Graphic Novel Tease

You might have heard me mention before that we have gone to the inking stage of the graphic novel.  They are starting to come in.  🙂  I got the okay from my publisher to release a couple of pages, and I wanted to show you this one.  It is Rachel and Ivy’s first meeting, but the reason I wanted to show you was because it has a visual representation of Ivy going vampy.  It’s easy to describe how a person feels when a vampire pulls an aura on you, the close, clammy sweat, the feeling of presence, the idea that the vampire is right next to you though they are a half a room away.  Now try drawing that feeling.  Pedro was one of the few artists that even tried, and what he came up with was one of the reasons that I wanted to work with him.  Mmmmmm, delish.  So here is one of the early panels of the graphic novel, due out summer 2011.  It takes place in the I.S. building, that’s Devon being an ass, and of course, a cheerful Rachel, and peeved Ivy, pulling an aura on Devon when he threatens her.


Filed under Drama Box

47 responses to “Graphic Novel Tease

  1. Niiiiice….. *rubbing my palms together* Can’t wait for the graphic novel… *grin*

  2. Krysta

    How awesome!
    I actually came across the Hollows series because my dad bought me The Outlaw Demon Wails, thinking it looked like the kind of book I’d read (I’m a total Buffy the Vampire Slayer nerd).
    I started reading it and felt confused since I was jumping in to the middle of an ongoing series, so I found the first book and started from the beginning, and fell in love!
    I’ve yet to read Black Magic Sanction, but plan to do so over the summer.
    I will be buying the graphic novels too.
    How exciting!!!

  3. Hi Kim 🙂

    Oooh very cool!! It looks like thick ribbons of smoke – but as sinews or muscle fibers instead – and then very solid. Palpable. And…intimidating. I like that it’s drawn connected to her shoulder and chest. Like strong emotion formed into an arm and reached out to wrap around Dennon’s neck. But a sexy arm.(LOL) Hmmm – but that sexy arm is really Ivy’s anger wrapped in the appearance of sex. …um, wow! It’s really nicely done, Kim!

    A couple of questions: Can a vampire get upset without pulling an aura? And conversely, can a vampire pull an aura when calm?

    How is your knee since its cringe worthy altercation with that poisonous thorn? (You had me at ¼ inch thorn – but poisonous and needing to be pulled out with tweezers! OMGosh OW!!) Dude, your boss has no sympathy at all! 😉

    • Hi, Tiffany. I liked how Pedro drew her pulling an aura. It’s a lot of why I wanted to work with him. With practice, a vampire can get upset without pulling an aura, but pulling one when calm is a lot harder.

      My knee is fine, thanks! Every last bit of tenderness is gone.

  4. Jessica Santiago

    “Could you do me a favor? Just kill me…please”- Adrian Monk

    -.- The waiting is just about killing me lol….slowly and painfully. I am sooo excited for the release of this graphic novel. The artwork is incredible! ((On a side note, placing the Dawn Cook books next to The Hollows series actually helped out nieghborhood kids “discover” them, and we actually have them on backorder for our store lol))

    • HI, Jessica. I liked that show. 🙂

      Ooooh, very cool on the placement of the Dawn Cook books! Thank you so much! I really appreciate that.

  5. I love graphic novels. Can’t wait for this one. If the ink looks this good, the color version is going to be awesome! So cool, having a visual for the Hollows, Ivy, Rachel and Jenks.

  6. Nancy H

    Love the aura pic!!! Way cool!

  7. Hello Mrs. Harrison, 🙂

    This is a super treat after a long double shift. 😀 Thank you. And, it’s opened up a ton of questions!! Lol. Firstly, the drawings are great. I don’t know if the artist reads your blog but you can certainly shower him with compliments from South Africa.
    Right, I realize that because this is a graphic novel some things needs to be ‘visually’ representated and is this what is happening here or does the person on who an aura’s being pulled actually ‘see’ this aura or just sense it? Kind of like in the van in Book 4 when Ivy asks Rachel if she should confirm whether or not her vamp virus is still locked in her blood after her scar’s disappeared. *reads sentence and sighs* It doesn’t make a lot of sense, I hope you get what I mean, lol. I’m tired and translating worse than usual. 😉
    Anyway, thank you for this, it’s a real pleasure. I hope that you and your family are well, and ja, just thanks again for everything that you share with us,


    • Hi, Alyssa. Denon can’t see it, no, but he can sense it all right. To visually represent that he can’t see it is harder, and I’m hoping that because Rachel looks happy and unconcerned that the reader will know that it’s not visual. Fingers crossed. 😉

  8. Joelle

    Delish really does sum it up in one word. I have never been one to go in for the graphic novel but I am intrigued to see the Hollows and all that dwell there.

  9. JanisHarrison

    That is super. Absolutely love the “pulling an aura” shot. It does illustrate both the feelings and the physical relativity of Ivy and Denon. And his expression is perfectissimo.

  10. There has to be a limit to teasing Kim. I’m having a hard time waiting for 2011, and what, you have shown us three pages of GN? Mercy!

    Now i see why you picked Mr. Pedro. I can only imagine the coloured version looks even better. Apart from the aura, i am amazed that with so few lines he managed Ivy looking so strong. While Devon’s muscles look all for show, hers exude understated strength.

    I hope to see more, if possible. Like Rachel’s reaction to, say, an aura? I think you’ll keep on teasing us. 🙂

  11. Karen

    Looks good! I’m so excited for the full volume!

  12. Jemma

    Ooooh! That page is goooooooorgeous! (And I love that Ivy has a Tiffany lamp in her office.)

    Thanks so much for the preview. 🙂


  13. Chelikins

    You did luck out with a talented artist! His drawings are amazing. Hope your day is going well. Is it Feb yet?

    • I don’t know if it was as much luck as persistence, Chelikins. I looked at a LOT of them. And then I was really fussy with Ivy until he got her exactly the way I wanted.

  14. mudepoz

    The drawings are so clear and vivid. Once the color is added…the artist is incredible.

    I can’t wait. The illustrations are so much more than the bookcovers!

  15. Indy

    That is too cool!!! I can’t wait. 🙂

  16. Vampyre

    Howdy ma’am,

    Thank you so much for posting that. I’m really looking forward to getting it for my KIndle, Just kidding.(about the Kindle part)

    Thanks for opening up the comments today. I know it’s temporary and you’re super busy these days but I really do miss this. I understand the reasons though, there are only so many hours in a day. 🙂


    • I’m glad you like it, Vampy.

      Having the comments closed most days has really helped. I’m pushing forward a lot faster these days, but I do miss it.

  17. TheLilBrownGirl

    SWEETNESS?! Love the aura idea!

  18. Mendi in STL

    Heyde Hey,

    COOOL! *drools* 😀

  19. Cathy

    I’ve only recently gotten into the idea of graphic novels and I’m thrilled that you’re publishing one! Everyone reading a book has an image in their mind of how the characters look and it can be exhilarating or awful depending on whether their renderings match up with what you as the reader see in your mind’s eye. Same thing as when one of of your favorite books is made into a movie and you think “why the *#&!(@$)” did they cast him/her in that part? Interestingly enough, I never could get a really clear image of Ivy in my mind so this will be how I picture her when I re-read the books and when #9 comes out (if I survive the wait, ha ha).

    Just as an aside, I have to tell you how much I enjoy your blog every day. It is rare for artists to allow you a glimpse into their life and their creative process. My boss’s wife is an author and I checked her website and was very disappointed to find that she didn’t have a blog on it. I told him how much I enjoy yours (and how it enriches my appreciation of your work) and was there a reason she didn’t do one on hers and he said it was simply a matter of not having the time. So I doubly applaud you for taking the time out of your very busy schedule to keep your fans up-to-date.


    • Hi Cathy. One of the reasons I wanted to do a graphic novel was to see if I could enjoy another artist’s representations of “my” world and character. I do. 😉 And though I was picky on Ivy, I was not with a few other characters, and I like them as well. I’m hoping that the readers are as accepting. We’ll see. It’s sort of a testing of the waters for possible future offers.

      I don’t know now if I could come into this bloging cold and make time for it if I’d never done it before, but I’ve been doing this since 2001, (before bloging was a word) and it’s a part of my life now. I hope I can always keep it up.

  20. Jennie

    I have got the biggest smile on my face right now. Thank you. I can’t wait for this to come out. I got one of Jim Butcher’s graphic novels and I really enojoyed it, then I heard about this one and just about jumped out of my seat. My husband gave me one of those looks that say ” Do I need to call someone to bring a white jacket with long sleeves”? Needless to say….. I’m very excited. LOL.

  21. Judi in NJ

    Hot. It’s just….hot. Super excited for the GN release! Just to comment briefly on yesterday’s pic. Only YOU could get a pic of a snail and a slug side-by-side “racing”!! Truly! Of all the wildlife you’ve captured, this takes the, er, slime. ;P Love it!

  22. Shanda

    So far it’s looking good. That’s the thing about reading a book. You come up with how a character looks in your head. It’s interesting to see other people’s visual interpretations of those same characters.

    • It is interesting to see someone else’s ideas of how the character looks, I agree Shanda. There are still a few things I would have tweaked, but you have to let go and just enjoy it sometimes.

  23. That is so unexpected… and great!
    I love the way the action plays out: the finger pointing/smile/hand on desk expression switching from Denon to Ivy (with very different consequences – nice role reversal), the representation of the aura (and the way we can still see both characters’ expression through its haze – love Denon’s face behind the “hair”) and cheery Rachel (gotta love her, period)!
    I also like the suggestion of muscles on Ivy, very lean and yet the shoulder’s curve implies strenght.

    Thumbs up to the artists (you and Pedro)!
    I can’t wait for it to come out!

    • *smacks her forehead*

      That’s so funny! I just realised that I’ve been working on comics on and off this week for an upcoming game. We just received the inked version. What a coincidence!

    • Hi, Aheila. You noticed the role reversal, eh? -grin- yes, Denon needs to learn a few things. That restraint is not a weakness, for one.