The Undead Pool: cover and chapter one

I promised you a treat today, other than this big, beautiful, cover of Rachel and yes, Trent. More on the treat in a moment. I just want to look at it for a moment and smile at what it promises, not just more Trent, but a Trent who is willing to be there, knowing who she is and not minding that at all. And isn’t that what we all want? To be accepted for what we are, proudly what we are?


And the treat? I’ve got two of them. First, I asked you a couple of weeks back if you re-read the series before the next book, and because so many of you do, I’m going to do a read-along over the next couple of months. Even if you don’t read with us, don’t feel like you can’t join in on the discussion as we tackle each book at a time. I’ll be here at the blog like I always am, but there will be one dedicated day where I’ll focus more strongly on one or two questions that you might have. I’ll be opening a discussion page on Dead Witch Walking Monday. We’ll be starting The Good, The Bad, and The Undead October 15, so this will be fairly fast paced.

As for the second treat?

Chapter One: The Undead Pool

How does the man make checkered shirts and pastels look good? I thought as Trent lined up his drive, head down and feet shifting, looking oddly appealing outside of the suit and tie I usually saw him in. The rest of his team and their caddies were watching him as well, but I doubted they were rating the way his shoulders pulled the soft fabric, or how the sun shone through his almost translucent blond hair drifting about his ears, or how the shadows made his slim waist look even trimmer, unhidden beneath a suit coat for a change. I found myself holding my breath as he coiled up, exhaling as he untwisted and the flat of the club hit the ball with a ping.
“Yeah, the elf looks good in the sun,” Jenks smart-mouthed, the pixy currently sitting on the bottom of my hooped earrings and out of the moderate wind. “When you going to put us all out of your misery and boink him?”
“Don’t start with me.” With a hand held up to shade my eyes, I watched the ball begin to descend.
“All I’m saying is you’ve been dating him for three months. Most guys you date are either dead or running scared by now.”
The ball hit with an audible thump, rolling onto the par-three green. Something in me fluttered at Trent’s pleased smile as he squinted in the sun. Damn it, I’m not doing this. “I’m not dating him, I’m working his security,” I muttered.
“This is work?” Wings humming, the pixy darted off my earring, flying ahead to do a redundant check of the area before we walked into it. [the rest is at the website]

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Filed under Drama Box

157 responses to “The Undead Pool: cover and chapter one

  1. Susan

    Ok, I’ve just decided that the most awesome thing ever would be Trent and Rachel shooting a round of pool in the church. It’s not bowling, but it’s casual and Rachel tends to let her mind cruise the gutter a bit when she has a pool stick in her hands.

    I wonder how hard it would be to get all of the pixies out of the church so they could have dinner in…

  2. jrachau

    LOVE love love this cover!!! It seriously rocks. When is the wallpaper coming out?

  3. I love the new cover. I can’t wait for the next book. I am the type of person who never re-reads a book because I am a slow reader and I have hundreds of other books I want to read too. I never have enough time to read everything I want to read let alone re-reading stuff. However, when I read about the Hollows read-along, I was inspired to sign up for audible and start listening to the books as my way of re-reading them. I am behind at this point, but I hope to catch up eventually. I just finished book one and downloaded book 2. The read-along and blogs (I will catch up reading them soon, once I get closer to catching up with the read along).

    I just have one thing to say about the new cover. I will admit I didn’t read the other comments, so someone else may have said this already. I think it looks great, I am loving the development of the story between Rachel and Trent in the last few books. The only thing that bugs me with this cover is that the guy’s hair looks too dark to be Trent. Where is that pale blond almost transparent hair we have read that he has?

  4. Reblogged this on begining to no end and commented:
    After reading chapter one February can’t get here fast enough love the cover Rachel’s stunning and Trent is mesmerizing how do h come up with all those great book covers 😉

  5. Pingback: Cover Art Coverage: 11 New Titles! | All Things Urban Fantasy - Where Para is Normal

  6. Alice

    When i try to read the first chapter, all i get is:
    Sorry. This isn’t available yet. Soon!


  7. Julia Hall

    Tinks titties Rachel just needs to jump Trent’s bones or vice versa!!

  8. Crystal

    I posted this on your Facebook page also. I love the first chapter! I can NOT wait for the book. I love the cover! It is the best cover so far. I love how it shows Racheal is as confadint in herself as she is her magic. I love that it has the hot ass elf Trent on it with her. He’s like yeah she’s hot, she knows what she’s doing, and she’s mine!

  9. Michelle

    I am so excited….I did not realize the chapter was posted. Found it today when I checked the website…my boyfriend kept asking me why I was laughing and smiling so much. Definitely made my day!

  10. Kenzie lea

    I love it!!! Oh I can’t wait!!!

  11. Pingback: Sunday Post | 11th Edition - Fantasy is More Fun

  12. LeAnne B

    I love the cover! It is beautiful… love the blue! I don’t know if you get a chance to read all of the comments, but thank you. I have had a terrible week and this made my day. I have this and your official site bookmarked and decided to check in… and soooo glad I did! The man ‘Trent’ looks familiar… again, thank you, you made me smile.

  13. Bernadette

    I started reading your books this past August and am just beginning Ever After. So I am not going to read the first chapter of this one just yet! Beautiful cover! Often through the series I though Rachel and Trent would somehow end up together. Fingers crossed!! 😉
    Thank you for sharing this world with us! I absolutely love it! It’s given me an escape from my reality (I am chronically ill), one that has been an amazing ride! I’ll be sad when the last book is done, but happy to re-read them all!

    • LeAnne B

      Hello there… I know that we do not know each other, but I am sorry to hear that you are chronically ill. I agree that The Hollow Series are a great escape from reality and I too would love to see Rachel and Trent together!

  14. Kayla

    Can you get prints of the cover’s?

  15. Nolidoli

    Love the chapter, personally don’t like how Tent looks(something feels off not sure what) but just the same the chapter was wonderful and even if Rachel’s hair doesn’t seem red enough (could be the lighting) the cover art is nice. Love the title and am excited that this series continues to be good enough for me to take a day for myself to read it.

  16. I knew it was Trent!!! They make such a good couple! Cover looks sooooo yummy and the first chapter has me panting for more! Can’t wait until the book comes out!!!!!

  17. I absolutely love it! I’ve heard mention that Trent’s hair isn’t blonde enough, but there is a quote in Ever After that says his hair looks darker due to the electric lighting and I think that’s what’s going on here. Either way, he’s really good looking and I adore it. I also enjoy that sneaky devil tail behind Rachel 😀 Thank you so much for sharing this and the first chapter with us!!

  18. Rebecca Hollingsworth

    Love it. Just can’t wait for all of it. I have everyone of your books and thank you so much for the great entertainment. Want Trent and Rachel to make it work!

  19. MelissaEHolmes


  20. Oh, please let Rachel and Trent work out…let him dump Ellasbeth on the curb where she belong.

  21. Kyla

    Feb. 25 can not get here fast enough! The cover was good, but that ch.1 excerpt was astonishingly great! I am already hooked!

  22. I love you and your writing, Kim, but I’m not such a fan of your cover artist. Doesn’t Rachel have wild curly RED hair? Doesn’t she have green eyes and freckles? And Trent (I’m so glad it is Trent next to her), but isn’t he supposed to have almost white, wispy translucent type hair? This cover does not scream Rachel and Trent.

  23. OMG Best surprise ever Kim! Thank you! Now if only all my books weren’t in storage…..

  24. lody

    Love it! Trent is growing on me little by little they both have they’re sins and its just taking me awhile to get past Trents.I love the cover. Not how I pictured them but everybody is different in mind’s eye and I think they capture the spirit of these two characters beautifully. I love all the books and I can’t wait to read this.

  25. Love it, love it, love it. I remember when your first book came out and I jumped on it, thrilled to discover a new book in the genre!

  26. I agree with other re; the cover, very nice but Trent’s hair should be blond as it is in the books. Looking forward to the next book. But I REALLY was hoping this “treat” was going to be an announcement that the CW had begun filming on the series. What is happening there? Is it going ahead, ever?

  27. Jessica

    Is there any place I can by the hole series as a bundle

  28. Laura D

    I loved the cover, the first chapter was awesome I can’t wait for this book to come out. Trent is finally growing on me, although I will always love Kisten, I think Trent and Rachel have been destined since they were kids.

  29. It’s a gorgeous cover and thank you so much for chapter 1. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful, but why isn’t Trent’s hair blond? Even in the brief excerpt posted here it says “his almost translucent blond hair”. I wouldn’t have realized it was him if you hadn’t told us. That said, can’t wait to read the book and thanks again!

  30. Teresa Eanes

    I just wanted you to know that Trent and Rachel look awesome and the cover shows that they have an special chemisty. Loved the first chapter. Cant wait to be able to read the rest. This is going to be so good. The plot thickens and I am loving it. Thanks for the double surprise and I wish you much success because you are the best.


  31. Good God, that chapter was incredible. As always, I can’t wait for my favorite series and favorite author to come back. As always, I will reserve an entire day for reading it. And the cover is divine!

  32. Stephanie C

    Oh I love it so much, it´s now my favorite cover. The first chapter was amazing too, will they release another one before the book comes out?

  33. Cathy

    Kim!!! So excited Thank you for sharing this world with us! Cathy~

  34. As usual, and outstanding cover! Any chance that as we begin re-reading all the books, you can drop in information on all the related short stories in the series and where we can find them?

  35. Matthew G

    Loved the cover reveal this week. Great little way to spread out the joy!

    And as someone that doesn’t usually read teaser chapters (really? I have to wait until WHEN??) I did anyways. Because damn, it’s Rachel Morgan!
    Oh, and it was great. Thanks for the tease!

  36. *sniff… Wipes tear from eye* I love you! (but not in a creepy way 😉

  37. Anne

    Omg, this is agony!! I WANT MORE!
    Feb is just too far away and then another year for the last book.
    The wait will kill me.
    Love the cover and the excerpt . Thanks for sharing your talent with us


    Looooooved it! Thank you so much! I do agree with the others that the cover model’s hair should be light blonde since that’s Trent in the sexy suit!

  39. Katy

    I cant wait for the book to come out!!!

  40. dana

    thanks so much for the chapter one of the undead pool. love it…can’t wait to read the book. I love Rachel and trent together and I think the cover looks amazing.

  41. Pingback: Around The Bookish World: Week-In-Review | Book Lovers Inc.

  42. I LOVE the cover, Kim!!!
    Rachel, Trent, Rachel’s sexy outfit, and the magic orb that Rachel is holding in her hand—-all come together very well. It’s a winner!!!!

  43. Kim, this has been a fabulous week with the slow uncovering of the cover. It is perfect and fitting that it is Rachel and Trent together. It shows not only Rachel’s growth, but the growth of the relationship with Trent. That relationship has truly had its ups and downs over the years. I love where they are at now. I also think that they will always be in each other’s lives, one way or another. They’ve had a bond since the very beginning.

    Thank you for the first chapter – I devoured and enjoyed it. I’m looking forward to the read-along. I’ll be preparing for Monday by reading this weekend. 🙂

  44. katleen barker

    The picture of Trent is awesome , however he doesn’t have his blond hair.

  45. Sue

    OMG I LOVE the cover. I think this is my favorite cover of the series.

  46. Gina

    Freakin” loved the first chapter. What a start. Thank you, Kim!

  47. Barb

    Awesome, I enjoyed that so much, thank you! Can’t wait to do the readalong as well!

  48. Nici

    Thank you – loved the first chapter and hardly can wait for the next book. I think the cover portrays the situation on the golf course: Rachel defending Trent and he having her back, accepting her with all her flaws, but still being his own. Love it!

  49. Meredith

    That was so amazing!!! I feel like doing a happy dance! I want more now! You are my favorite author Kim!!!

  50. Lisa Gardner

    Oh my, I can’t wait until February….love some Rach and Trent together. ❤

  51. You have so totally outdone yourself with this one! The cover is beautiful, gorgeous colors. I love that Rachel is in the foreground ready to tackle anything that comes her way with Trent in the background watching her back. I think that Rachel has really come into her own now. Thanks so much for the way you did the cover reveal. That was sooo much fun!!

  52. gstroop1809

    Omg!! Swoon! I can not wait til February. Is it really still 5 months away?!?

  53. Pingback: Cover Spotlight: The Undead Pool |

  54. Diva

    Okay, I just want you to know that I have now re-read this chapter THREE times today. I should be able to recite it verbatim by February. Can you tell I’m not being terribly productive at work today? 😉

  55. Thank you for making my day!! That is a great cover, and the first chapter definitely makes me eager for the rest of the book. 🙂

  56. Absolutely can not wait until February!

  57. Birte

    Thanks Kim!!! This is such a great suprise. I just got home from a hard day of work (German time) and this will be my treat! Also, what a fantastic idea to do a read-along. You made my day. 🙂 Can’t wait to see what Rachel is up to. Best, Birte

  58. Iesha Dover

    You know I have been so quick to read the books, I buy them on ebook and jump right in. So it was not until this slow reveal of the cover that I see you have either allowed or chosen to let Rachel go blond. And not just blond but flat thin haired blond about as opposite as you can get. I really don’t understand why? was it marketing pressure? you pay such attention to her hair color and type in the book I am rather surprised to see such a traditional Marketing ploy on your web page and covers. I mean it’s your work so more power too you but am just surprised is all.

    • You know Iesha, I’m looking at the cover and she definitely looks red headed to me. I don’t see blonde at all. But I thought Trent would be blonde. He isn’t what I pictured.

    • Mel

      As a natural redhead, I can say that most of us don’t have bright or deep red hair unless it comes from a bottle.

  59. Sandy Pants

    Duuuude. That looks like my mental Trent. All blond and cool and schmexy. Great Great Great cover! Love it Kim!

  60. Celia Visser

    Awesome!!! And we get to see Al in the next chapter, it looks like. YAY!!!

  61. jkh

    Oh. My. Gosh. Not sure that your artist’s depiction of Trent’s nose or hair agrees with my mental picture, but it’s just the cover, beautiful as it is. And I am NOT GOING TO READ THE ENTIRE CHAPTER. I’m not, I’m not, I’m not …

  62. Jade/Third Coast

    Yes!! Yes!! Can’t wait!

  63. Jen

    OMG, this book can’t come out soon enough!!! Love it!!!!

  64. CJ

    Well. That was awesome!! Thank you, just what I needed before a couple long days at work on the weekend. Can’t wait to read the rest but I have faith it’ll be worth the wait.

  65. Tracie Wood

    I love the cover…but I like my versions of Rachel and Trent from my imagination better. 😉

    • Pamela

      I agree Tracie. The Trent and Rachel of my imagination doesn’t resemble this cover AT ALL! Isn’t it funny how we get a picture in our mind as we are reading and it may not be what the author intended.

  66. Siona DeSantis

    Sigh… Trent’s ok, but I still miss Kisten. There was such chemistry between Rach and Kisten and I was so in love with him. I don’t think I’ve ever taken a characters death so hard.

  67. It’s wonderful to have a paranormal fantasy book with two people on the cover (and not two scantily clad woman). I love the cover and I love the excerpt. The tension between Rachel and Trent over the course of the series keeps me coming back for more. I can’t wait until the full release in February!

  68. Christina Bachle

    GREAT cover!! But grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I can’t wait until it comes out!!! That first chapter tease is going to kill me until I can get my hands on the whole thing!! Thank you for all the hard work you do to keep your fans captivated.. So many series have left me disappointed when they get to the 5th or 6th book, but yours have never disappointed and always leave me with wanting more.

  69. Why did I read! Why didn’t I resist temptation! Now the long, long wait for the book release. *sigh*

  70. Joanie

    Hi Kim, I have all of your books and I love them!. I went to pre order this one at Amazon and it was more than $20.00! Wow! And the Kindle version was $16. Do you think the prices will come down at all? I m disabled and on a very limited income … that is just a lot of money for me and for a lot of other people.. Who prices these books anyway? shouldn’t the kindle version be a lot less? Thanks for sharing the first chapter and the cover!

  71. Oh, you tease. How’m I supposed to wait until this comes out now? I’m already wanting more.

  72. Angie D

    Ok love how Rachel looks but did the artist read the book to get an idea of how Trent should look??

    • Iesha Dover

      Did I miss something why is Rachel Blond??????????? Trent is not quite how I pictured him but I can see that but Rachel should have RED hair what’s up?

  73. Pingback: Cover and First Chapter for Kim Harrison’s THE UNDEAD POOL | Harper Voyager Books

  74. B

    So happy to see Trent standing up there with Rachel! He doesn’t look like what I pictured, but the chapter sneak-peek made up for that disappointment quickly! SO excited for February to get here like NOW!

  75. Jenny T

    More, more, more! Squee!, love it. Now what to do until Feb? I have already reread the series once, Audiobooks it is then!. Cover is Awesome

  76. Dian

    With this coming out in February, I foresee a great birthday for me!!

  77. Dian

    Such a tease! Can. Not. Wait. This is going to be sooooooo goooood!!

  78. Wow, that snippet was amazing! Thankyou Kim for sharing. I love the cover art. Ever After was a perfect book. I have read it 4 times already, can’t wait for 2014 to read your next novel!

  79. Love, love, love it!!! Can’t wait!

  80. Love the chapter. This is, by far, my favorite cover.

  81. Rhonda

    While I loved reading the excerpt, its almost worse that I could. February is a long way away 😦

  82. Lisa J

    I’m so glad it’s Trent; he is strong enough for her, and their shared history from childhood allows much more depth for the storyline. I can’t wait for the release of the book! 🙂

  83. Jennifer Hallman

    Kim, you have totally made my day! I was so surprised to get the chapter – Woohoo!!

    Sorry to be a pest after such a wonderful treat, BUT when do you think we might get more chapters? End of February is too far away!

  84. Beautiful cover and an awesome first chapter. Can’t wait … only 158 more days to go 🙂

  85. Ahhhhh, so much goodness! Can’t wait until February. Thanks for the cover and the excerpt. It’s awesome topped with awesome sauce.

  86. Krista

    Love the cover and the excerpt! Although some of the golf references were a little lost on me as I know next to nothing about golf.

    “Dirt and grass WAS still raining down, and people were running in from all points.”

  87. Can’t wait. I can see Mr. Limbcus so easily.

  88. Michelle

    LOVE IT!! So glad it’s Trent – and he looks great! Can’t wait for Feb book release! I’ can’t read chapter one.. it’s just too much of a tease! Don’t think my heart could take it! So I’m going to wait for the book! 🙂

  89. So amazing!! I’m DYING to read more!

  90. Xamida

    I’m happy because you give us the first chapter of the next book and I could bought “Ever After” in german today. 😀 But I’m a little bit sad, too because I hoped to see Al on the cover.

  91. Darcell Phoenix

    OMG I love it, I love those two together,,,,can’t wait…

  92. Look even here where you are quoting the book: “… but I doubted they were rating the way his shoulders pulled the soft fabric, or how the sun shone through his almost translucent blond hair drifting about his ears,…” I don’t see the “translucent blond hair”. I also don’t see his “fine hair” that can be floating in the air, as you have said in other books. His hair looks dark and chunky, and why the Don Johnson a la “Miami Vice” 3 day stubble? I mean, this guy is OK, as far as any ’80s Boy Band goes, but he doesn’t seem like Trent, UNLESS there is something in this book that says his “hair looked darker for some reason”. But that’s ok. I still have my imagination which won out over even the LOTR editions in the 80s where they had middle aged men photographed to look like Hobbits.

    • Hey Bella, in fact, Ever After mentions that his hair looks darker sometimes – “I eyed him standing behind the counter, his head almost touching the hanging utensils. His hair was darker than usual in the electric light, and his face was freshly shaven.” Suggests both that his hair appears darker in certain light and also that Rachel sees him with stubble at times and with freshly shaven skin at other times. I think everyone is allowed their own opinions of course on this cover and as you said no one can steal the character of your imagination, but that answers your questions on those two aspects. Personally, I find this Trent quite captivating and he’s welcome in my kitchen anytime.

  93. Shaddup! Trent! Love, love, love. Best cover yet!

  94. Dea

    ; } Thank you sooo much for the preview!! Fun, fun!

  95. Jeannie

    Wow!! yummmmmm factor on overdrive, can’t wait for the book!!!!!!!!

  96. mopraha

    OMG when does it come out? It’s seems soooooo goooood ! Can’t wait, more Trent and Rachel yay !

  97. Pingback: Kim Harrison’s THE UNDEAD POOL cover reveal continues all week! | Harper Voyager Books

  98. Becca


    “Premature releases” hahahahahahaha

  99. Vampyre

    The cover is the best ever. Each cover is better than the previous one it seems.

    As tempting as it is, I’ll pass on reading the first chapter. It’s like patato chips and I can’t just do one of those either. I’m an all or nothing kinda guy I guess. 🙂


  100. Missy

    What a tease you are….

  101. Danielle

    AHHH thank you!!

  102. Cassie

    Yay!!! Thank you so much for sharing the first chapter! I’m so excited to read the rest! Love the cover, even though I was sure it was Al!

  103. Felicia

    Yes, YES! A thousand times YES!

  104. Like the layout, bodies, and the face for Rachael, but … not so much the face for Trent (not very blonde either). That’s okay though. He is actually closer to my mental image of Kisten. Otherwise, quite happy! Now, off to find my copy of DWW!!!

  105. Lesley

    eeeee!!! *glomp*

    Now look. You’ve turned this 40-something woman into a squeeing fangirl. I hope you’re happy. 😉

  106. Christine

    Cover plus first chapter equals very excited and happy me! Love the progressions of the covers and how they show how Rachel has found more of herself with each book. Looking forward to reading along as well.

  107. Rachel

    Ooh Im on the edge of my seat…one of the best series I have ever read, cannot wait for the book

  108. C Roth

    Absolutely Fantastic!!!!

  109. Diana

    Wow! I just finished listening to Dead Witch Walking on audio and I loved it all over again. I must say though, as that has to be Trent on the cover, his hair is not translucent enough. Anticipating a great read……

    • Paula

      He is very handsome and I LOVE the more sophisticated Rachel!… However I wouldnt have known that was trent. His super blonde “down like hair” was one of his defining characteristics and Rachel’s fasination in every book.

      Kim loves it and approves, so all will be as it should. Each and everyone of us have an internal image of the characters. There is never going to be a pictoral portrayal that satisfies her many thousands of fans.

      We all will anxiously gobble up every word. I am very excited to do the reread of the series! Thank you Kim for letting us take this great ride with you.

  110. Cool, if I can convert my ebooks to Kindle I will join you 🙂

  111. Diva

    Trent AND the first chapter? My day? Made. Thanks for the TGIF treat!

  112. Tracey

    I’m ready for chapter 2

  113. Suprdink

    So many issues with how Trent looks. Why is he a brunette?! Why are his ears only very slightly pointed? OK, so only 2 issues. But they are huge. TRENT IS FAIR HAIRED BLONDE. Says so in third sentence. Why do publishers change the look of the characters?! It doesn’t help me love the book. But I’m excited anyway!

  114. Shelley

    I am soooo excited! The cover is beautiful (very happy it’s Trent!!), the first chapter is awesome, and now I officially cannot wait for this book to come out!! Thanks Kim : )

  115. Liz T.

    LOVE IT! Even though for some reason I can’t get the rest of the chapter to come up in the external link. 🙂

  116. jennifer McLaughlin

    I love these books! Rachel is my favorite character ever! I want her and trent together

  117. Jessica

    That made me ridiculously happy. I love Trent. 🙂 🙂 🙂

  118. Jason

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you. I love the series and am waiting patiently (barely) for this book to come out. Great job all around.

  119. Kim, Thanks : ) You are so totally awesome !!

  120. gigi staub

    Cannot Wait!!!!!!!!!!!! Love the cover!

  121. Kim, Thanks. You are so awesome !!

  122. Thank you!
    Do you still have a G+ page?

  123. tammygir

    Such a tease I want more more more…. Sad the series will be ending

  124. That is a very awesome cover. Nice to track Rachel’s growth through the covers too.

    So here is the question I have, now that we see her face, does your cover artist use a model?

  125. old72jim

    Hi Ms. Kim-I am SO disappointed! I was sure it was Rachel kicking Al’s butt for all the times he harassed her.

    • KrissyKat

      I will always enjoy everything Kim writes (especially in the Hollows series) but I was a little disappointed too. I’m an Al fan, and his character was developing so well….. Of course, no matter what she chose, someone would be disappointed!

  126. Linda Craft

    Trent in checks and pastels? wish I could see that one 🙂

  127. Carey

    OMG, Miss Kim!!! Thank you!!!

  128. Kathryn Koch


  129. Jessica S

    is it just me or does the guy’s ears look pointed a little? If so, could that be Trent? Awesome cover the best by far. The artist outdid him/herself

  130. SQUEEE!!!!!!!! Trent & Rachel FINALLY Dating!!!!! That cover is AWESOME! and you have made this fan extremely happy!

  131. Colette

    That cover is perfect, just perfect.

  132. Charlene Brasuell

    This is an awesome cover, can’t wait to own the book. Just don’t want the series to end it’s my favorite, I love all of your books thanks.

  133. Jocelyn Barnette

    Thank you!!!!! I can’t wait to read the first chapter! The cover is beautiful, and I can’t wait for the read-along!

  134. Hayley Lofton

    Woohooooooo! Love it! Counting the days!!!

  135. Lynn

    Squeee! Love the cover and a little taste of the story just made my day!

  136. Oh Kim!!! Love it…her…him…them!!!!

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