Slow start, fast finish?

I’m getting a very slow start this morning as I baby myself back into the swing of things.  New York is fabulous, but the energy there drains me and I usually come back slow and sluggy until I can recharge.   I do have a couple of cool things for you, the first being that the picture pages for Comic Con are up.  I had a great time getting out and to NY.  I don’t get to the East Coast very much, so it was a treat.  Two panels, two official signings at the Harper and Del Rey booth, and lots of interviews that will be popping up as they hit the internet: it made for a very busy weekend.  Comic Con NY pictures.  There are no readers like NY readers.  You guys are fabulous!  Thank you for coming out to see me.  🙂

Also, new link to I09 article on Friday’s panel.  check it out!  

If you have been haunting my FB page, you know that I have promised you the tour cities for A PERFECT BLOOD.   I’m so excited!  There are a lot of new venus this time.  Just so you know, I don’t have a whole lot of say in the matter, but my promotion person tells me that she lurks on my FB and watches where the requests for signing come in, so asking me to come to your state (on FB) is not an exercise in futility.  -laugh-  Even my PR person listens to you!

Kim’s tentative tour schedule for A PERFECT BLOOD: 10-City Author Tour:
Boulder/ Denver
Ft. Lauderdale/Miami
Los Angeles,
San Diego
San Francisco
Washington, DC

If your city is not on the list, do keep in mind that this is the “first draft” and it can, and likely will, change.  I am thrilled that things are moving forward already, and I’m getting excited about freebies and tour -t’s.  Look for the T’s come late November.  Guy and I are kicking around ideas, and I’m thinking gray and silver . . .

Today, though, I’m digging back into the final few chapters of the next Hollows book in the schedule after A PERFECT BLOOD.  It’s looking good.  Nothing like a week of forced separation to get the ideas flowing!


Filed under Drama Box

93 responses to “Slow start, fast finish?

  1. James R. Fox

    Hi Ms Kim- Its JIm from Warren Wanted to let you know I won’t be here after tomorrow. Can’t afford the internet provider. I hope to be bak in Jan-feb of 2012. In the meantime, write happy,teach Alex and Zander Russian (Russian dogs say “Gav,Gav”) according to Ms Alexa, whose English is good enough she works as a translator. It’s much better than Ms. Selene’s.Finally,I send a New Years wish that You have little or no lower back pain, the same for Guy

    • Jim, I’m so sorry to hear that. I know how important the internet can be to “get out” and talk to people. Perhaps you can find an outlet near you in the form of a coffee house or library.

      You take care.

  2. It was absolutely wonderful to get to meet you Kim. Loved hearing you on the panel too….a great group of very down to earth honest and funny authors. It was truely an honor.

    I can’t stop showing off my picture in the Hollows Insider….”oh and look….I have photo credits too”…such a super fan dork, but proud of it!!!!

  3. Comic Con was a blast indeed. My feet are still feeling the rigors of the event, but every time I look at all my great books (including my signed copy of Blood Work, wooohooo!) I get all excited.

    I was not surprised Al had his own cheering squad. Seriously, the demon is glorious, isn’t he? He might be a bit murderous and annoying at times, but who’s perfect?

    It was sooo nice to see have you in New York 🙂 I’m still bragging about it, as you can see here:

    • This is why I wear boots, Magaly. They don’t quite go with my clothes, but my feet feel great at the end of the day.

      Hey! I remember you! Now I have a face for the name. 🙂 Hope to see you again sometime.

  4. I almost fell out of my chair when I read Miami/Ft. Lauderdale might be one of your tour stops!! *crosses fingers and toes*

  5. Hoping our state will be added in the near future!!! We have a while still so I’m keeping my fingers crossed!!!!!! : )

  6. Jan V.

    This is so cool. A visit to Ann Arbor for “The Hollows Insider”. And Detroit for “A Perfect Blood”. I will see you and Guy at both, Kim. Am so excited!!!!

  7. Ritz

    Hurray, Boston!!

  8. That panel was great! Really funny. Jessica and I were trying to play “Protect the Posterboard Sign” in the same row as the woman in your picture. lol Amazing group of authors for that panel and such great info we learned from all of you. Plus couldn’t stop laughing at some of the answers. Would love all of you back next year.

    • It was such a great Day!!! Thanks again for taking the time to meet with Jason and I! I(and for the extra goodies) *grins* I will officially be having a Kim Harrison/Hollows wall in my new house. Bill will get over it. And the Poster Board made it home just fine!!!!!

    • I hope to be able to come back, Jason. it was a great weekend. Jessie, I’m so glad the poster made it home! Yay!

  9. Wonderful! another trip to Atlanta for something other than business. I hope the dates will work out so I can visit.

  10. THANK YOU for putting DC on the list, I can’t wait!!!

  11. Dawn

    Ever think of visiting the deep south like Mobile or New Orlean I could get to either from here. 😉

  12. AKR (Trinidad)

    Wow … I can’t wait to see the final list …
    Any chance there’ll be a Canadian stop ..? lol
    Maybe I’ll be able to make it to one of those locations… 🙂
    I’m looking forward to A Perfect Blood ….
    But I must say knowing there was Blood Work and The Hollow’s Insider … really helped with the wait …
    ❤ ❤ ,3

    AKR (Trinidad)

  13. Carolyn Peabody

    you should seriously come to Ocean City, Maryland. mostly cuz im ten minutes away from there and my mom wont wanna drive all the way to DC…

  14. Kim

    YAY!! I might be able to get to the Boston signing. WOO HOO! And my birthday is in February, so I might be able to make a birthday holiday out of it… depending on WHEN the actual signing is.

  15. Lizzy

    I have this reoccurring dream that I check the cities on here and there is an announcement that you will be doing a group signing in Toronto (or even better Buffalo, but apparently my dreams try to insert some realism) with Kelley Armstrong, Lynsay Sands, and Jim Butcher.

    Aw well, it’s a nice dream.

    • Toronto is not out of the question, Lizzy. I had some stops on the tour earlier, but there was a glitch and I’m not confident enough to list them now. We’ll see.

  16. Peruses list of cities. Notices Tuscon missing but hopes that it might make List Two.

    Thinks, “Hmmm, a trip to San Diego might be nice. Lovely weather – all that sea air. Good for the constitution.”

  17. Tim Collins

    Hi! Glad you had Fun at the Big Apple!
    Uhmmmm… Do not see Baltimore on your list….
    Maybe if we kidnapped “Barry Manalow” for you, you could swing by? “At the Copa-copahanna, the hottest spot north of Havanna…!” See ya! Tim

  18. None of those dates are in Iowa… I’m going to go plaster your FB page now. Midwesterner’s get none of the fun. I swear!

    I’m still working on supplemental material for my novel. Just getting things together so if I ever have to stop and wonder how a character would react, I can say… ah, but here it is!

  19. Antonio

    I know you’ve been to Dayton plenty of times, and I’m not surprised it’s been left off this tour…but no Cincinnati visit either? You gotta add Cincy, if at all possible.

    Did you do anything different for fun in NY this visit? I remember you visited a navy ship(and submarine) one year, if I’m not mistaken. 😎

    • Yes, it is kind of conspicuous. Don’t write me off yet. 🙂

      I didn’t get out at all this year. However, I did hit the street a lot more and am starting to recognize things. That’s always a good thing. NY is big, but if you stay in the same area, it feels smaller.

  20. so glad you had a great time in new york. i ctually got to view some video and it was awesome!! A little disapoited that your coming nowwhere even close to here,but maybe it will change. was hoping at least close enough i could talk hubby into a little trip lol.Ill keep hoping! Have fun wiht your book!

  21. Darn.. move from the west coast to Tucson (used to live an hr. from SF) and now yer doing the book signing there. Too bad I’ll miss it.. Love all your hollows series so far, and have the insider on pre. as well.

  22. Welcome Home. Wow, looks like NY was an energy packed fun time. The crowd looks massive! Looks like Richard Kadrey was near you. His book comes out the same day as yours I believe.
    I’m anxiously awaiting October 25, I pre-ordered THE HOLLOWS INSIDER and can’t wait till it arrives.

    Seems the PERFECT BLOOD tour will miss Chicago/NW Indiana, but hopefully you’ll have another signing in Michigan and I can road trip out in the spring 🙂

    Have a great week. You must be excited with the release a mere 8 days away.

  23. Glad to see Atlanta on the schedule! Hope it will be at Dragon Con!

  24. Hi Kim! We’ll totally try to visit your LA signing. Missy’s pumpkins are in full bloom, but haven’t gotten beyond that so probably no pumpkins this year — but they always make me think of you. I hope your pumpkins are doing well.

    ~Suzi and Missy, too

  25. Ahhh I’m so excited you’re coming to DC! I immediately called my friend who I went with when I made the schlep to see you in Oklahoma! Maybe I can get her to come make the trip this way for the signing!

  26. Ronda Hendershot

    What?!?? No Porkopolis? I will keep waiting. 😉

  27. We always love you in Cincinnati! Of course I drove to Chicagoland the last time for the Supernatural Summer tour. Hurry Back!

  28. OMG Kim your coming to Boston! I’m so excited.. I literally got teary eyed!.. The happy kind :}

    So glad you had fun in NY. Gonna go check out more pics and videos. It all looks amazing.

    Time for a Chai Latte to celebrate. w00t!

  29. James R. Fox

    Hi Ms, Kim Its Jim from warren. I don’t use facebook,they fouled up my account.and now I can’t seem to get support to correct it,(They don’t associate my password with my username anymore) I have to tell your PR person that we have several people in Warren who read,on this page.And then there’s moi,who has readed every word you write on the Hollows. (Thats Much better than reading) Of course we don’t have a bookstore in Warren we don’t have THAT many people who read.(It’s really rural out here, plant our potatoes by the dark of the moon, and wear long-handle undies) Well have a totally fun week.

  30. Would you consider a European Tour as well? It would make you half a world closer. You have a lot overseas-readers too.

    Also, preordered A Perfect Blood. Counting months now.

  31. Heather

    FINALLY! You’re coming back to FL. It will be beautiful by the time you get here! I’ll be selling some family members to come down

    • Seriously! I’m excited about it. 🙂 For all its issues, Detroit has a core of steel. I love that Chrysler commercial, especially the long one that they debut at the Super Bowl last year.

  32. Jenny

    Looks like a great trip. I like the poster for Al since I’m an Al fan too. I’m still hoping for story behind the butterflies to pop up somewhere. 🙂

  33. jenetta

    Yay!! You are coming to Seattle!! I’ll be there!

  34. Come to St. Louis!!!!! We’d love to see you!!!

  35. Mal

    Washington DC – awesome!!! I’m in Northern Virginia and can’t wait!

  36. Would love you to come back to the Twin Cities in Minnesota. Mall of America would be great. My daughter Keeley and I were at the book signing for Black Magic Sanction and we had a wonderful time.
    Can hardly wait for the Hollows Insider!!!!!!!
    Thanks for writing soch wonderful stories that I can escape into when I really need the down time.

  37. Excited to see DC on that list! I got a friend addicted to this series, so I’ll have to drag her along. : )

  38. Though I am sad to see that the closest you will be is either Detroit or Denver I can say I am ecstatic about the new book release. I may not get to meet you on this tour, since I’m evidently lost in no-man’s-land (i.e. the mid-west), but my fingers are still crossed for a Kansas City visit. We may not be a big town, but we have the best fans in the world. (We in fact hold a Guinness record for the loudest at a sporting event 😉 ) So, I think I’ll work on rallying the troops, and continue hoping!
    Until then, thank you ma’am for the wonderful reading, and truly amazing escapes your books provide!
    Hope the jet lag doesn’t last too long for you. I know it’s the pits!

  39. I agree with Virginia, so excited that you are coming to Washington D.C. I know a lot of people who will be joining me for that book signing! Can’t wait for February!

  40. Lody

    Boston is on there! Omg I can’t wait. And def can’t wait to read the book 🙂

  41. Oh my goodness!! I am so excited for the Washington D.C. stop! That’s still about a two hour drive for me, but it is well worth it!!! Squee!!!

  42. I’m so glad you’re coming to the Detroit area. I found the Hollows series last summer, and I can’t get enough of Rachel Morgan, so I bought Your young adult series for my daughter. I read them first because she’s 10, and that’s sort of my job. Although I loved them, she’ll need a few years before she can really understand the concepts. I can’t wait ’till she’s old enough to enjoy your books as much as I do.

    • Sarah, that is fabulous that you read your daughter’s books before her. Then you can answer any questions she has in context. Good for you. I hope to see you at a signing. 🙂 And thank you!

  43. Howdy ma’am,

    No matter how much fun traveling is, Dorothy said it best, “There’s no place like home.” Welcome back!

    I see Atlanta on the tour list. I might be able to do that. It’s a bit closer than Charlotte. I’m a little afraid of the huge crowd you’ll get there. Still it’s doable if it’s not a Friday Saturday or Sunday.


  44. I literally flailed with happiness when I saw Washington D.C. on your list! I might have also let out a little squeak, too… my office mate is still looking at me like she might need to have me committed.

    This has totally cured my case of the Mondays. APB in February, and The Hollows Insider next week! Thank you for being so awesome!