday noon, EST to get back to me to claim their prize. If you think one of these is you, check your in-box!

Sheila Collins
Drew (has 915 in email address)
Amy (has 77 in email address)
Courtney J
Becca (has 7913 in email address)
Kelly Reed

These give-aways are in conjunction with the read-along that’s going on right now over at Goodreads. (We’re starting Black Magic Sanction today.) There is a revolving e-book sale in U.S. markets that go along with it, and I’ve heard tell that you guys have been snapping them up like potato chips, either supplementing your own library or gifting them to a friend you’ve been trying to get hooked on the Hollows. Makes me feel pretty good, so thank you, and because it’s going so well, some of the titles have been lingering on that sale shelf beyond their original sale date. Nook has put DEAD WITCH WALKING up for 1.99 as part of their “Start a new Series” campaign, and Black Magic Sanction has gotten an extended run out to the end of the month.



Filed under Drama Box

18 responses to “White Witch, Black Curse give-away winners!

  1. moonbeam080680

    I am sad I didn’t win again. 😦
    It is 10 degrees here so I really can’t complain compared to some of your temperatures!

  2. SquidgeWA (aka JKH)

    It’s low 30’s to low 40’s here in the Seattle area, you’d think we were in Antarctica. Of course it’s not every week we have weather cool enough to actually require ear protection & gloves … My trick for frozen pipes is/was to point a small space heater at the probable ice blockage, sort of warm the whole general area, and remember to turn on the taps “downstream” so the melt would have someplace to go.
    There are 3 or 4 of my favorite authors who have new titles being released in the next month or so. I’m in a fever of anticipation! I can’t afford to buy many books, so I haunt the library’s catalog and get onto the reserve lists as soon as possible.

    • Vampyre

      I woke up to two surprises yesterday. Two books I preordered popped up on my KINDLE! Happy day. One of them is a Jane Yellowrock novel. :), the other is by Carrie Vaughn.

  3. old72jim

    Hi Ms. Kim Sorry to hear Michigander dogs are wimping out. It was -35F when I got up at 7:30 and my cats very bravely crawled from the electric blanket, ate breakfast ,hit their litter boxes, and were back in bed in 60sec! Thus proving cats are superior to dogs. As for me, I fixed a mug of Yunan purple pu-erh, made a eggbeaters omlette with beef bacon, and went to my comp to catch up on the world.

    • old72jim

      I almost forgot,I cut the necessary pieces from the tea brick without stabbing myself in the hand!

  4. Courtney J

    What an awesome way to start out the year! 🙂 thank you thank you thank you!!!☺:

  5. Amy K. Delaney

    Congrats to the winners! I’m keeping warm with a cup of tea and cat on my lap and my Mini now filled with the Hollows for the read along. I have them all in hard cover, and hen bought paperbacks for the re reads and now I’m buying again for the ebooks. Psst. Is it a typo and you really meant Amy (with 22 in email address). Lol.

  6. Nonie

    Very happy, didn’t think I would win. Great start for 2014!

  7. Becca

    Aaah sweet victory! I shall treasure my prizes.

    Yes, the bitter cold. Apparently my friend heard the local news paper posted a video on things to do in such frigid weather, like blowing bubbles that freeze, or throwing boiling water out of the window and having it all evaporate before it hits the ground. Personally, I’ll stick inside curled up with a book and hot chocolate, and let’s not forget the space heater on high blast.

  8. Angi H

    Thanks for the link! Found the 1st Jeannine Frost book (on Amazon, though the link is for Nook) for $0.99!! Since I’m all caught up on my Hollows books (read them at least 4 times!) I figured I’d try a new author. LOL I’ve been listening to Faith Hunter’s Jane Yellowrock books, pretty good, too. Problem is, none of the other series are Rachel Morgan! I’m ruined for all other series….

  9. Angi H

    Congrats, all!! It’s like Christmas all over again.

  10. Vampyre

    Always a contestant, never a winner. 🙂 Congrats to the winners, I’m truly happy for you (sort of)

    My pipes are frozen. That doesn’t happen often in this area.

    • Martin

      Hi Vampy,
      Try getting them unfrozen by warming the area where you think the blockage is located. When things warm up and they unfreeze, be aware that there may be leaks from broken pipes. Be ready to turn off the water at the main shut-off before there’s too much damage. Have an honest plumber on retainer. Good luck.

    • Miranda Sullivan

      Love that “Always a contestant, never a winner.” Yes it describes me so perfectly too.

      Good luck with the frozen pipes, that sucks.

    • Vampyre

      Who ever built this house was mentally challenged. There are two PVC pipes that run, exposed,along a wall and that’s where the blockage is.

      If they break, they’re easy to fix and the mess is out side. My dogs chew them open once. That was fun.

  11. Laura Stratton

    Yeppers is a brisk -22 with the wind chill here.

  12. Munchkin

    Congrats to the winners !
    It’s -15 here with -37 windchill
    Most things closed. Not leaving the house today 😉

  13. Not me again! Gonna tell my BFF Vicki on you ! : )

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